Livingston County Highway Department
July 18, 2002
John Czamanske, Yates County Planning Department
Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4
Kristen Mark Hughes (Committee Vice-Chairman), Ontario County Planning Department
Thomas Skoglund, Wyoming County Planning Department
Larry Stid, City of Rochester
David Woods (Committee Chairman), Livingston County Planning Department
Wayne Zyra, Monroe County Legislator
David Thielman representing Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority
Paul Johnson representing Rocco DiGiovanni, Monroe County Planning
Scott Leathersich, representing Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County DOT
Alicia Nolan, representing Jonathan McDade, FHWA
John Thomas, representing George Stam, City of Rochester
David Zorn, representing Paul Howard, G/FLRPC
Kristin Bennett, GTC Staff
Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff
Ryan Gallivan, RGRTA
Steve Gleason, GTC Staff
Don Higgins, Livingston County
Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4
Brian Lakeman, GTC Staff
Larissa Masny, Monroe County Legislature
Richard Perrin, GTC Staff
Maria Rudzinski, Ontario County
Lisa Smith, GTC Staff
James Stack, GTC Staff
Charles Walker, RGRTA
S. William Baker, US EPA
James Brady, Wayne County Highway Department
Philip Brito, FAA
Glenn Cooke, Seneca County
Donald Cooley, Orleans County
Stephen Ferranti, Member-At-Large, Monroe County
Glenn Guarino, Member-At-Large, Monroe County
Steve Hendershott, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
John T. Hicks, NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation
Charles Nesbitt, Jr., Empire State Development
Don Riley, RGRTA
William Sullivan, City of Rochester
Clara Wallace-Douglas, FTA
(Vacant), Member-At-Large, City of Rochester
1. Call to Order
David Woods called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
Don Higgins welcomed everyone to the Livingston County Highway Department and offered to lead a tour of the facilities after the meeting for any interested committee members.
2. Public Forum
No public comment was offered.
3. Approval of Minutes
Kristen Hughes made a motion for approval of the minutes from the May 30, 2002 Planning Committee meeting. Larry Stid seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. GTC Staff and Committee Reports
Steve Gleason reported on GTC Staff and Committee activities:
Scopes of work for Task #4600 Transportation Safety Information Analysis, Task #5320 Transportation and Industrial Access, and Task #6400 Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study will be reviewed for approval later in the meeting
The Regional Rights-Of-Way Preservation Study work is continuing. The initial database was created to support Regional Trails Initiative. The database is being refined
CMS implementation is being held off until completion of the current CMS development effort. Staff is looking at performance standards, peer city efforts, and creating a CMS toolbox
Transportation Information Resources includes a workshop on Context Sensitive Solutions. At the last meeting, Steve reported that a statewide effort was at least a year away and that GTC would progress their own effort. Since then, the schedule of the statewide project has advanced. GTC is trying to get one of the workshops in this region
Regional Trails Initiative Phase I was approved by the Board in June. Staff is developing a scope of work for Phase 2 for the August Planning Committee meeting
The 2003-2008 TIP Heads Up letter went out yesterday, July 17th. The call for projects will be mailed in mid-September. Project application will be due November 1
New EPA standards for ozone should be finalized by Fall 2003. Any non-attainment designation would not happen before Spring 2004. SPECTRA Environmental Group prepared a 1,600 page assessment report of the air quality monitor in Williamson and found that it was deficient in 5 of 6 EPA designated requirements. Staff is in contact with NYSDEC and will work with them to remedy the monitor concerns
ITS fact sheet is now available
The Pavement rating team will begin rating road conditions not covered by NYSDOT, Monroe County or the City of Rochester in late July and continue into early August. The information will be entered in the GIS database
Staff is working with other New York State MPOs to evaluate and select a new transportation model. We would like to enhance our modeling capacity to include transit and air quality components
The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) needs to be updated by Fall 2004. Staff has worked out a critical path schedule and has begun some work already. GTC will make a presentation at the August Planning Committee meeting
The GTC Staff Strategic Plan is progressing. Staff will give a brief presentation under Planning Committee Information Items
b. Participating Agency Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Monroe County
Scott Leathersich reported:
The GIS database integration for Monroe County DOT is awaiting final setup of software
The consultant selection process will begin after proposal submissions for the Four Lane Conversion to Three or Two Lane Study project. (Scott also noted that the new name for this project is the Multi-Lane Conversion Study.)
The Monroe County Land Use Monitoring Report for 2001 was completed in June
Ontario County
Kristen Mark Hughes reported:
Work is continuing on the Route 332 Corridor Management Study
Ontario County is working with Livingston County to develop Route 5 & 20 Corridor Study Scope of Work for Planning Committee consideration in October
Two half-time interns have been hired to work on the data analysis problems in the Ontario CATS Bus System Plan
Wyoming County
Tom Skoglund reported:
Wyoming County is working with Richard Perrin from GTC on the RFP for the Transportation and Scenic/Historic Resources project
Yates County
John Czamanske reported:
The first steering committee meeting for the Route 14A Corridor Study will be held next week.
City of Rochester
John Thomas reported:
The City has received proposals and will recommend a consultant for the Street Condition Rating Update Study to the City Council in August
The downtown phase of the High Volume Bus Stop Pavement Management Study is nearly complete. The second phase of inventory data collection will begin shortly
The City is working with GTC to develop a project-level ITS Architecture for the Port of Rochester. FHWA has conducted software training for the project participants. A second meeting was held to identify data users and data flows for the project
David Zorn reported:
The Rural County Land Use Monitoring Report for 2001 has been submitted to county planning directors and GTC. The report is also available on the G/FLRPC website
Staff met with the villages of Spencerport and Warsaw to discuss the Main Street Transportation Tools project. Staff has begun the inventory effort. A regional round table will be held the second or third week in August
Data sources have been identified for the Regional Atlas and staff will coordinate with GTC on data analysis. Completion of the data acquisition phase is still expected in late summer/early fall
Chip Walker reported:
Stuart I. Brown Associates progressing on the Transportation Strategic Plans in Wayne and Wyoming counties
Delivery of 20 new buses is expected this fall
RGRTA has been busy with shuttle service, especially to the Air Show and the LPGA
Other Agencies
Steve Gleason reported:
Over one hundred people attended a public meeting held in Geneva on June 18th for the Route 14 Truck Study. The Study Steering Committee has been very active. They met July 16th and will meet again August 8th
A July 24th meeting is scheduled for the Monroe Avenue/I-590 Interchange Study. GTC, NYSDOT, and the Town of Brighton will identify roles and responsibilities to coordinate study activities
An RFP has been issued for the Lexington Avenue Extension Study with a deadline of August 9th
Livingston County
David Woods reported:
The Village of Avon is pursuing many of the recommendations from the Access Management Case Study
The County may apply for a Recreational Trails Program grant on behalf of a snowmobile riders group in Caledonia
The County is working with RGRTA and LATS to implement the Strategic Plan. They are close to starting a medical shuttle. They are still working on developing a fixed route service
NYS Thruway Authority
Dave Thielman reported:
The Thruway Authority met with a consultant and the GTC staff regarding the truck tandem lots, particularly in Victor, and the difficulty in maneuvering near the toll plazas. The meeting provided a new perspective on regional issues of goods movement
Joan Dupont reported:
Work on the Route 63 Corridor Study is progressing. NYSDOT has taken the lead in addressing the issue of long haul trucks leaving I-390 before reaching the Thruway and cutting through Livingston, Wyoming, and Genesee counties. The impact of this increase in truck traffic has caused considerable local concern. NYSDOT has been gathering data and conducting extensive outreach in the counties. The study will examine problem areas and recommend solutions
Federal Highway Administration
Alicia Nolan reported there will be less federal planning funds in the fall, FHWA is determining potential impacts on other funding sources
c. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
James Stack announced the appointment of Wayne Zyra as a member to the Planning Committee by Dennis Pelletier. Larissa Masny has been appointed as alternate to the Planning Committee by Wayne Zyra.
5. Planning Committee Action items
To give Ontario County and GTC staff time to set up presentations, item 5a will follow item 5c.
b. Steve Gleason reviewed the First Year Project Recommendation for the Regional Corridors Program, the Canandaigua Regional Transportation Study.
Larry Stid motioned to approve the First Year Project Recommendation for the Regional Corridors Program. John Czamanske seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
c. Approval of UPWP Project Scope(s) of Work:
Task # 4500 Rural County Resource Development Initiative
Richard Perrin gave a brief presentation
Task # 4600 Transportation Safety Information Analysis
Kristin Bennett gave a brief presentation
Task # 5320 Transportation and Industrial Access
Richard Perrin gave a brief presentation
Task # 6400 Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study
Steve Gleason gave a brief presentation
Task # 6510 Priority Trails Advancement
Kristin Bennett gave a brief presentation
Task # 8140 Area Wide Jobs Access and Reverse Commute Plan
Chip Walker gave a brief presentation
Task # 8537 Route Analysis Information System
Chip Walker gave a brief presentation, and noted that the scope of work for the Route Analysis Information System project calls for using less funding than originally budgeted. The $10,000 balance from this project will be reprogrammed to Program Reserve. RGRTA expressed intent to seek these funds to supplement the Gates Chili Transit Study budget at a future meeting. David Woods asked Steve Gleason if other agencies could seek these funds. Steve Gleason said they could. Jim Stack added that these are FTA funds so the project would have to be transit related.
John Czamanske motioned to approve UPWP Project Scope(s) of Work. Kristen Mark Hughes seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
a. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Routes 5 & 20 Access Management Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7430/Proposed Council Resolution 02-21
Maria Rudzinski, Senior Planner from Ontario County Department of Planning gave a slide presentation on the Routes 5 & 20 Access Management Plan.
Joan Dupont motioned to recommend approval of Accepting the report, Routes 5 & 20 Access Management Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7430. Larry Stid seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
6. Planning Committee Information Items
a. Steve Gleason gave a slide presentation on the GTC Staff Strategic Plan. He noted that a survey for Planning Committee Members and Alternates has been developed and will be mailed July 18th . The surveys are due August 2nd.
7. New Business
a. Larry Stid informed everyone of an e-mail address change for the City of Rochester employees. The e-mail addresses will now end in
b. Tom Skoglind mentioned an article in the Journal of the American Planning Association regarding cost overruns on public works projects.
8. Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on August 22, 2002 at the Monroe County Emergency Operations Center, 1190 Scottsville Road at 10:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.