GTC Planning Committee - Minutes

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Wayne County Courthouse

July 21, 2005


James Brady, Wayne County

Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

David Woods, Livingston County

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council


Richard Beers, FHWA, representing Robert Griffith

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large, representing Michael Garland

Tom Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Paul Johnson

John Thomas, City of Rochester, representing George Stam


Jeffrey Adair, Monroe County

Mark Aesch, RGRTA

Philip Brito, FAA

Glenn Cooke, Seneca County

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority

Fred Humphrey, Wyoming County

Tracy Logel, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Kenneth Rush, Orleans County

Larry Stid, Rochester City Planning Commission

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council

(Vacant), FTA

(Vacant), Yates County

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

(Vacant), City of Rochester At Large


Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Mikaela Engert, GTC Staff

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Brian Lakeman, GTC Staff

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Brian Sherman, NYSDOT Region 4

James Stack, GTC Staff

Robert Traver, NYSDOT Region 4


1. Call to Order & Introductions

David Woods, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. and asked all attendees to observe a moment of silence for Deputy Mayor Jeff Carlson. Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

John Thomas requested a correction be made on page 5 of the minutes to identify the ITS Implementation Plan as the AVL Implementation Plan.

Terrence Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the April 21, 2005 Planning Committee meeting with the correction; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as corrected.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

         The preliminary results from the NYSMPO staffing and operations survey were received and are being reviewed for relevance to the GTC Strategic Plan. Monthly strategic plan meetings among staff are being held and outcomes will be incorporated in the plan.

Bob Torzynski will start as the GTC Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Manager on August 1. Bob has experience in Bicycle/Pedestrian project management, air quality planning, financial administration, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners

         GTC staff is compiling and reviewing in-house resources plans, projects, studies, and other materials for inclusion in A Rural County Resource Development Initiative (ARTIC). A memo documenting an organization, presentation, and maintenance framework for ARTIC has been drafted and is being refined

         Preliminary questions for the Transportation Safety Information Analysis survey of information providers have been drafted and are being refined. A transportation planning and safety forum sponsored by the NYSMPO and FHWA was held in Poughkeepsie on June 8 and 9, providing some additional direction for the project

         The LRTP graphic design consultant has provided GTC staff with a draft cover for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee Finger Lakes Region: 2005-2025. GTC staff has developed an outline for a performance measurement framework. The purpose of this document will be to track improvements and transportation system performance via the NYSDOT-provided annual obligation list and the performance measures included in the LRTP, respectively

         GTC received notification on June 14 from FHWA and FTA that the Rochester Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) received a positive conformity determination for the current LRTP and TIP. The air quality consultant has provided best practices for CMAQ selection criteria. James Stack will attend FHWA training on August 2 and 3. GTC received a letter from NYSDOT Main Office stating that GTC should assume a $3 million per year allocation of CMAQ funds. This figure is based on the annual allocation to the Syracuse MSA and GTC staff does not feel this number is indicative of what the Rochester MSA will receive given the larger population and probable revised CMAQ obligation in the reauthorization. The Center for Environmental Information received notification from USEPA that Rochester will receive a Community Action for Renewal of the Environment grant that will include funds for addressing emissions from Rochester City School District vehicles

         GTC Staff will begin scheduling interviews with the county IDAs and the City of Rochester as part of Transportation and Industrial Access. Four interviews were conducted close to two years ago. Summaries of those interviews will be provided and if situations have changed dramatically, interviews will be conducted again

         A scope of work for the Bicycle & Pedestrian Supportive Code Language projects will be presented later in the agenda for Planning Committee review

         The RFP for the Greater Rochester Transportation Operations and Management Organization Feasibility Study was published in the May 16 edition of the NYS Contract Reporter. One response was received by the June 15 deadline from IBI Group. The Steering Committee reviewed the proposal and concurred that IBI Group had the capacity to conduct the study. Authorization to execute a contract with IBI Group to conduct the study will be requested from the RGRTA Board of Commissioners on August 4. GTC staff also received a letter from a consultant stating that the price was too low to properly conduct the study. The project is expected to begin in September

         The three studies that comprise the 2004-05 Priority Trails Advancement project are advancing. Steering Committee kickoff meetings, trail walk/site visits, and second steering committee meetings have been held. An initial public meeting was held for the Oatka Creek Trail on June 9, one is scheduled for the Lakeville-to-Livonia Trail on August 8, and a September public meeting is being discussed for the Genesee Riverway-Downtown to Lower Falls Trail. John Thomas added that the Genesee Riverway study has the potential to be coordinated with other studies and projects in the Genesee River corridor

         The Rochester Bicycling Club (RBC) is rating roads in the Rochester TMA that will be included in the inventory component of the On-Street Bicycle Facilities Opportunities Review. RBC expects to have the ratings completed by October 1

         A technical memo discussing federal requirements and national best practices has been produced for the NYSMPO Congestion Management System (CMS) Study. A statewide peer forum for MPO staff is scheduled for mid-September. The GTC CMS Plan will incorporate the findings of the NYSMPO study and be an integral part of the LRTP performance measurement framework

         A scope of work for the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Yates County will be presented later in the agenda for Planning Committee review

         Staff has selected Integrating Safety in Transportation Planning as the topic for the FY 2005-06 Transportation Information Resources project. A draft has been produced by GTC intern Jon Stover, a Cornell graduate who will begin work on a masters degree in planning at the University of Pennsylvania in August

         GTC staff revised the TIP Management Enhancement Study technical memo on best practices and sent it to the TDC on May 19 for review and comment. This technical memo will be combined with the first technical memo on existing processes and an executive summary to create the final document. Follow-on activities include GTC staff working with the TDC to create a TIP procedures manual for Planning Committee review and recommendation to the GTC Board

         GTC staff is assisting the Town of Victor and Ontario County on the trails component of a town-wide recreation plan

         GTC Staff completed the inventory of existing and planned conditions for the Village of Spencerports South Side Waterfront Redevelopment Concept Plan

         GTC Staff is working with NYSDOT Region 4 on the TEP selection process for the region; a new solicitation of projects is expected shortly after reauthorization

         GTC received guidance from FHWA on demonstrating fiscal constraint and incorporated it into the 2005-2010 TIP document


David Zorn reported:

         Data collection for the 2004 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report is complete and the production of the final report is underway

         The second Steering Committee meeting for the Preparing Village Main Streets for Planning project was held on July 14. Two pilot communities (Newark and Scottsville) were selected and a meeting with one occurred earlier this month

         A technical committee for the Optimizing Transportation Infrastructure through Effective Land Use project has met and is in the process of identifying corridors to be included in the study

         The final report for the Regional Atlas will be presented later in the agenda for Planning Committee recommendation to the Board. The document is being printed and will include 250 hard copies and 500 CDs

Livingston County


David Woods reported:

         The Horizontal Alignment Safety Study is progressing per the approved scope of work


Monroe County

Tom Goodwin reported:

         The final report for the 2004 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring project for will be presented later in the agenda for Planning Committee recommendation to the Board

         Analysis of the count results for the Monroe County Parking Study is continuing and the project is on schedule for completion by the end of 2005

Terry Rice inquired about the analysis. Tom Goodwin responded that a statistical consultant has been retained and is conducting the analysis

Terry Rice reported:

         The consultant has completed analyses of six locations for the Pedestrian Activity Safety Study and 18 additional locations will be analyzed

Scott Leathersich reported:

         The consultant for the Ballantyne Road Corridor Study is developing alternatives for public outreach with a public meeting to be scheduled for late summer/early fall

Ontario County

Kris Hughes reported:

         The Steering Committee for the Canandaigua Regional Transportation Study met on July 25 to review the results of GTC TransCAD travel demand model analysis of proposed improvements. The project is progressing to conclusion

City of Rochester

John Thomas reported:

       A draft manual for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study is being developed for use in community charettes

       City Council selected a consultant for the Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study on June 14. An internal meeting was held with consultants. The City is redoing the Port Master Plan and this will be coordinated with the study. Monroe County offered to conduct traffic counts this summer

       The City is developing the final report for the ITS Implementation Plan that will recommend using a radio-based AVL system as opposed to a cell phone-based one


No progress reported.

Seneca County

Richard Perrin reported:

         There has been no progress on the State Route 96/State Route 318 Rural Corridor Study Phase I

Wayne County

James Brady reported:

         An executed contract is in place with the selected consultant for the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study. The project will begin in August

Wyoming County


Richard Perrin reported:

         Termination of the contract with the consultant for the Transportation & Scenic/Historic Resources project in Wyoming County is complete. GTC staff will contact Wyoming County to begin conducting the remaining project tasks next month


Yates County

Richard Perrin reported:

        Yates County has assigned a new project manager to the Route 14A Corridor Study

Other Agencies

         The Regional Traffic Count Collection project is a four-county effort. Ontario County is progressing their portion of the project in-house. Wayne and Livingston counties have developed an RFP and will meet this month. Monroe County will restart their counts in September

b.      Any Other Old Business or Announcements

         Kris Hughes informed members that Maria Rudzinski, Senior Planner with the Ontario County Planning Department, is recovering from her injury and should be back to work in a few weeks.

         Joan Dupont asked about the City of Rochesters River Street project. John Thomas responded that the City will be proceeding with design components of the project

         Richard Perrin informed members that no applications were received by the April 29 deadline for the Regionally Significant Corridors Program

GTC received the final federal certification document from FHWA and FTA. An executive summary was distributed to GTC Board. The primary recommendation included in the certification document was for GTC to begin publishing an annual list of obligations. GTC staff will work with NYSDOT Region 4 to obtain the obligation list and publish it on the GTC website

5. Planning Committee Action Items

a.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning Adopting the FY 2005-2006 UPWP Update / Proposed Council Resolution 05-18

Richard Perrin stated that this is the same program of projects recommended by the Planning Committee for 30-day public review at its April 21 meeting. No comments were received during the public review period that was held from April 25 through May 24.

This update is an addendum to the FY 2004-05 and 2005-06 UPWP that was developed because additional federal planning funds were allocated to the region through extensions to TEA-21. Federal planning funds are a one-percent takedown of the five core funding programs Highway/Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation, Surface Transportation Program, Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality.

The ninth, and most recent, extension to TEA-21 was passed on July 19.

There is currently discussion in Congress of reallocating all of the funding for the last two months of the federal fiscal year from the five core programs to Congressional earmarks.

If this were to happen, GTC would receive approximately $215,000 less in federal planning funds. This would result in an approximately 30% reduction of GTC revenues and impact GTC operations. GTC staff has identified offsets to the potential revenue loss using rollover from the FY 04-05 budget and delaying the Regional Goods Movement Strategy included in the proposed FY 2005-06 UPWP Update.

Richard asked for any comments on the proposed FY 2005-06 UPWP Update document.

Kris Hughes noted that Ontario County should be listed as a participating agency for the Route 250 Corridor Study (Task 7570).

Scott Leathersich commented that the Accident Rate Database Project (Task 4380) meets the LRTP objective of increasing safety and security and that this should be reflected in the matrix displaying the relationship of UPWP projects to LRTP objectives page 30.

David Woods noted that the Friends of the Genesee Valley Greenway should be listed as a participating agency for the Erie-Attica Bridge and Trail project (Task 6521).

Richard stated that all three comments would be incorporated into the document presented to the Board for approval on September 8.

James Fletcher moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 05-18; Joan Dupont seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning Accepting final project reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks

1. Accepting the report, 2004 Land Use Report for Monroe County, as evidence of the completion of UPWP Task 4210 / Proposed Council Resolution 05-19

Tom Goodwin reviewed the project purpose and methodology. He also gave an overview of the analysis and the sources of information contained in the report.

Edward Muszynski moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 05-19; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

2. Accepting the Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Atlas as evidence of the completion of UPWP Task 5810 / Proposed Council Resolution 05-20

David Zorn reviewed and summarized the Regional Atlas project and noted that distribution was expected in August.

John Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 05-20; Terrence Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.


c. Planning Committee concurrence concerning the Approval of UPWP Project Scopes of Work

David Woods, Chairman, suggested grouping the two scopes of work under one motion. The Committee concurred.

1.      Task 5510 Bicycle and Pedestrian Supportive Code Language

Richard Perrin reviewed the scope of work.

David Woods asked about the availability of the final product on a CD. Richard responded that the final product would be provided on CD for anyone requesting the product in that format.


2.     Task 8290 Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Yates County

Richard Perrin reviewed the scope of work.

Kristen Mark Hughes moved to recommend approval of UPWP Tasks 5510 and 8290; John Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. Planning Committee Information Items

Richard Perrin announced that Brian Lakeman will be leaving GTC and thanked him for his years of service. Brian has decided to pursue avenues outside of transportation modeling and will be returning to Canada. The Committee wished Brian well and thanked him for his work at GTC.

7. New Business

Terry Rice asked when the TIP would be available. Richard Perrin responded that the document was going to print the following week. Kris Hughes asked if it could be available on the GTC website prior to the printing of the document. Richard responded that it would be available by the end of next week (July 29).

David Zorn informed the Committee that G/FLRPC is sponsoring training on the use of the U.S. Census Bureaus Economic Census which is published every five years. Also of note is the availability of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commissions draft Preservation and Management Plan for public comment, and that the New York State Canals Conference will be held in Rochester in September.


8. Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held August 18 at 10:00 a.m. at the Monroe County Fleet Center.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.