GTC Planning Committee - Agenda

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Genesee Transportation Council

Planning Committee Meeting

July 18, 2002

10 a.m.

Livingston County Highway Department

4389 Gypsy Lane

Groveland, NY


1.                  Call to Order (10 a.m.)

2.                  Public Forum

3.                  Approval of Minutes: May 30, 2002 Planning Committee meeting

4.                  Reports and Action on Old Business

a.       GTC Staff and Committee Reports

b.      Participating Agency Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities

c.       Any Other Old Business or Announcements

5.                  Planning Committee Action Items

a.       Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Routes 5 & 20 Access Management Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7430/ Proposed Council Resolution 02-21 (Ontario County)

b.      Planning Committee Action concerning First Year Project Recommendation for the Regional Corridors Program (GTC Staff)

c.       Approval of UPWP Project Scope(s) of Work:

        Task # 4500 Rural County Resource Development Initiative (GTC Staff)

        Task # 4600 Transportation Safety Information Analysis (GTC Staff)

        Task # 5320 Transportation and Industrial Access (GTC Staff)

        Task # 6400 Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study (GTC Staff)

        Task # 6510 Priority Trails Advancement (GTC Staff)

        Task # 8140 Area Wide Jobs Access and Reverse Commute Plan


        Task # 8537 Route Analysis Information System (RGRTA)

6.                  Planning Committee Information Items

7.                  New Business

8.                  Next Meeting

9.                  Adjournment