GTC Planning Committee - Agenda

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Genesee Transportation Council

Planning Committee Meeting

March 21, 2002

10 a.m.

GTC Office Conference Room

50 West Main Street, Suite 8112

Rochester, NY


1.                  Call to Order (10 a.m.)

2.                  Public Forum

3.                  Approval of Minutes: February 21, 2002 Planning Committee meeting

4.                  Reports and Action on Old Business

a.       GTC Staff and Committee Reports

b.      Participating Agency Reports

c.       Any Other Old Business or Announcements

5.                  Planning Committee Action Items

a.       Approval of Technical Amplification for FY 2002-2003 UPWP Task No. 6640 - High Volume Bus Stop Pavement Management Study (City of Rochester)

b.      Recommendation to GTC Chairman regarding New Planning Committee Officers (GTC Staff)

6.                  Planning Committee Information Items

a.       New approach for UPWP Project Management (GTC Staff)

b.      Process for programming the TIP set-aside for Regionally Significant Corridors (GTC Staff & NYSDOT)

c.       Regional Trails Initiative update (GTC Staff)

d.      Federal Aid System 101 (NYSDOT)

7.                  New Business

8.                  Next Meeting

9.                  Adjournment