Wayne County Fire Training Center
February 21, 2002
James Brady, Highway Superintendent, Wayne County Highway Department
John Czamanske, Yates County Planning Department
Angela Ellis, Ontario County Planning Department
Paul Howard, Chairman, G/FLRPC
Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County DOT
Thomas Skoglund, Wyoming County Planning Department
George Stam, City of Rochester
William Sullivan, Chief Legislative Assistant, City of Rochester
David Woods, Director, Livingston County Planning Department
David Cook, representing Don Riley, RGRTA
Paul Johnson, representing Rocco DiGiovanni, Monroe County Planning
Alicia Nolan, representing Jonathan McDade, FHWA
Rob Slaver, Jr., representing Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4
Louis T. Amico, Monroe County Parks Department
Steve Beauvais, NYSDOT Region 4
Kristin Bennett, GTC Staff
Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff
Steve Gleason, GTC Staff
Tom Hack, City of Rochester
Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County
Cal Lathan, Village of Livonia
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County DOT
Sharon Lilla, Wayne County Planning Department
David Martin, NYS Thruway Authority
Kevin Masterson, Town/Village of Livonia
Richard Perrin, GTC Staff
Lisa Smith, GTC Staff
James Stack, GTC Staff
John Steinmetz, Clark Patterson Associates
Phil Swanson, Village of Avon
Chuck Switzer, RGRTA
John Thomas, City of Rochester
Tim Wahl, Town of Livonia
Warren Wallace, Mendon Foundation
S. William Baker, US EPA
Philip Brito, FAA
Glenn Cooke, Seneca County
Donald Cooley, Orleans County
Stephen Ferranti, Member-At-Large, Monroe County
Glenn Guarino, Member-At-Large, Monroe County
Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority
Steve Hendershott, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
John T. Hicks, NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation
Charles Nesbitt, Jr., Empire State Development
William Smith, Monroe County Legislator
Larry Stid, City of Rochester
Clara Wallace-Douglas, FTA
(Vacant), Member-At-Large, City of Rochester
1. Call to Order
Paul Howard called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2. Public Forum
No public comment was offered
3. Approval of Minutes
James Brady made a motion for approval of the minutes from the January 17, 2002 Planning Committee meeting. John Czamanske seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. GTC Staff and Committee Reports
Steve Gleason reported on GTC Staff and Committee activities:
GTC staff has been busy with preparation of the 2002-2003 UPWP
Staff has also been working on the Rochester Amtrak Station Revitalization Study.
The study recommendations will be presented later in the meeting
The TIP Development Committee met February 7 to discuss the proposed TIP amendments. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for May 16 when the Committee will confirm the process for the next TIP update
GTC staff has been working with NYSDOT on eligibility criteria and a project selection process for the Regionally Significant Corridors initiative
The Route 14A Study RFP will be released Monday, February 25. Consultant proposals are due at the end of March
The Regional Trails Initiative Steering Committee will be meeting on February 26 to review needs assessment, public comments, draft project sorting criteria, and draft recommendations. A series of six public meetings have been scheduled in late March to obtain feedback from the public on the draft recommendations
GTC staff reviewed and responded to the USDOTs draft MPO Certification report. FHWA will present the findings of the certification review at the GTC Board meeting on March 7
GTC is now an ex-officio member of the Rochester /Finger Lakes Development Corporation
b. Participating Agency Reports
Rob Slaver reported:
NYSDOT staff is providing assistance to GTC on UPWP development and TIP maintenance.
FHWA approved a change in the functional classification of Clay and Gravely Roads in the Town of Henrietta
NYS Thruway Authority
Nothing to report
Monroe County
Paul Johnson reported:
The Monroe County Land Use Monitoring project is on schedule; the final report will be competed by the end of March
Terry Rice reported:
Various Monroe County projects on the current TIP are progressing on schedule
Wayne County
Sharon Lilla welcomed everyone to the Wayne County Fire Training Center
Jim Brady reported:
The Bear Creek Bridge project on Lake Road will be out to bid soon
Yates County
John Czamanske reported that Yates County is pleased with the progress on the Route 14A Study
Alicia Nolan reported:
FHWA will make a presentation on the findings of the MPO Certification Report at the GTC Board Meeting on March 7
City of Rochester
George Stam reported:
The City is completing the design phase of its Ridge Road West reconstruction project (Veterans Memorial Bridge to Hanford Landing). The Chili Avenue project is now in the design approval phase. They are working with NYSDOT on the Lake Avenue design
John Thomas reported:
The Center City Wayfinding Signage Study has been completed. The City will present the findings at an upcoming Planning Committee meeting
The Street Condition Rating Update Study will be rolled over in full to the next UPWP
Ontario County
Angela Ellis reported:
The CATS/highway facility agreement is expected in the early summer
Ontario County has hired a new County Planning Director, Kristen Mark Hughes
Livingston County
David Woods reported:
County staff and officials are working with the LATS Advisory Committee to implement recommendations from the Livingston County Transportation Strategic Plan. They are currently investigating the possibility of fixed transit routes
There is great interest by County officials and residents in NYSDOTs Route 63 Corridor Study
David Cook deferred a detailed report because he and Charles Switzer would be making presentations on the Suburban Circulator Route Study and the Fare Structure Study later in the meeting.
Paul Howard distributed a quarterly progress report in lieu of giving a verbal report
c. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
Jim Stack announced the following appointments to the Planning Committee:
Yates County -- John Czamanske will serve as the Countys representative and David Hartman as the alternate
NYS Thruway Authority -- Richard Garrabrant will serve as the Thruway Authoritys representative and Dave Thielman and Mark Anduze as alternates
Empire State Development Corporation -- Charles Nesbitt, Jr. will serve as the ESDs representative
Monroe County Association of Town Supervisors -- Steve Hendershott will continue to serve as the Associations representative
5. Planning Committee Action Items
a. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Endorsing the Regional Project Priorities List for the 2001-2002 Round of the Federal Transportation Enhancements Program / Proposed Council Resolution 02-1
GTC staff distributed a full synopsis of the public comments received during the 30-Day Public Review Period and revised Draft TEP Project Priorities List. The revised table includes suggested tiebreaks based on geographic balance.
Paul Howard inquired about the membership of the Transportation Enhancements Advisory Committee (TEAC).
Steve Beauvais responded that he does not know the TEAC membership. He noted that NYSDOT Main Office has suggested that this list may be kept confidential to avoid local lobbying of state officials. He did add that past TEAC members included commissioners of state agencies, historic preservation specialists, and a few citizens.
Steve Gleason noted that Wayne Countys Northern Corridor Trail Surfacing Project may need to be removed from the Project Priorities List at the GTC Board meeting if outstanding right-of-way issues are not resolved prior to the meeting. FHWA does not consider the Countys current trail license agreement with Rochester Gas & Electric (the corridor owner) to be acceptable. If the license agreement cannot be improved, the project becomes ineligible. Sharon Lilla agreed that the trail license agreement with RG & E needs to be resolved before the GTC Board meeting. If it is not, Wayne County understands that the project will be removed from consideration.
Two project sponsors have requested reconsideration of their project rankings: the City of Rochester for its Erie Canal Aqueduct project and the Mendon Foundation/Monroe County for its Mendon Station Park Improvements project. City staff provided information to and met with Steve Beauvais and Kristin Bennett regarding its concerns about its projects evaluation and current ranking. Steve and Kristin also met with Mendon Foundation and Monroe County representatives regarding their projects evaluation and ranking. They have not had the opportunity to respond directly to the Foundations written comments (received on February 20).
General discussion about how these projects could be reconsidered and what information should be allowed if they were reconsidered ensued. There was a consensus that these projects could be reconsidered based on the information in their original applications. Altogether new information should not be considered in a reevaluation of the projects.
In response to the Citys request for re-evaluation, Steve and Kristin did revisit their technical evaluations for the Erie Canal Aqueduct project. Their scores did not change from their initial technical review. Steve and Kristin noted they have not had the opportunity to revisit their technical evaluations for the Mendon Station Park Improvements project because the letters requesting reconsideration were received by GTC on February 20 (the last day of the public comment period).
David Woods motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-1. John Czamanske seconded.
Louis Amico from the Monroe County Parks Department apologized for the lateness of their request for reconsideration. He clarified that the Mendon Foundations and Countys request for reconsideration is based on a misunderstanding of how many TEP categories the project may be eligible for. Warren Wallace, representative of the Mendon Foundation explained that the additional information they wish to have reconsidered is technical in nature.
Paul Johnson motioned to amend the Proposed Council Resolution 02-1 to allow the reconsideration of the Mendon Station Park Improvements project. Terry Rice seconded. The motion was not approved (5 in favor and 8 opposed).
David Woods motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-1 (i.e., the original motion). John Czamanske seconded. The motion was approved (7 in favor and 6 opposed).
b. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Adopting the FY 2002-2003 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) / Proposed Council Resolution 02-2
GTC Staff distributed revised project descriptions showing a rebalance of the Local Match to meet state and federal reporting requirements. Steve Gleason reviewed and explained the changes since the original mailing.
GTC Staff distributed copies of the public comments received. A letter was received from Sandra Frankel in support of the I-590 project. A letter was also received from Tom Skoglund requesting reconsideration of the Wyoming County proposal.
Paul Johnson motion to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-2. Terry Rice seconded.
David Woods asked Steve Gleason to discuss recent activities related to the Wyoming County proposal.
At the request of UDC member David Woods, GTC staff worked with Wyoming County staff to develop a more transportation-oriented project (based on their original proposal) for Planning Committee consideration.
William Sullivan motioned to amend Proposed Council Resolution 02-2 to include a new project in Wyoming County. David Woods seconded. The motion was approved (11 in favor and 2 opposed).
A question was raised regarding funding for the project.
Steve Gleason responded that GTC has been funding an unobligated program reserve with a target of 10% of the annual federal allocation. This years contribution was proposed to fully fund this reserve with approximately $40,000. This contribution can be reduced in order to fund the $20,000 federal share of the proposal.
Paul Johnson motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-2 (i.e., the original motion). Terry Rice seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
- Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Livonia Gateway Park Road Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5310/ Proposed Council Resolution 02-3
Representatives from the Town and the Village of Livonia made a presentation on the project outcomes.
David Woods motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-3. John Czamanski seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
d. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Rochester Amtrak Station Revitalization Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6700 / Proposed Council Resolution 02-4
Steve Gleason described the purpose of the study, the steering committee, the study team, and the key assumptions of the study. Steve stated that if the key assumptions change, the recommendations will need to be revisited.
GTC Staff distributed the public comments received since the January 10, 2002 Public Meeting. Steve noted the key themes of the comments.
Steve met with Mayor Johnson who suggested we expand the notion of the Gateway to include the rail corridor approaching the station. Ed Doherty (City of Rochester) expressed his desire that the recommendations include an explicit notation that further design is needed before a bi-directional shuttle on Clinton Avenue can be implemented. Steve also met with Assemblyman David Gantt who suggested a railroad-oriented interactive play area be included in the station.
Steve reviewed the Executive Summary and presented the study recommendations.
William Sullivan motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-4. Terry Rice seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
e. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Suburban Circulator Route Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8310 / Proposed Council Resolution 02-5
Chuck Switzer reviewed the Suburban Circulator Route Study. The Study focused on key bus routes in Greece and Irondequoit. Chuck detailed the cost projections and key findings of the Study.
Terry Rice motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-5. Sharon Lilla seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
f. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Fare Structure Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8530 / Proposed Council Resolution 02-6
David Cook reviewed the Fare Structure Study. The Study focused on the existing fare structure and fare payment options. David detailed the key findings of the Study.
Rob Slaver motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-6. Jim Brady seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
g. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning several proposed TIP amendments.
Terry Rice stated that the TIP Development Committee reviewed all of the proposed TIP amendments and recommended their approval. In the interest of time, he offered the following motion:
Accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-7, Proposed Council Resolution 02-8, Proposed Council Resolution 02-9, Proposed Council Resolution 02-10, and Proposed Council Resolution 02-11. John Czamanske seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
6. New Business
Steve Gleason discussed the need for a March Planning Committee meeting and suggested March 21, 2002 at Henrietta Town Hall, pending availability.
(Note: Henrietta Town Hall is not available, the meeting will be held at GTC)
7. Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on March 21, 2002.
8. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:43