GTC Board - Minutes

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Radisson Inn

Henrietta, NY

March 11, 2004


Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Executive

Marvin Decker, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (GTC Chairman)

James Fabino, Wayne County

Paul E. Haney, Rochester At-Large

Daniel Hogan, Monroe County At-Large

Gay H. Lenhard, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Ed Marianetti, Monroe County At-Large

Wayne Zyra, Monroe County


Richard Beers, Jr., Federal Highway Administration, representing Robert Arnold

Bill Bordeau, Seneca County, representing Robert Shipley

David Cook, RGRTA, representing William Nojay

Ed Doherty, City of Rochester, representing William Johnson

Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority, representing Michael Fleischer

Kristen M. Hughes, Ontario County, representing Carmen Orlando

Anne Humphrey, Wyoming County, representing A. Douglas Berwanger

Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Bonnie Pedrick-Coles

Charles Moynihan, NYSDOT Region 4, representing Joseph Boardman

Richard Rudolph, Genesee County, representing Mary Pat Hancock

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council, representing Lois Giess

David Woods, Livingston County, representing James Merrick 


Philip Brito, Federal Aviation Administration

Erin M. Crotty, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Charles Gargano, Empire State Development Corporation

Dana K. Miller, Rochester City Planning Commission

Robert Multer, Yates County

Letitia Thompson, Federal Transit Administration

Marcia Tuohey, Orleans County


Kristin Bennett, GTC Staff

Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4

Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

James Hoffman, Town of Williamson

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Brian Lakeman, GTC Staff

Esther Leadley, G/FLRPC

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Terrence Rice, Monroe County

Robert Scholl, NYSDOT Region 4

Rob Slaver, NYSDOT Region 4

James Stack, GTC Staff

John Thomas, City of Rochester

David Zorn, G/FLRPC

1.         Call to Order           

            Chairman Decker called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

2.         Roll Call

            James Stack, GTC staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

3.         Public Forum

             No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

4.         Approval of Minutes

James Fabino moved for approval of the minutes from the December 11, 2003 GTC Quarterly Board meeting; Anne Humphrey seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as submitted.

 5.         Communications and Announcements

         James Stack announced the following appointments to the Planning Committee:
      Monroe County Christopher Lucas designated as Alternate to Wayne Zyra

      Monroe County Supervisors Association Tracy Logel appointed to the Committee

      Orleans County Kenneth Rush appointed to the Committee, Wayne Hale designated as Alternate to Mr. Rush

         James Stack announced the following appointments to the GTC Board:
      Ontario County Carmen Orlando replaced Donald Ninestine as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and GTC Board Member  

      Monroe County Maggie Brooks replaced Jack Doyle as the County Executive and GTC Board Member

      Monroe County Legislature Wayne Zyra replaced Dennis Pelletier as the President of the Monroe County Legislature and GTC Board Member

      Monroe County Supervisors Association Gay Lenhard replaced Jeanne Loberg as the President and GTC Board Member; William Carpenter designated as Alternate to Ms. Lenhard

      Seneca County Robert Shipley replaced Robert Favreau as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and GTC Board Member

      New York State Thruway Authority Richard Garrabrant and Mark Anduze designated as Alternates to Michael Fleischer

6.         Reports and Action on Old Business

a.       Planning Committee Report David Woods, Chairman

David Woods provided the following report:

At its January 15, 2004 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Recommended that the Board accept the Regional Population Forecasts as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5230

         Approved the FY 2004-05 & FY 2005-06 Unified Planning Work Program Draft Public Review Document for 30-day public review

At its February 19, 2004 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Recommended that the Board adopt the Draft FY 2004-05 & FY 2005-06 Unified Planning Work Program

         Recommended that the Board adopt the Draft GTC Public Participation Policy

         Recommended that the Board accept the Regional Trails Initiative Phase 2 Final Report and Action Plan as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8740

         Recommended that the Board accept the RGRTA Focus Group Research Services report as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 4710

         Recommended that the Board adopt changes that Update the Functional Classification System and National Highway System within the Rochester Transportation Management Area

         Recommended that the Board approve several amendments to the 2003-2008 TIP

b.      GTC Executive Directors Report Richard Perrin

                  Richard Perrin provided the following report:

        Staff worked with the UPWP Development Committee to produce the Draft FY 2004-05 & FY 2005-06 Unified Planning Work Program for the Boards consideration

        Staff produced the Draft GTC Public Participation Policy for the Boards consideration

        Staff is continuing work on the Long Range Transportation Plan: 2005-2025.  The second round of public comment will begin this Spring.  Staff expects to produce the Draft Long Range Transportation Plan: 2005-2025 for the Boards consideration at their September 9, 2004 meeting

        Staff worked with the Access to Non-Emergency Medical Services Study Steering Committee to develop alternatives to address the issues related to this initiative.  Two roundtable discussions were held on February 26 and a public meeting is scheduled for April 8.  A final report is expected to be provided for the Boards consideration at their June 17 meeting

             c.   Old Business 

At their December 11, 2003 meeting, the Board asked staff to look into the issues associated with the acquisition of the CSX-owned Rochester Running Track, in light of public safety concerns related to its abandonment.  Richard Perrin stated that he had contacted the Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council regarding any similar issues and potential solutions.  The discussion did not yield any material results and Richard reported that staff will continue to investigate the issue.

At this point, Daniel Hogan requested that the Board consider sending a letter to Dennis Pelletiers family thanking him for his years of service to the Board.  The Board concurred and the Chairman instructed staff to draft said letter for his signature on behalf of the Board. 

7.         New Business 

a.       Adoption of the FY 2004-05 & FY 2005-06 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Action on Resolution 04-1 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-1 with a modification to reflect the receipt of notification of the actual amount of FTA planning related funds for FY 2004-05. 

Daniel Hogan moved to approve Resolution 04-1; James Fabino seconded.  The motion passed unopposed.  

b.      Adoption of the Genesee Transportation Council Public Participation Policy Action on Resolution 04-3 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-3. 

Daniel Hogan moved to approve Resolution 04-3; Charles Moynihan seconded.  The motion passed unopposed.  

c.       Update of the Functional Classification System and National Highway System within the Rochester Transportation Management Area (TMA) Action on Resolution 04-6 

                  Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-6. 

Maggie Brooks moved to approve Resolution 04-6; Wayne Zyra seconded.  The motion passed unopposed. 

d.      Accepting final project reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks 

The Chairman suggested that the following three Proposed Council Resolutions be considered under one motion.  The Board concurred. 

(1)  Accepting the report, Regional Population Forecasts, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5230 Action on Resolution 04-2 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-2. 

Paul Haney inquired about the current and projected population for Monroe County and the City of Rochester.  David Zorn responded with the population counts included in the Regional Population Forecasts

(2)  Accepting the report, Regional Trails Initiative Phase 2 Final Report and Action Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8740 Action on Resolution 04-4 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-4. 

(3)  Accepting the report, RGRTA Focus Group Research Services, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 4710 Action on Resolution 04-5 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-5. 

Ed Doherty moved to approve Resolutions 04-2, 04-4, and 04-5; Paul Haney seconded.  The motion passed unopposed.  

e.   Adoption of amendments to the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)     

The Chairman suggested that the following five TIP amendments be considered under one motion.  The Board concurred. 

(1)  Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Lift Line Radio Communications System project and removing the Purchase Trolley Buses project Action on Resolution 04-7 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-7. 

(2) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Trip Itinerary Planning Software project and reducing the cost of the RTS Bus Shelter Replacements project Action on Resolution 04-8 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-8. 

(3) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the FFY 2004 Jobs Access Reverse Commute Program project Action on Resolution 04-9 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-9. 

(4) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Thruway Concrete Repair, Interchange 44 to 45 project Action on Resolution 04-10 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-10. 

(5) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Canalway Trail Long Pond Road to Clover Street project Action on Resolution 04-11 

Richard Perrin reviewed Proposed Council Resolution 04-11. 

Ed Marianetti inquired about the nature of the Thruway Concrete Repair, Interchange 44 to 45 project.  Richard Garrabrant responded that it is a maintenance project that will extend the life of the concrete pavement. 

Paul Haney inquired about the age of the section of roadway to be repaired in said project.  Richard Garrabrant responded that it is more than ten years old. 

Richard Garrabrant moved to approve Resolutions 04-7, 04-8, 04-9, 04-10, and 04-11; Daniel Hogan seconded.  The motion passed unopposed.  

f.        Election of GTC Officers 

At this point, the Chairman turned the meeting over to David Woods, Chairman of the Nominating Committee for GTC Officers.  David Woods gave an overview of the Nominating Committee (which included Ed Doherty and Terrence Rice), the nominating procedures, and the nominations received.   

The Nominating Committee nominated Marvin Decker, Wayne County Board of Supervisors, for the position of Chairman and Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Executive, for the position of Vice Chair.  David asked for additional nominations from the floor.  No additional nominations were made. 

Kris Hughes moved to approve the nominations for the GTC Board; James Fabino seconded the motion.  The motion passed unopposed. 

g.       Any Other New Business 

Maggie Brooks asked Richard Perrin for an update on the status of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)s pending ozone designation for the region. 

      Richard responded that NYSDEC did not take the opportunity afforded to them by EPA to reaffirm Governor Patakis support of a designation of unclassifiable for the region.  GTC will continue to coordinate activities of affected member agencies to raise the issues associated with the EPAs intent to promulgate an unwarranted nonattainment designation. 

8.                  Next Meeting 

The next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. at the Radisson Inn in Henrietta. 

9.         Adjournment 

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.