Genesee Transportation Council
Quarterly Board Meeting
June 20, 2002
8:30 a.m.
Radisson Inn
175 Jefferson Road, Henrietta
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Forum
4. Approval of Minutes: March 7, 2002 meeting
5. Communications and Announcements
6. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Planning Committee Report Mr. Woods
b. GTC Staff Directors Report Mr. Gleason
c. Old Business
Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding the City of Rochester Harbor & Ferry Terminal Improvement Projects to the current Port of Rochester Access Improvements project Action on Resolution 02-9 (See page 1)
7. New Business
a. Accepting the report, Regional Tourism Signage Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6300 Action on Resolution 02-13 (See page 5)
b. Accepting the report, Way-Finding Program for Center City Rochester Program Statement, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6310 Action on Resolution 02-14 (See page 11)
c. Accepting the reports, Avon/Routes 5 & 20 Land Use and Access Management Plan, Geneseo/Route 20A Land Use and Access Management Plan, Mount Morris/Route 408 Land Use and Access Management Plan, and NYS Route 31/Hamlet of Egypt Transportation Study Final Report, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7400 Action on Resolution 02-15 (See page 16)
d. Accepting the report, Regional Trails Initiative Phase 1 Final Report and Action Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8700 Action on Resolution 02-16 (See page 29)
e. Accepting the report, Regional Development Analysis Report, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8520 Action on Resolution 02-17 (See page 47)
f. Accepting the report, Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Genesee County, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8220 Action on Resolution 02-18 (See page 51)
g. Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding the Seaway Trail National Scenic Byway: Comprehensive Byways Bicycle Map and Development Plan project (TIP # O02-01-R43, PIN 4SB1.02) Action on Resolution 02-19 (See page 65)
h. Amending the FY 2002-2003 UPWP by Amending the Budget to Reflect Contribution of Audited FY 2001-2002 Rollover Amounts Action on Resolution 02-20 (See page 72)
i. Any Other New Business
8. Next Meeting
9. Adjournment