GTC Planning Committee - Minutes

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Rochester City Hall City Council Chambers

November 20, 2003


Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4

Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority

Steve Hendershott, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Department

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County Planning Department

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County DOT

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council

David Woods, Livingston County Planning Department

David Zorn, G/FLRPC

Wayne Zyra, Monroe County Legislator


Richard Beers, Jr., representing Robert Griffith, FHWA

Doug Benson, representing Larry Stid, City of Rochester

Scott Leathersich, representing Stephen Ferranti, Monroe County At Large

John Thomas, representing George Stam, City of Rochester

Charles Walker, representing Donald Riley, RGRTA


Brian Dougherty, Bergmann Associates

Sean Dust, R.I.T.

Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Steve Gleason, GTC Staff

Robert Hanrahan, G/FLRPC

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Stephanie Matuszewski, R.I.T.

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Bob Scholl, NYSDOT Region 4

Lisa Smith, GTC Staff


James Brady, Wayne County Highway Department

Philip Brito, FAA

Donald Cooley, Orleans County Highway Department

Timothy Hens, Genesee County Highway Department

Charles Nesbitt, Jr., Empire State Development Corporation

Thomas Skoglund, Wyoming County Planning Department

Clara Wallace-Douglas, FTA

(Vacant), NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation

(Vacant), Seneca County Planning Department

(Vacant), Yates County

1. Call to Order

David Woods called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.; William Sullivan welcomed everyone to the Rochester City Hall Council Chambers.

2.                 Public Forum

William McDonald, Director of Medical Motor Service, gave a brief presentation on the agency and the need for increased capital funding for vehicle purchases. He requested that GTC consider such funding in the next Transportation Improvement Program update.

3. Approval of Minutes

Terry Rice asked if the Planning Committee will have the opportunity to review the proposed Functional Classification changes (on page 3 of the October 16, 2003 minutes) prior to GTC Board approval.

Steve Gleason responded that the Planning Committee would have the chance to review the proposed changes. Joan Dupont stated that the deadline had been moved back three months by NYSDOT because of the difficulties associated with the fire at their offices.

Terrence Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the October 16, 2003 Planning Committee meeting; William Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

4.                 Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Steve Gleason reported:

        Six public meetings are being held throughout the region in November as part of the Long Range Transportation Plan development process. Staff will provide a more in-depth update later in the meeting

        Staff anticipates that the U.S. EPA will make its proposed air quality designations before December 15 in order to permit the mandated 120-day public review period prior to the April 15 final recommendation deadline. GTC staff will be attending several training sessions on Air Quality

        The Steering Committee for the Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study met on November 13 to review priority focus areas and preliminary strategies for addressing these needs. A conference is scheduled for December 2 at the R.I.T. Inn and Conference Center. At its January 29 meeting, the Steering Committee will review the draft Strategic Plan

        The Priority Trails Advancement project has three sub-projects. A stakeholders meeting for the Canandaigua Rail-with-Trail project is scheduled for November 24; a public meeting is scheduled for December 8th. A Steering Committee meeting for the Auburn Trail project was held on November 12; a public meeting is scheduled for December 11. The City of Rochesters consultant is finishing the report on the two neighborhood connectors; City staff will determine when to present the recommendations to the Planning Committee

        The On-Street Bicycle Facility Opportunities Review work plan is complete

        A new Roundabouts webpage has been added to the GTC website as part of the Transportation Information Resources project

        The Regional Trails Initiative Phase 2 Steering Committee met on November 6 to review input received during the 30-day public review, including eight public meetings. The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for December 18. Another set of public meetings is scheduled for January

        Wilbur Smith Associates was chosen as the consultant for the TIP Management Enhancement Study. A contract is being developed; Notice to Proceed is anticipated in December

        GTC will be holding its annual holiday party on December 19 at the GTC offices


David Zorn reported:

        Staff is making progress on the build-out analysis for the Regional Development Projections project; staff will be performing a test of the projections. The project is on schedule to be completed by March 31, 2004

        The Regional Population Forecasts report will be presented later in the meeting

        The Regional Atlas narrative, definitions, and layout are being finalized

Monroe County

Terry Rice reported:

        Legislative approval of a new consultant contract for the Countys Traffic Count Collection project will be sought in December. Work will begin in Spring 2004

        Monroe County has directed its consultant to address deficiencies identified the quality review of the GIS Database Integration project work to-date. Completion date is to be determined

        The consultant scope and fee proposal for the Pedestrian Activity Safety Study is under review. Legislative approval of the contract will be sought in February

        Consultant scope and fees are being negotiated for the Ballantyne Road Corridor Study. Legislative approval of the contract will be sought in February

Paul Johnson reported:

        Data collection for the 2003 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring report is underway; expected completion date is March 2004

        Staff is still conducting field surveys for the Monroe County Parking Study. Analysis of the data will continue through the Winter; expected completion date is March 2004


Ontario County


Kris Hughes reported:

        Phase 1 of the Route 332 Corridor Management Study is nearly complete; Phase 2 will begin soon, and is scheduled to wrap up in Spring 2004

        The Canandaigua Regional Transportation Study Steering Committee met November 12 to review progress. Focus groups will be convened in December and January. The consultant contract is being amended to allow for additional traffic counts to be taken


City of Rochester


John Thomas reported:

        The City is scheduling a demonstration of the software for the Street Condition Rating Update Study

        The Highland Park/Canalway Neighborhood Connector Trail Study Advisory Committee is meeting monthly; recent discussion has focused on wetland issues in the Town of Brighton


Chip Walker reported:

        Six focus group meetings have been held for the RGRTA Transit Focus Group Study. The consultant is drafting a report

        An RFP for the Area Wide Job Access and Reverse Commute Plan has been finalized and is ready for advertisement

        The RFP for the Security and Safety Plan for Public Transportation is being finalized

        RTS is using the data from the Route Analysis Information System to plan service adjustments, bus shelter locations, and to satisfy public requests; RGRTA is finding many applications for the information

Wyoming County


Steve Gleason reported:

        The first public meeting for the Transportation & Scenic/Historic Resources in Wyoming County project was held on November 18. The Inventory and Needs Assessment is being finalized to reflect input received

Yates County


Steve Gleason reported:

        GTC staff continues to play an expanded role in the Route 14A Corridor Study until the Yates County Planning Director vacancy is addressed. Staff are currently reviewing alternatives developed by the consultant

Other Agencies

Steve Gleason reported:

        A public meeting was held on November 12 to review preliminary alternatives for the Conesus Transportation and Safety Management Plan. The Steering Committee met on November 19 to review the How To Guidebook, public input, and develop final recommended alternatives

        The final report for the Town of Brightons Monroe Avenue/I-590 Interchange Study is being revised; Planning Committee presentation may be delayed

b.      Any Other Old Business or Announcements

No old business or announcements were reported.

5.                 Planning Committee Action Items

a.       Planning Committee Action concerning the Draft GTC Public Participation Policy Public Review Document

Steve Gleason reported that the Draft Public Participation Policy document has been revised and prepared for public review pursuant to feedback received at the last several Planning Committee meetings. He reviewed the changes made specifically per input received at the October Planning Committee meeting, and stated that pending any further suggestions at todays meeting, Staff was seeking Committee approval of the Draft document to release for a 45-day public review.

Richard Beers noted that the Public Participation Policy should strive to exceed minimum requirements in all areas, and inquired about the documents attention to Title VI, Environmental Justice, and ADA concerns.

Steve responded that per Planning Committee direction, the Draft document sets performance standards that can reasonably be met by the wide variety of public entities that seek funding through the GTC. He added that since Title VI, Environmental Justice, and ADA considerations are involved in every aspect of GTC activities, they are treated as global considerations in the document. They are not repeated throughout every section of the document to insure the document remains a concise, streamlined, and easy-to-use tool for member agencies to reference.

Richard Garrabrant asked how success is measured in regards to public participation.

Steve responded that the document establishes baseline and additional standards of acceptability for agencies to meet, and gives the Planning Committee the responsibility of reviewing and approving the appropriate level of public participation, subject to the established standards. Steve explained that this flexibility is necessary to appropriately address the diversity of situations and capabilities in the GTC region, noting that a one-size-fits-all standard would not work well in this region.

Richard Garrabrant commented that he thinks the GTC Planning Committee is too insulated from the community at-large, noting that other MPOs in the State have much more public engagement at their meetings.

Joan Dupont responded that the relative lack of public involvement at GTC Planning Committee meetings demonstrates that the process is working well. She stated that this is largely because the public is given fair and adequate opportunities to comment during the development of the projects themselves, prior to the Planning Committee meetings. She also noted that on especially controversial issues, the public does come to the meetings.

A discussion of GTCs public participation practices ensued, with several Planning Committee members citing GTCs positive record of public participation in projects and programs that their agencies have been involved with.

Members agreed that the Draft document as presented to the Planning Committee should not be revised prior to release for the 45-day public review. Steve stated that GTC Staff would review the document during the public review period for additional opportunities to address the concerns raised by Richard Beers and Richard Garrabrant, without compromising the utility of the document.

Kris Hughes moved to recommend the release of the Public Participation Policy for a 45-day public review period; Scott Leathersich seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

b.      Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Sea Breeze/Charlotte Multi-Use Trail project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-27

Terry Rice reviewed the proposed TIP amendment. He noted that the scope of work was also reduced because Monroe County was not able to secure the rights-of-way originally planned for use in the project from CSX.

Steve Hendershott moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 03-27; Joan Dupont seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Kris Hughes suggested that the following six Proposed Council Resolutions be considered under one motion. The Committee concurred.

c. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Canalway Trail - Palmyra project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-28

Joan Dupont reviewed the proposed TIP amendment.

d. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by reducing the cost of the Scoping & Preliminary Engineering phase of the I-390 Reconstruction Stage 1 project, adding the I-490 and I-590 Interchange Pavement Rehabilitation project, and adding the I-490 and I-390 Interchange Pavement Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-29

Joan Dupont reviewed the proposed TIP amendment.

Steve Hendershott expressed his concern that two new projects are being added to the TIP outside of the TIP development process, stating that this is not fair because the other projects, many of which did not receive funding, have to compete against each other. He noted that in the last TIP cycle, the Committee had to take available funds off the table for existing projects, and by approving this request the Committee will have to do so again. He maintained that if a process exists for funding TIP projects, then the Committee should follow that process.

Joan responded that NYSDOT did not submit these projects for the TIP update because it originally intended to fund these projects with 100% State funds. She noted that the current State budget situation does not make this feasible, so NYSDOT now needs to use Interstate Maintenance funds for these projects, further noting that only NYSDOT has the ability to program these funds. Joan stated that a discussion will need to take place in the next TIP cycle as to how to fund the remainder of the I-390 Reconstruction project.

Paul Johnson asked if the change would delay other Interstate Maintenance-funded projects. Joan responded that it would not.

e. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the ADA Detectable Warning Surfaces Retrofit project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-30

Joan Dupont reviewed the proposed TIP amendment. She explained that the amendment was necessary to address new ADA requirements.

William Sullivan noted that based on Joans explanation, the Resolution should be re-worded to remove the word let. Joan concurred that let should be replaced with under construction; GTC Staff agreed to make the change.

f. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding a Detailed Design phase to the Mount Read Boulevard Bridges project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-31

Joan Dupont reviewed the proposed TIP amendment.

g. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding a Detailed Design phase and a Right-of-Way Acquisition phase to the Genesee River Trail project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-32

John Thomas reviewed the proposed TIP amendment.

h. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Council Resolution 03-33

Chip Walker reviewed the proposed TIP amendment. He noted that the funding will come from cost savings associated with future RTS bus purchases.

John Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 03-28, 03-29, 03-30, 03-31, 03-32, and 03-33; Joan Dupont seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed, with one abstention.

i. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Transit Enhancements project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 03-4

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment. He explained that because of the relatively immaterial nature of the change, it can be made via Planning Committee administrative amendment; no Board action is required.

Joan Dupont moved to approve Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 03-4; Terrence Rice seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

j. Planning Committee Concurrence with G/FLRPC Population Forecasts

Robert Hanrahan, G/FLRPC, distributed the Population Forecasts and gave a brief description of the forecast methodology and results. He noted the final report will be distributed to each county and will be displayed on the G/FLRPC website.

Steve Gleason read the following statement submitted by Tom Skoglund, Wyoming County Planner, to the Planning Committee: There are limitations on the usefulness of any population projection. GTC should continually monitor Census population estimates and place emphasis on the estimates as a factual trend when conducting planning activities that will influence any allocation of transportation funding resources.

Kris Hughes asked what the difference was between the last G/FLRPC Population Forecasts and the 2000 U.S. Census figures. Dave Zorn answered that, as a region, the difference was less than 1 percent.

Kris Hughes moved to approve the G/FLRPC Population Forecasts; Steve Hendershott seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

6. Planning Committee Information Items

a.       Long Range Transportation Plan Update

Rich Perrin, GTC Staff, stated that the first series of six Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) public meetings is almost complete. At these initial meetings, the public is being asked to identify issues and opportunities facing the region over the next 20 years. This Winter, focus groups will be used to further define where the region wants to be in 20 years, and identify the universe of potential roles that transportation can play in getting us there. A second series of six public meetings will be held in Spring 2004 to review and finalize the potential roles transportation can play. A third series of six public meetings will be held in Summer 2004 to identify the preferred transportation alternatives that will ultimately comprise the LRTP.

A draft LRTP will be presented for public review and a final plan will be produced in Fall 2004 for adoption by the GTC Board. He noted that the Planning Committee and public will be involved during every key step of development of the LRTP.

7. New Business

David Woods noted that this would be Steve Hendershotts last Planning Committee meeting, and thanked him for his contributions to the Committee.

John Thomas reported that the 2004 Congressional transportation appropriations draft report is out and will be voted on next week. He noted that the City received $1.25 million for ITS at the Port of Rochester, but was unsure of other projects in the region.

John also noted that the APA Conference would be held in Rochester on October 13-15, 2004. He suggested that members contact Rich Perrin for more information.

8. Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held January 15, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. at the Ontario County Municipal Building.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.