Event Date:
Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 10:00amLocation:
Livingston County Highway Dept. - 4389 Gypsy Lane, GrovelandMaterials:
Draft January 7, 2016 GTC Planning Committee Meeting Minutes
Action Items:
- Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks / Proposed Council Resolutions 16-5 and 16-7 through 16-9
- Town of Henrietta Active Transportation Plan Executive Summary UPWP Task 8763 / Proposed Council Resolution 16-5 (Town of Henrietta)
- Rochester East Main Arts & Market District Plan Executive Summary UPWP Task 6809 / Proposed Council Resolution 16-7 (City of Rochester)
- 2016 Addendum to the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Executive Summary UPWP Task 8150 / Proposed Council Resolution 16-8 (GTC staff)
- Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Trails Initiative Update Executive Summary UPWP Task 8701 / Proposed Council Resolution 16-9 (GTC staff)
- Action concerning Classification of FY 2016-2017 Unified Planning Work Program tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan and recommendation to the GTC Board concerning adopting the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Unified Planning Work Program / Proposed Council Resolution 16-1 (GTC staff)
- Action concerning approving the Draft Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region Public Review Document for public review (GTC staff)
- Action and recommendation to the GTC Board concerning modifying and amending the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 16-1, and Proposed Council Resolutions 16-10 through 16-36