GTC, in partnership with My City Bikes, has developed a digital update to the physical 2014 Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map. As the region adds new protected and bicycle-only facilities each year, the new map focuses on the network created by these facilities that encourages casual and not-yet cyclists to use their bikes more often as a means of functional transportation.
In addition to the location of bicycling facilities, cyclists can use the map to locate covered bike parking, repair stations, and full-service bicycle shops along with hours and contact information. As surface condition of off-road shared use path data is collected, it will be accessible on the map by clicking that particular trail segment. The map interface also includes descriptions of the various facilities to educate new cyclists on the terminology and features of dedicated facilities.
Now in soft launch in March 2021, the interactive map can be accessed at bikemap.gtcmpo.org.
For more experienced cyclists, GTC is also working with the Rochester Bicycling Club to update and present regional roadway ratings for cycling where dedicated facilities are not present. Updates to come on this project later this year!