Monroe County Fleet Center
145 Paul Road, Chili
August 14, 2014
Mark Assini, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Angela Ellis, Livingston County (Vice Chairperson)
James Fletcher, Monroe County At-Large
Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At-Large
Todd Gadd, Wyoming County
Roy Gates, Seneca County
Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)-Region 4
Terrence Rice, Monroe County
Kevin Rooney, Wayne County
Mitch Rowe, Rochester City Planning Commission
Douglas J. Tokarczyk, NYS Thruway Authority
David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
Rochelle Bell, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Thomas Goodwin
David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Bill Carpenter
Jim McIntosh, City of Rochester, representing Norman Jones
Robert J. Colby, Monroe County
William Eick, Orleans County
David Hartman, Yates County
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At-Large (Chairperson)
Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation
Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Bill Wright, Ontario County
(Vacant), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)
(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Lora Barnhill, NYSDOT-Region 4
Scott Copey, Town of Greece
Chris Day, Ontario County
Razy Kased, G/FLRPC
Joel Kleinberg, NYSDOT-Region 4
David Kruse, SRF & Associates
Sally Kuzon, City of Batavia
Richard Perrin, GTC staff
Chad Sanderson, Town of Seneca Falls
James Stack, GTC staff
Chris Tortora, GTC Staff
Robert Torzynski, GTC staff
1. Call to Order & Introductions
Angela Ellis, Planning Committee Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.
Richard Perrin noted that Agenda Items 5.f.12 through 5.f.15 (Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 14-20 through 14-23) show the City of Rochester as requesting the resolutions due to an oversight by GTC staff. Richard clarified that the Agenda and the minutes will be corrected to show that they have been requested by NYSDOT.
Richard Perrin noted the following additions to item 5.f. of the agenda:
Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by decreasing the cost of the STP-Urban Block Program project / Resolution 14-101 (Monroe County)
Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost and changing the schedule of the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-104 (Monroe County)
Dan Hallowell requested the following addition to item 5.f. of the agenda:
Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reinstating Five Safe Routes to School Program projects / Resolution 14-105 (NYSDOT)
Jim McIntosh requested the following addition to item 5.f. of the agenda:
Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the East Henrietta Road Improvements (Rochester City Line to Stan Yale Drive) project / Resolution 14-102 (City of Rochester)
2. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
Angela Ellis suggested that Agenda Items 5.a. and 5.b. be moved forward on the agenda out of courtesy to guests. No Member or Alternate objected.
5. Action Items
a. Action concerning consideration of the UPWP Project Scopes of Work
1. Task 6360 Downtown Seneca Falls Parking Improvement Study (Town of Seneca Falls)
Chad Sanderson of the Seneca Falls Town Council discussed the need for this project citing safety, traffic flow, parking, and walkability issues dating back many years in the downtown area. Chad stated that, given Seneca Falls rich history, the downtown area is a popular tourism destination in the region. This study would recommend solutions to help alleviate the above issues.
Mitch Rowe moved to approve the UPWP Project Scope of Work for Task 6360 as presented; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
2. Task 8210 RGRTA Regional Operational Service Audit (RGRTA)
David Cook presented the Scope of Work for Task 8210 citing the benefits that will be accrued from a comprehensive service audit of its regional operations. The goal of the audit is to assess regional operations to identify best practices as well as needs for improvement to inform transit development plans for each countys transit service. He noted that the audit is especially timely given Ontario County joining the Authority and RGRTA beginning operations there on August 1. David also noted that an announcement will be coming soon on RGRTAs re-branding effort.
Terry Rice asked for additional information regarding what would be evaluated beyond what RGRTA already assesses.
David responded that each regional operation has evolved to meet the individual needs of the communities served and that RGRTA would like a consultant to look at actions from each that could be considered by the others, as well as best practices from areas outside the region. There will also be an emphasis on opportunities for additional inter-county coordination.
Erik Frisch moved to approve the UPWP Project Scope of Work for Task 8210 as presented; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Angela Ellis suggested grouping Agenda Items 5.b.1 through 5.b.5 into a single action. No Member or Alternate objected.
b. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks
1. Task 4210 Land Use Report for Monroe County, New York / Proposed Council Resolution 14-73
Rochelle Bell described the project which consists of tracking building permits, zoning changes, major development projects, and overall land use trends in Monroe County for the 2013 calendar year.
2. Task 6808 Village of East Rochester Transportation Improvement Study / Proposed Council Resolution 14-76
David Kruse of SRF & Associates discussed Task 6808 describing the process and resulting recommendations. The study consisted of analyzing the characteristics of four major roads in the village with respect to parking, safety, traffic flow, and bicyclists and pedestrians experiences. Recommendations developed for different parts of the study area include median installation, revised zoning, traffic calming, and sidewalk and bicycle facility improvements.
Terry Rice asked if any other areas within the village were studied with regard to parking such as the area around the school campus.
David responded that the study was focused on the four roadways that comprise the communitys main commercial corridor; however, any comments received through the public input process regarding other areas were provided to the Town/Village members of the Steering Committee for their consideration.
Terry asked whether the road diets mentioned included any changes to signalized intersections. David responded that no changes to lane geometry/ configuration at signalized intersections were recommended. However, it is recommended that increased storage length/capacity be provided for one lane at one leg of the West Commercial Street/Washington Street intersection.
Kevin Rooney asked about the diagonal back-in parking recommended in the study and if it was currently in use anywhere in Rochester.
David responded that it has been shown to work (i.e., to decrease the likelihood for accidents) and is in use at the New York Wine & Culinary Center in Canandaigua.
Terry Rice commented that studies have demonstrated the safety benefits of reverse/back-in parking. Jim McIntosh added that it is also in use on some city streets and has been successful.
3. Task 8770 Town of Greece Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan / Proposed Council Resolution 14-77
Scott Copey from the Town of Greece discussed Task 8770 giving an overview of the process, noting the large steering committee and coordination with adjacent municipalities. Scott noted that an upcoming Capital Improvement Plan for the town will likely incorporate many of the recommendations of this study.
Terry Rice asked for clarification on the pedestrian facility improvement recommendations, specifically the responsibility/ownership of sidewalks on county and state facilities.
Scott responded that the intention of the table on page 11 of the document was to indicate the agency with whom coordination would be necessary rather than who is actually responsible for the sidewalk.
Terry Rice requested a clarification be made regarding Monroe Countys approach to bike lanes. Scott responded that the town will correct the statement in the electronic version of the report.
4. Task 4220 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report / Proposed Council Resolution 14-74
David Zorn presented Task 4220 citing cooperation with Monroe County Planning and describing areas that experienced the most building permit and unit growth in the 2013 calendar year.
Richard Perrin asked if there was 100 percent participation among the municipalities surveyed. David responded in the affirmative.
Terry Rice asked how the growth/development shown in the report compares to that of recent years. David responded that the communities that issued the highest number of permits in 2013 are those that have typically done so in prior years with details available in the report.
5. Task 4230 Inventory and Mapping of Regional Land Use Regulations
/ Proposed Council Resolution 14-75
David Zorn discussed Task 4230, which included updating G/FLRPCs local law library of land use regulations and creating a digital zoning coverage for all municipalities in the region. The final product includes the completed generalized zoning coverage as well as a database and tables of zoning/land use laws at the municipal level.
Jim Fletcher moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolutions 14-73 through 14-77; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
3. Approval of Minutes
Jim Fletcher requested a correction to the attendance section of the minutes from the May 8 meeting to reflect Mark Assinis representation of the Monroe County Supervisors Association.
Terry Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the May 8 Planning Committee meeting as corrected; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as corrected.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports of UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Richard Perrin reported:
GTC Strategic Planning: Work is continuing on the strategic plan document, inclusive of input from a May 28 meeting on revising the vision and values components. GTC staff participated on a working group to assess capacity planning tools being developed through the second national Strategic Highway Research Program in June. GTC staff participated in a roundtable on infrastructure held by the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee on June 25 and another on transportation with Congressman Reed on July 1. Staff have worked with the Association of MPOs (AMPO) to develop the national position of MPOs on reauthorization. The notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for Statewide and Metropolitan Planning was issued on June 2 with comments due September 2. GTC staff have and continue to work with AMPO, NYSAMPO, and NYSDOT on the review of the NPRM and have provided input on the AMPO and NYSAMPO comments. GTC will be discussing the implementation of the MAP-21 performance management requirements with the Government Accountability Office on August 18.
Regional Traffic Count Collection: One statement of qualifications (SOQ) was received by the May 21 deadline in response to the revised Request for Qualifications. The SOQ was deemed responsive and a contract with The Traffic Group, Inc. was executed on June 26. The Traffic Group, Inc. is also conducting NYSDOTs count program in the region. Count locations and types have been finalized with the seven participating counties. Counts will begin this fall with completion anticipated in spring 2015.
Jim Fletcher indicated that he is getting questions as to why traffic counts are being conducted on local and dead-end roads. Rich Perrin explained that those are being conducted by NYSDOT, not GTC, and are intended to obtain better traffic volume information for local roads and ultimately improve the Highway Performance Monitoring System.
Terry Rice asked if a list of upcoming count locations could be provided. Dan Hallowell replied that lists are generated weekly so may not be feasible to receive multiple lists.
Kevin Rooney asked what would happen in the case of road closures with regard to counting errors. Dan Hallowell indicated that any counts that show a significant difference from what is expected would be flagged through NYSDOTs QA/QC process and be recounted.
Jim Fletcher noted that it would be helpful to notify municipalities when counting is expected to take place, and who is conducting the counts. Terry Rice agreed that municipalities should be notified. Rich Perrin stated that once the GTC count program begins, GTC staff will remind the consultant that notifying counties/ municipalities where counts are taking place is a requirement of the contract.
LRTP Update/Implementation: Staff has begun the Customer Engagement Plan for the LRTP 2040 that will be discussed under Agenda Item 4.b.2.
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Critical Transportation Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment: The contract with the consultant was executed on June 3. Data and other resources have been and continue to be compiled and provided to the consultant. A vulnerability scoring methodology has been drafted. A steering committee meeting to present the inventory of data, discuss hazard extents, and get feedback on the scoring methodology will be scheduled for mid- to late-September.
Diversion Route Planning Initiative: GTC staff has identified draft preferred diversion routes for all Principal Arterials in the region. Associated GIS files are being created to produce maps for Steering Committee review in late-September.
Congestion Management Process (CMP): No progress to report. The update of the CMP is included in the LRTP 2035 that was adopted by the Board on June 16, 2011. The CMP Technical Documentation report that expands on the information included in the LRTP 2035 was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 20, 2013 meeting. GTC staff will restart work on an addendum to the current documentation to incorporate travel time reliability and associated performance measures as part of the development of the LRTP 2040.
Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program: The contract for continuance of the ROCEASYRIDE website was executed July 1. The term is what was sought by GTC: a two-year renewal with three one-year options. The bike map suitability ratings have been updated with those included in the 2014 Greater Rochester Area Bicycling Map.
Travel Time Data Collection Program: Access to the data is available and GTC staff will conduct analyses as requested by outside agencies and as needed for internal activities. GTC staff conducted an analysis of travel times on roadways in the vicinity of the NYS Route 33A Bridge over the Erie Canal before and after its closure on May 6 and no appreciable difference in travel time was apparent as capacities of detour roads were able to accommodate the increased volumes (still obviously an inconvenience for travelers in the form of wasted time and gas).
Mark Assini questioned whether, given the current state of transportation funding, the bridge should be replaced or if we should consider other options. Rich Perrin noted that GTC is exploring that very question through the Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Bridge Management Strategy and went on to say that, if sufficient funding were not available to address all the bridges, perhaps the Route 33A bridge gets replaced while another bridge that carries less volume is managed to closure.
Regional Mobility Management Business Planning: No progress to report. GTC staff will restart work with RGRTA to develop a scope of work for a Community Transportation Service-Matching Operations Plan for the Regional Transit Service area that could be transferable to other systems as a pilot plan.
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Trails Initiative Update: The initial steering committee meeting was held on July 25. Counties and the City of Rochester are providing edits to trails currently included in the initiative. Field work and the next steering committee meeting are tentatively scheduled for the second week of September.
Regional Walkability Improvement Program: The Scope of Work was approved at the May 8 meeting. The Request for Proposals was advertised in the NYS Contract Reporter on June 24. Six proposals were received by the July 31 deadline. Consultant selection committee members are reviewing the proposals and approval to enter into a contract with the preferred consultant is expected on September 11.
Rochester Area Bike Sharing Program Study: The second set of focus group meetings and a public open house were held May 19. GTC staff have provided comments on the draft of the feasibility component of the final document prior to submission for steering committee review.
David Zorn reported:
Regional Land Use Monitoring Report: The report is complete and was presented for closeout earlier in the meeting.
Inventory and Mapping of Regional Land Use Regulations: The report is complete and was presented for closeout earlier in the meeting.
Regional Rights-of-Way Study: G/FLRPC staff is coordinating with GTC staff on schedule changes.
Regional Viewshed Inventory and Analysis: G/FLRPC staff is developing criteria for Viewshed identification.
Regional Atlas: The Atlas is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 19 meeting.
Livingston County
Angela Ellis reported:
Dansville Transportation and Commercial & Industrial Access Study: The second public meeting was held May 29. A meeting with business owners and the Glider Association was held on July 21.The consultant is working on the report and hopes to have a draft by the end of September.
Monroe County
Terry Rice reported:
Monroe County Land Use Monitoring: The report is complete and was presented for closeout earlier in the meeting.
Monroe County High Accident Location Program: Three additional locations have been studied and 16 of 52 locations are complete (31 percent). Two additional sites have been identified for follow-up.
Ontario County
Richard Perrin reported:
Ontario County Freight Corridor Development Plan: The Scope of Work was approved in May. An RFP is being developed.
City of Rochester
Erik Frisch reported:
JOSANA Trail Feasibility Study: The contract has been executed. The Project Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet September 9.
Rochester East Main Arts & Market District Plan: The Scope of Work was approved in May. An RFP was released and 12 proposals were received by the August 8 deadline.
Mt. Read Boulevard Corridor Study: Internal draft review is complete. Revised draft will be distributed to the Project Advisory Committee soon.
Rochester Bicycle Boulevard Plan: Advisory Committee met on June 13 to discuss preliminary routes and revisions. Provisional routes will be distributed to the Advisory committee next week. There is interest in trying pop up bicycle boulevards with temporary signage for the second round of public involvement with two meetings at these locations anticipated mid-to-late September.
David Cook reported:
RGRTA Regional Operational Service Audit: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in this meeting. Staff will develop a draft RFP and submit to GTC staff who will forward to NYSDOT for approval.
RTS Route Overhaul and Refinement Analysis: The next focus of the project is on Route 24 (RIT/Marketplace) and Route 91 (Avon/Suburban Plaza). Public meetings to gather input from customers will be held.
Bus Stop Optimization Study: The consultant completed final recommendations. A public meeting is scheduled for August 25 but will likely be moved back to September as RGRTA rolls out its new brand.
Rochester Area Vanpool Feasibility Study: An RFP has been released with proposals due August 28.
Jim Fletcher asked about any feedback on major route changes, particularly the route servicing Penfield. David responded that since there are so few users of that route, there has been very little feedback and no complaints. He went on to say the most feedback RGRTA is receiving right now is related to the transit center and the related route structure changes and transfers.
Other Agencies
Richard Perrin reported:
Downtown Seneca Falls Parking and Improvement Study: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.
Hojack Trail Feasibility Study: A draft of the RFP has been developed.
East Rochester Transportation Improvement Study: The plan is complete and the closeout presentation was given earlier in the meeting.
Village of Scottsville Zoning Code Update: The Scope of Work was approved in May. The RFP was advertised in the NYS Contract Reporter on June 18 and proposals are due August 22.
NYS Route 250 Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The Steering Committee met on May 13. The draft design manual has been revised and the process and application form for integration into the town code is being reviewed. A public information meeting to explain the proposed changes and answer questions on the NYS Route 250 corridor rezoning is scheduled for August 19.
Town of Penfield Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The RFP has been finalized and is expected to be advertised in September.
Village of Brockport Active Transportation Plan: The Scope of Work was approved in May. The RFP was advertised in the NYS Contract Reporter on June 20 with six proposals received by the August 11 deadline.
Town of Henrietta Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Plan: The Scope of Work was approved in May. The RFP was advertised in the NYS Contract Reporter on July 21 and proposals are due September 4.
Pittsford Active Transportation Plan: The Scope of Work was approved in May.
Town of Greece Active Transportation Plan: The plan is complete and the closeout presentation was given earlier in the meeting.
Town of Chili Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study: The first public meeting was held May 27. A community survey was developed and responses to it are being solicited.
Town of Perinton Active Transportation Plan: Alta Planning + Design (with Ingalls Planning & Design) has been selected as the preferred consultant and the contract is being developed.
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
Richard Perrin provided the following updates:
1. Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council Infrastructure and Transportation Workgroup Project Solicitation
Richard reported that the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Councils (FLREDC) Infrastructure and Transportation Workgroup met on May 30 and June 17 to review and score proposals that were submitted via the FLREDC website. The results of the workgroups evaluations were presented to the FLREDC on June 25. At the August meeting of the FLREDC, the 2014 priority projects and progress report were adopted. The NYS Route 390/I-490 Interchange/Lyell Avenue Interchange project is now the Highest Priority Transformational infrastructure and transportation project in the region.
2. Long Range Transportation Plan Customer Engagement
Richard stated that GTC staff has begun customer engagement for the LRTP 2040 with the on the road component. GTC staff sent letters to nearly 250 organizations in the region on July 30 offering to come to a location of their choice at a time of their choosing to discuss transportation opportunities, issues, and projects. Many of the organizations that received these letters serve individuals that have not traditionally been well-represented in the transportation planning process. In addition, similar letters were sent to venues requesting space to allow people to interact with staff at various events.
GTC staff attended the first venue, the Brighton Farmers Market, on Sunday, August 10 and are scheduled to be at eight other farmers markets between now and early October, as well as at the Eastview, Greece Ridge, and Marketplace malls. Richard expressed appreciation to the Monroe County DOT for letting GTC borrow their replica traffic light and noted that more than 40 people stopped at our table in Brighton. In contrast, a total of 35 people attended the eight public meetings that were held during the development of the LRTP 2035.
In the letters, at the venues, and on the dedicated webpage that has been created, GTC staff is distributing a fact sheet and asking people, businesses, and organizations to complete a survey and provide ideas for projects or alert us to trouble spots on a Wikimap.
We have also reached out to the County planning directors (many of whom arent formally involved with GTC) to get their input on topics and ask for their assistance in spreading the word about the availability of the survey, the Wikimap, and our willingness to meet with community organizations.
We will be scheduling two open house-style public meetings for October and/or November and, based on this first round of engagement, will determine what methods would be best for the second round in February and March 2015 to present the draft recommendations.
David Cook asked if people comment on road quality. Richard Perrin responded that they do. However, GTC staff is emphasizing that the nature of remedies/responses with regard to the LRTP will be strategic, regional, and affordable. Richard noted that GTC staff will relay any specific comments about road quality to the responsible agency or agencies and that such comments simply reflect an overall need for preservation.
Dan Hallowell commented that this type of public outreach is a great idea considering how few people attend the traditional public meetings.
3. Regional Bridge Network Needs Assessment and Investment Strategy
At the last Planning Committee meeting on May 8, the closure of the NYS Route 33A bridge over the Erie Canal between Rochester and Gates two days earlier was discussed along with what GTC could do to begin to address the state of bridges in the region. GTC staff were tasked with moving the concept into a concrete initiative that could be completed in a timely manner.
On May 16, GTC staff provided a draft scope of work for review by the county highway departments (including Monroe County DOT), the City of Rochester, NYSDOT-Region 4, NYS Thruway Authority, and others. Comments were provided and incorporated into the draft scope of work on May 22 and the RFP was issued on May 23. Three proposals were received by the June 16 deadline.
A consultant selection committee comprised of Monroe County, Wyoming County, NYSDOT-Region 4, and GTC staff evaluated the proposals. The required materials were prepared and authorization to enter into a contract with the preferred consultant, Cambridge Systematics, was received on July 10. The contract was executed on July 21.
The initial project management meeting was held on July 25 and these meetings are being held weekly. At this time, the bulk of the necessary data has been assembled and initial performance measures for Steering Committee review have been identified. An e-mail to the Steering Committee will be sent to provide an update on the schedule and ask for members availability for meetings in September, October, and November. Completion of all technical work and deliverables is still expected by the end of the calendar year, per the original timeline.
Mark Assini commented that nobody wants their bridge to be closed. Richard Perrin agreed. Mark added that there isnt any new funding coming to transportation in the foreseeable future so this is a needed initiative.
Richard Perrin provided the following announcements:
NYSDOT-Region 4 Director Kevin Bush has been designated as an Alternate to NYSDOT Commissioner Joan McDonald on the GTC Board.
On August 8, the President signed an eight-month extension of MAP-21 through May 31, 2015. The extension includes a transfer of $10.8 billion into the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). Since September 2008, $65.3 billion has been transferred to the HTF to keep it solvent. The funding level is the same as those for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2013 and FFY 2014 in MAP-21 at a prorated level. This should allow GTC to proceed as planned with projects in the TIP for the first two-thirds of FFY 2015. In addition, we expect to receive additional Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds, which we did not program past FFY 2014 due to uncertainty about their status and this regions ability to receive them as an attainment area for the most recently promulgated National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground-level ozone. Based on the language in the extension and our FFY 2014 allocation, we should expect to receive approximately $4 million in CMAQ funds. Once this is validated by NYSDOT-Main Office, GTC staff will explore options to identify projects with the TIP Development Committee.
As background, there was significant back and forth between the House and the Senate on the extension immediately prior to the August Congressional recess. Senate Democrats wanted a shorter term extension that would have only been through the end of the calendar year to allow for a new multi-year authorization to be considered in the lame duck session. Transportation Secretary Foxx is still pushing for this to occur, specifically consideration of the Administrations GROW AMERICA Act.
Mark Assini commented that the President opposes any increase in the gas tax and that no new transportation funding is on the way. Richard Perrin agreed and stated that it is likely we will see continued extensions of MAP-21.
Richard Perrin noted that Joe Bovenzi, GTC Program Manager for System Management and Operations has been accepted to, received a full scholarship for, and will be attending the I-95 Corridor Coalition Operations Academy Senior Management Program in Baltimore in October. Richard thanked FHWA-New York Division for nominating Joe and NYSDOT for providing a letter of support. Richard explained that it is a two week immersion program to gain a better understanding of the issues faced by DOTs and highway departments in operating highways and bridges. Jim Pond and Dan McCusker have both completed the course. Additionally, Jody Binnix of GTC staff was accepted to and attended the I-95 Corridor Coalition Freight Academy back in April which was a similar one week course that focused on freight operations.
Mark Assini asked if GTC has taken a position on High Speed Rail (HSR). Richard Perrin responded that the LRTP has supported HSR as an illustrative project, noting that the availability of multiple transportation choices/options is always desirable, but the money necessary to pay for HSR must be available which it is not making it unaffordable given our regional allocations.
Mark Assini went on to say that the 125 mph HSR Plan for upstate NY, if it were to move forward, is an extremely poor use of limited transportation funding in his opinion. He added that it would be faster and cost less to use the roads that are not being sufficiently funded and that we cannot afford HSR.
5. Action Items (contd)
c. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning endorsing the Regional Project Priorities List for the 2014 Transportation Alternatives Program Solicitation / Proposed Council Resolution 14-78 (NYSDOT-Region 4 and GTC staff)
Dan Hallowell indicated that the list will be provided to the GTC Board. Richard Perrin noted that under MAP-21, GTC gets a direct allocation for project selection and retains control over project selection within the Metropolitan Planning Area.
Dan Hallowell moved to recommend that the GTC Board endorse Proposed Council Resolution 14-78; Erik Frisch seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
d. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning supporting NYSDOT-requested Functional Classification System reclassifications within the Rochester Metropolitan Planning Area / Proposed Council Resolution 14-79 (NYSDOT-Region 4 and GTC staff)
Dan Hallowell discussed the NYSDOT request for Functional Class reclassifications. Erik Frisch asked how long NYSDOT expects the process to take. Dan responded that it would hopefully be complete within six months. Erik asked if the proposed changes would be part of the National Highway System (NHS) in time for the next TIP. Richard Perrin responded that reclassification to Principal Arterial, but perhaps not yet NHS, may be the more likely scenario. Richard then noted that GTC, in coordination with NYSDOT, has reached out to county highway superintendents to identify changes to Functional Classification on a comprehensive basis. Erik asked if there is guidance available with regard to the new Urban Minor Collector category. Chris Tortora responded that guidance was provided in the July 3, 2014 e-mail memorandum to county highway superintendents and the City of Rochester.
Jim Fletcher moved to recommend that the GTC Board support Proposed Council Resolution 14-79; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
e. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning certifying that the Genesee Transportation Council complies with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act requirements for representation by providers of public transportation / Proposed Council Resolution 14-80 (GTC staff)
Richard Perrin discussed resolution 14-80 describing the background and requirements within MAP-21 regarding transit representation. He noted that the current GTC By-laws include the Chairman of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) as a voting member with the same decision making rights and authorities as all GTC voting members thus meeting stated MAP-21 requirements.
David Cook moved to recommend that the GTC Board support Proposed Council Resolution 14-80; Jim McIntosh seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Angela Ellis suggested grouping items 5.f. 1-15 into a single action. No Member or Alternate objected.
f. Action and recommendation to the GTC Board concerning modifying and amending the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 14-9 through 14-23 and Proposed Council Resolutions 14-81 through 14-103 (absent 14-101 and 14-102)
1. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Long Pond Road Reconstruction project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-9 (Monroe County)
2. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Monroe County Highway Preventive Maintenance #2 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-10 (Monroe County)
3. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the CR 8 @ CR 41 & Shortsville Road Intersection Improvement project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-11 (Ontario County)
4. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Elmwood Avenue/Collegetown Cycle Track project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-12 (City of Rochester)
5. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Ames St., Buffalo Rd., Main St., and West Ave. Preventive Maint. project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-13 (City of Rochester)
6. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the City of Rochester Highway Preventive Maintenance Group # 5 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-14 (City of Rochester)
7. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the City of Rochester Highway Preventive Maintenance Group # 4 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-15 (City of Rochester)
8. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the City of Rochester Highway Preventive Maintenance Group # 1 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-16 (City of Rochester)
9. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the City of Rochester Highway Preventive Maintenance Group # 2 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-17 (City of Rochester)
10. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Goodman St. and Clinton Ave. Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-18 (City of Rochester)
11. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the City of Rochester Highway Preventive Maintenance Group # 3 project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-19 (City of Rochester)
12. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the NYSDOT Bridge Preventive Maintenance at 7 locations (FFY 2015) project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-20 (NYSDOT)
13. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Lift Bridge Rehabilitation of Rt. 250 & Rt. 259 over the Erie Canal project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-21 (NYSDOT)
14. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the NYSDOT Bridge Preventive Maintenance at 7 locations (FFY 2017) project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-22 (NYSDOT)
15. Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Route 383 (Rt. 252 to City Line) Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 14-23 (NYSDOT)
Richard Perrin gave an overview of Proposed Committee Resolutions 14-9 through 14-23. There were no questions.
Jim Fletcher moved to adopt Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 14-9 through 14-23; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Angela Ellis suggested grouping items 5.f. 16-36 into a single action. No Member or Alternate objected.
Richard Perrin noted a correction to Proposed Council Resolution 14-93. Dan Hallowell discussed a change in the scope of the Route 441 Prev. Maint. & I-490 Bridges Prev. Maint. project under Proposed Council Resolution 14-97.
16. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring phases of the Highland Crossing Trail project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-81 (Town of Brighton)
17. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Route 531 Interchange at Rt. 31 and Rt. 36 - Reconstruction project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-82 (NYSDOT)
18. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring a phase of the Route 390 @ I-490 Interchange Improvements Stage 1 (Lyell Bridge) project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-83 (NYSDOT)
19. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming select phases of the I-390 Interchange Improvements @ Exit 16 project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-84 (NYSDOT)
20. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the NHPP Block Program project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-85 (NYSDOT)
21. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the federal share of and reprogramming select phases of the I-590 (I-390 to Highland Ave.) Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-86 (NYSDOT)
22. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the I-390 Interchange Improvements @ Rt. 15 (Exit 16 Part 2) project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-87 (NYSDOT)
23. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Pratt Rd. & Powers Rd. Intersection Improvement project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-88 (Town of Batavia on behalf of Genesee County)
24. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Rt. 33 (Buffalo Rd) Improvements from I-490 to Marway Circle project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-89 (NYSDOT)
25. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming a phase of the Monroe County Horizontal Curve Sign Upgrade project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-90 (NYSDOT on behalf of Monroe County)
26. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Rt. 404 Intersection Improvements @ Five Mile Line Rd. & Hard Rd. project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-91 (NYSDOT)
27. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Rt. 104 Intersection Improvements at Rt 104A and Rt 414 project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-92 (NYSDOT)
28. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the HSIP Block Program project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-93 (NYSDOT)
29. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deleting the Interstate System Preventive Maintenance (2014) project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-94 (NYSDOT)
30. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Interstate 490 Bridge Painting - City of Rochester (FFY 2017) project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-95 (NYSDOT)
31. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Inner Loop Bridge over Brown's Raceway project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-96 (NYSDOT)
32. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming the Route 441 Prev. Maint. & I-490 Bridges Prev. Maint. project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-97 (NYSDOT)
33. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the STP-Flex Block Program project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-98 (GTC on behalf of Livingston County and Monroe County)
34. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the federal share of, deferring a phase of, and renaming the Everman Road Bridge Replacement project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-99 (Livingston County)
35. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Upgrade of the Rochester/Monroe County ITS project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-100 (Monroe County)
36. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming select phases of the Broad Street Tunnel - East Approach/Aqueduct project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-103 (City of Rochester)
Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Council Resolutions 14-81 through 14-103, including the nature of the amendments, the source of offsets (if any), and the project sponsors rationale for requesting the amendment.
Dan Hallowell moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolutions 14-81 through 14-103 (absent 14-101 & 102); Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Richard Perrin introduced and discussed new items on the agenda:
37. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the STP-Urban Block Program project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-101 (Monroe County)
38. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost and changing the schedule of the Rochester/ Monroe County Traffic Control Center project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-104 (Monroe County)
Jim Fletcher moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolutions 14-101 and 14-104; Mark Assini seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
39. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reinstating five Safe Routes to School projects / Proposed Council Resolution 14-105 (NYSDOT)
Dan Hallowell explained the need to reinstate five Safe Routes to School projects in the TIP in order to make funding available to progress the projects. These projects were originally scheduled for construction in FFY 2013 but took longer than anticipated to develop. Dan noted that the funding is dedicated to each project and reinstating the projects does not affect any other projects.
Jim Fletcher moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolution 14-105; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
40. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning adding the East Henrietta Road Improvements (Rochester City Line to Stan Yale Drive) project / Proposed Council Resolution 14-102 (City of Rochester)
Jim McIntosh requested the addition of the East Henrietta Road Improvements project. The Project was discussed at the July 24, 2014 TIP Development Committee but coordination with the developer was not finalized prior to the Planning Committee mailing. Jim distributed a diagram of the proposed work. The plan would be for the City of Rochester to manage work slated for East Henrietta Road (NYS Route 15A) that the developer is currently responsible for and include federal funds to conduct additional work. The additional work is necessary to ensure that the corridor is designed and functions in a coordinated and efficient manner. The developer would need to agree to the City administering the project.
David Zorn asked about an offset. Richard Perrin noted that the STP-Urban block has sufficient funds in 2015 and that if this is recommended, Proposed Council Resolution 14-101 would need to be adjusted accordingly.
Jim McIntosh added that the developer would have to agree to use the Federal-Aid project process with the City conducting the project and the developer dedicating funding to the City.
Mark Assini moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolution 14-105; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
6. New Business
a. Discussion on the International Joint Commissions Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Plan 2014
Richard Perrin noted that he did not see any mention of impacts on infrastructure in the International Joint Commission (IJC) report on lake levels and wondered if others had any thoughts or concerns. Kevin Rooney responded that he wrote a letter of concern to IJC regarding Lake Road and impacts on some drainage outflows.
7. Public Forum
No member of the public spoke during the Public forum.
8. Next Meeting
October 9, 2014 at NYSDOT Region 4
1530 Jefferson Road
Henrietta, NY
All materials for items to be considered at this meeting should be submitted to GTC staff no later than Friday, September 26, 2014.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:17 p.m.