New York State Department of Transportation Region 4
1530 Jefferson Road, Henrietta
October 9, 2014
Angela Ellis, Livingston County (Vice Chairperson)
Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At-Large
Roy Gates, Seneca County
Thomas Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board
Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council
Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)-Region 4
David Hartman, Yates County
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At-Large (Chairperson)
Terrence Rice, Monroe County
Kevin Rooney, Wayne County
Mitchell Rowe, Rochester City Planning Commission
David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Bill Carpenter
Jim McIntosh, City of Rochester, representing Norman Jones
Mark Assini, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Robert J. Colby, Monroe County
William Eick, Orleans County
James Fletcher, Monroe County At-Large
Todd Gadd, Wyoming County
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation
Douglas J. Tokarczyk, NYS Thruway Authority
Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Bill Wright, Ontario County
(Vacant), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)
(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Lora Barnhill, NYSDOT-Region 4
Jody Binnix, GTC staff
Kevin Bush, NYSDOT-Region 4
Joel Kleinberg, NYSDOT-Region 4
Rick Papaj, NYSDOT-Region 4
Richard Perrin, GTC staff
Christopher Reeve, NYSDOT-Region 4
James Stack, GTC staff
1. Call to Order & Introductions
Scott Leathersich, Planning Committee Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.
2. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes
Terry Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the August 14 Planning Committee meeting; Dave Hartman seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports of UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Richard Perrin reported:
GTC Strategic Planning: GTC staff worked with the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) and the New York State AMPO to develop and submit comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Statewide and Metropolitan Planning by the original September 2 deadline. The deadline was subsequently moved back to October 2 and GTC staff edited additional comments on a joint submission from AMPO and the National Association of Regional Councils. GTC staff will be participating in a Federal Highway Administration-sponsored peer exchange with the North Carolina Department of Transportation on performance-based programming and cross-modal project prioritization.
Regional Traffic Count Collection: Counts are underway in Genesee, Livingston, and Orleans counties.
LRTP Update/Implementation: Staff will be presenting on the Long Range Transportation Plan as part of item 6.a.
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Critical Transportation Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment: The inventory of existing conditions and hazard extents is being drafted for Steering Committee review. The first round of Steering Committee meetings was held on September 29 and 30 with additional meetings for agencies that could not attend.
Diversion Route Planning Initiative: GTC staff are continuing to develop the maps of the draft preferred diversion routes for all Principal Arterials in the region and work has begun on the associated document.
Congestion Management Process (CMP): No progress to report. The update of the CMP is included in the LRTP 2035 that was adopted by the Board on June 16, 2011. The CMP Technical Documentation report that expands on the information included in the LRTP 2035 was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 20, 2013 meeting. GTC staff will restart work on an addendum to the current documentation to incorporate travel time reliability and associated performance measures as part of the development of the LRTP 2040.
Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program: The Commuter Resources component of the ROCEASYRIDE website was updated on August 28 to reflect the RGRTA rebranding campaign and verify all links are working.
Travel Time Data Collection Program: Access to the data is available and GTC staff will conduct analyses as requested by outside agencies and as needed for internal activities.
Regional Mobility Management Business Planning: GTC staff met with RGRTA staff on October 3 to discuss a scope of work for a Community Transportation Service-Matching Operations Plan for the Regional Transit Service Monroe area. GTC staff are also considering options for another pilot in a rural county.
Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Trails Initiative Update: The Steering Committee met on September 8 and public meetings were held on September 8 in Canandaigua, September 11 in Batavia, and October 7 in Penfield.
Regional Walkability Improvement Program: Approval to enter into a contract with the preferred consultant was obtained on September 11 and the contract was executed on October 1. The cities of Canandaigua and Geneva and the villages of Avon and Bergen will be the first communities to participate in the program.
Rochester Area Bike Sharing Program Study: The remaining components of the final document - business model and phasing plan - are being developed prior to Steering Committee review.
David Zorn reported:
Regional Land Use Monitoring Report: The report is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11 meeting.
Inventory and Mapping of Regional Land Use Regulations: The report is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11 meeting.
Regional Rights-of-Way Study: G/FLRPC staff is coordinating data research, continuing with project development, and conducting GIS analysis.
Regional Viewshed Inventory and Analysis: G/FLRPC staff has developed draft criteria for Viewshed identification.
Regional Atlas: The Atlas is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 19 meeting.
Livingston County
Angela Ellis reported:
Dansville Transportation and Commercial & Industrial Access Study: The consultant has provided the draft report and the Steering Committee is currently reviewing the document. The project is scheduled to be finalized in December.
Monroe County
Tom Goodwin reported:
Monroe County Land Use Monitoring: The report is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11 meeting.
Terry Rice reported:
Monroe County High Accident Location Program: Two additional locations have been studied and 18 of 52 locations are complete (35 percent).
Ontario County
Richard Perrin reported:
Ontario County Freight Corridor Development Plan: Ontario County Planning has met with Finger Lakes Railway and Ontario County Economic Development and is finalizing the Request for Proposals (RFP). GTC staff discussed the project with Ontario County Planning on October 1.
City of Rochester
Erik Frisch reported:
JOSANA Trail Feasibility Study: The first Project Advisory Committee was held on September 9, the public meeting was held October 3, and data collection is well underway.
Rochester East Main Arts & Market District Plan: The preferred consultant has been selected and the contract is being finalized.
Mt. Read Boulevard Corridor Study: The draft report and an internal review has been conducted. The project is anticipated to be presented for close out at the November 13 Planning Committee Meeting.
Rochester Bicycle Boulevard Plan: A pop up bicycle boulevard with temporary signage was set-up last week. A public meeting was held on October 1. The project has received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the public. The project is anticipated to be presented for close out at the January Planning Committee Meeting.
Other Agencies
Richard Perrin reported:
Downtown Seneca Falls Parking and Improvement Study: GTC staff provided the draft RFP for Steering Committee review on August 29. No comments were received by the September 12 deadline. It was determined that no SEQR review of the final plan is required.
Hojack Trail Feasibility Study: The draft of the RFP continues to be developed.
East Rochester Transportation Improvement Study: The project was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11 meeting.
Village of Scottsville Zoning Code Update: One proposal was received by the August 22 deadline and was deemed to be responsive by the Steering Committee. The Village Board is expected to authorize a contract on October 14.
NYS Route 250 Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The draft design manual is being revised for review by the Steering Committee.
Town of Penfield Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The RFP has been finalized and is expected to be advertised when the draft design manual from the NYS Route 250 Transit Supportive Mixed Use District is complete.
Village of Brockport Active Transportation Plan: The preferred consultant was selected on August 20 and the contract was executed. The first meeting of the Steering Committee was held September 23.
Town of Henrietta Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Plan: Two proposals were received by the September 24 deadline. The preferred consultant was selected on October 1.
Pittsford Active Transportation Plan: GTC staff provided the draft RFP for Town and Village review.
Town of Greece Active Transportation Plan: The project was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11 meeting.
Town of Chili Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study: The Steering Committee met on September 4. The introduction, inventory and analysis, and needs assessment have been drafted.
Town of Perinton Active Transportation Plan: The contract was executed on August 27 and the first Steering Committee meeting was held on September 18. Data is being collected and developed for the inventory of conditions.
Terry Rice asked who had been selected as the consultant for the Town of Henrietta Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Plan and the Town of Chili Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study.
Richard Perrin responded that Barton and Loguidice along with Sprinkle Consulting, SRF Associates, and Vanguard Engineering has been selected for the Town of Henrietta Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Plan. Steinmetz Planning along with Ingalls Planning and Design and Lu Engineers has been selected for the Town of Chili Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study.
David Cook reported:
RGRTA Regional Operational Service Audit: Staff developed a draft RFP and provided to GTC staff for submission to NYSDOT-Main Office for final approval. Staff is evaluating the Scope of Work and will likely look to request additional funding to expand the project for a more comprehensive audit.
RTS Route Overhaul and Refinement Analysis: Staff is still working towards completion on Route 24 (RIT/Marketplace) and Route 91 (Avon/Suburban Plaza). Route 12 (19th Ward/MCC) is currently being reviewed.
Bus Stop Optimization Study: A public meeting was held and the public comment period ended October 7. The report is currently being finalized. Changes to the bus stops will start to be realized in January to coordinate with the implementation of the RTS branding change.
Rochester Area Vanpool Feasibility Study: The initial RFP was released and no responses were received. The RFP has been reissued with proposals due October 17.
Terry Rice asked if traffic was a consideration in the Bus Stop Optimization Study. For example, stopping on the far side of an intersection may be more effective from a traffic standpoint. Changes to the bus stops could further affect the location of parking signs. All changes should be reviewed by the Traffic Control Board.
Erik Frisch noted that the City requested a presentation on the changes to the bus stops to provide opportunities for coordination on the necessary modifications to signage.
David Cook responded that he would relay Terrys concerns to the project manager.
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
Richard Perrin provided the following updates:
1. Regional Bridge Network Needs Assessment and Investment Strategy
Richard Perrin reported that weekly project management meetings between the consultant and GTC staff are continuing. On August 25, the schedule for three of the four Steering Committee meetings one each in September, October, and November were set. The first was held on September 9 to review and discuss the scope of work, data needs and available analytic tools, and the three scenarios to be analyzed. Following the meeting, a worksheet was produced to obtain information on recent and planned bridge expenditures from all sources by work type that was provided to and completed by all Steering Committee members. Richard thanked the members for providing the financial information in such a timely manner.
The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for October 14 to present the initial results of the Maintenance of Existing Conditions and Management of Declining Assets scenarios and to finalize the definition of the State of Good Repair scenario. At the November 20 meeting, the final results of all three scenarios and the initial versions of the MS Excel-based tools to calculate work strategies and prioritize bridges (based on factors to be decided by the Steering Committee) will be discussed.
2. Functional Classification Update
Richard Perrin noted that GTC staff and member agencies are moving forward with the updates to the functional classifications of roadways in the seven-county TIP area. The City of Rochester, Counties, and NYSDOT submitted their proposed reclassifications per GTC staffs request. In addition, GTC staff has performed an analysis of the functional classification of roadways within the Rochester Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA). This analysis consisted of calculating the standard deviations and variances of roadway volumes compared to the median volumes of roads within the same functional class. Roads and segments with higher variances were identified and their classifications and characteristics were reviewed using NYSDOTs Functional Classification Viewer and Traffic Data Viewer. The results of the GTC analysis have been provided to the respective agencies for their consideration. We expect to discuss the proposed reclassifications at the October 30 TIP Development Committee meeting and provide a recommended list of updates for your consideration at the November 13 Planning Committee meeting.
Terry Rice asked if any towns submitted changes regarding functional classification to GTC, noting that Monroe County had provided information on changes to the towns.
Richard responded that none had been submitted and he would not feel comfortable recommending changes without the concurrence of the facilitys owner.
3. FY 2015-2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Development
Richard Perrin reported that a postcard announcing the availability of the FY 2015-2016 UPWP Call for Projects on the GTC website was issued on Friday, September 12. An applicant workshop was held on Wednesday, September 24 at Henrietta Town Hall with three attendees. Applications are due Friday, October 17 and it is anticipated that approximately $850,000 will be available for requests from GTC staff for professional services, member agencies, and communities in the region.
GTC staff met last week and conducted an internal poll to identify and rank potential proposals. Two items that GTC staff are seeking concurrence to fund prior to considering proposals received as part of the solicitation are for continued access to travel time data and a multi-year contract for on-call travel demand modeling assistance.
Richard noted that the funds currently programmed for on-call travel demand modeling assistance will be used to expand the Model to cover the revised MPA boundary based on the 2010 Census. Data related to the performance of the transportation system and associated analytic capabilities are gaining greater importance due to the forthcoming performance management requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), which did not include an increase in metropolitan planning funds to meet these requirements. Richard reported that he would bring cost estimates to the UPWP Development Committee for its consideration at the initial meeting of that group on November 13 following the next Planning Committee meeting.
GTC staff will also be submitting an application to update the Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategic Plan for Greater Rochester that was adopted in March 2011. Given the ever increasing developments in technology and their proliferation across modes, it is important to ensure that there is a current comprehensive transportation systems management and operations plan.
Dan Hallowell asked if the travel time data collection needs to be submitted for UPWP funding as opposed to making the program an extension of the GTC core budget.
Richard noted that in the past GTC staff have submitted it for UPWP funding, however, MAP-21 performance-based planning requirements increase the need for this type of data.
Terry Rice agreed that funding for the travel time data collection program and on-call modeling assistance should come off the top of the available funding beyond the core budget.
Richard noted that if there is a commitment to funding off the top for the future then is there is an opportunity to reduce the requested amount for the initial contract and spread the request out over multiple budgets.
Terry asked about using Finger-Lakes Health Systems Agency (FLHSA) to conduct the health systems analysis and if they coordinated efforts with the Monroe County Health Department.
Richard responded that GTC met with FLHSA this week and there have been discussions with the Monroe County Department of Health along with City of Rochester and Monroe County planning and transportation staffs. This is a unique situation in that GTC wants the transportation systems contribution to health beyond safety conducted but cannot contract directly with FLHSA due to procurement requirements. The sponsorship of this project by the County or the City should not be construed as competing with other County or City proposals.
5. Action Items
6. New Business
a. Presentation and discussion on the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040
Richard Perrin and Jody Binnix presented an update on the development of the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 (LRTP 2040). The presentation provided an overview of work accomplished to date, background on the LRTP 2040 planning process, updated MAP-21 planning requirements, a review of feedback received from the on-going first round of customer engagement, and requested direction from members of the Planning Committee regarding specific planning items such as NYS Route 390/I-490/Lyell Avenue Reconstruction, a regional complete streets policy, and the MPA Boundary update.
Angela Ellis asked if GTC staff were going to explore innovative funding options to implement the recommendations. Not necessarily grant money but funding mechanisms from other realms, such as the health sector.
Richard Perrin responded that GTC staff can look into innovative funding options. In the current LRTP the conversation was started but if communities are not willing to pay for or bond capital projects it is difficult to implement. Staff can look for best practices that municipalities can use for implementation.
Terry Rice noted that the region needs to balance investment between management and operations, preservation, and rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Richard stated that the guiding principle, Transition to Tomorrow, conveys a more balanced approach to investment.
Richard noted that general feedback received during the first round of customer engagement will be hard to duplicate when conducting outreach activities for the recommendations. GTC will reach out to State and Federal resource agencies to provide an opportunity to review and comment on the recommendations and likely conduct additional public meetings for the second round of customer engagement.
Terry noted it may be useful to approach the Monroe County Council of Governments to present the recommendations.
7. Public Forum
No member of the public spoke during the Public forum.
8. Next Meeting
November 13, 2014 at RGRTA
1372 East Main Street in Rochester
All materials for items to be considered at this meeting should be submitted to GTC staff no later than Friday, October 31, 2014.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.