GTC Board - Agenda

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Genesee Transportation Council

Quarterly Board Meeting

December 12, 2002

8:30 a.m.

Radisson Inn

175 Jefferson Road, Henrietta


1.                  Call to Order

2.                  Roll Call

3.                  Public Forum

4.                  Approval of Minutes: September 12, 2002 meeting (See page 1)

5.                  Communications and Announcements

6.                  Reports and Action on Old Business

a.                   Planning Committee Report Mr. Woods

b.                  GTC Staff Directors Report Mr. Gleason

c.                   Old Business

7.                  New Business

a.       Accepting the report, Seneca County Public Transportation Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8218 Action on Resolution 02-30 (See page 15)


b.      Accepting the report, Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Orleans County, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8240 Action on Resolution 02-31 (See page 30)

c.       Adoption of Amendments to the 2001-2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (See page 70)

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by increasing the Other costs of the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project (TIP # O94-07-MN1, PIN 482109) Action on Resolution 02-32 (See page 72)

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by increasing the Construction & Inspection costs for the Lehigh Valley Linear Trail project (TIP # N00-02-MN1, PIN 476012) Action on Resolution 02-33 (See page 76)

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by increasing the Construction & Inspection costs for the Chili Avenue Rochester project (TIP # H99-15-MN1, PIN 475293) Action on Resolution 02-34 (See page 81)

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by adding a Detailed Design phase and delaying the Construction & Inspection phase for the Genesee River Trail project (TIP # N97-05BMN1, PIN 475303) Action on Resolution 02-35 (See page 85)

d.      Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by adding the nine successful 2001-2002 Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) projects Action on Resolution 02-36 (See page 88)

e.      Action on City of Rochester request to expand the project scope of its Street Condition Rating Update Study (UPWP Task 4340) (See page 98)

f.        Any Other New Business

8.                  Next Meeting

9.                  Adjournment