GTC Offices
April 15, 2004
James Brady, Wayne County
Michael Garland, Monroe County At Large
Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority
Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County
Fred Humphrey, Wyoming County
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large
Charles Nesbitt, Jr., Empire State Development Corporation
Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County
Larry Stid, City of Rochester Planning Commission
William Sullivan, Rochester City Council
David Zorn, G/FLRPC
Richard Beers, Jr., FHWA, representing Robert Griffith
David Cook, RGRTA representing (Vacant)
Harriet Haynes, Seneca County, representing Glenn Cooke
Don Higgins, Livingston County, representing David Woods
Christopher Lucas, Monroe County, representing Wayne Zyra
Rob Slaver, NYSDOT Region 4, representing Joan Dupont
John Thomas, City of Rochester, representing George Stam
Kristin Bennett, GTC Staff
James E. Clements, NYSDOT Region 6
Darrin Earl, City of Rochester
Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff
Erik Frisch, GTC Staff
Ryan Gallivan, RGRTA
Tom Low, Town of Brighton
Jeff McCann, Monroe County Legislature
Richard Perrin, GTC Staff
Maria Rudzinski, Ontario County Planning Dept.
Bob Scholl, NYSDOT Region 4
Steve Schwartzmeier, Monroe County Dept. of Environ. Services
James Stack, GTC Staff
Philip Brito, FAA
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Board
Tracy Logel, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Kenneth Rush, Orleans County
Clara Wallace-Douglas, FTA
(Vacant), Yates County
(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
1. Call to Order
Kris Hughes called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes
Terrence Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the February 19, 2004 Planning Committee meeting; John Thomas seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Richard Perrin reported:
The clearinghouse component (ARTIC) of the Rural County Resource Development Initiative and an associated technical memo are being developed
The work plan for the Transportation Safety Information Analysis has been finalized and potential respondents for a survey on type, access to, and use of safety information are being identified
An update on the Long Range Transportation Plan will be provided later in the meeting
An update on Air Quality Planning and Outreach will be provided later in the meeting
GTC staff is continuing to meet with county industrial development agencies as part of the Transportation and Industrial Access project. G/FLRPC will be updating the inventory of industrial parks and sites
A scope of work will be developed for the Greater Rochester Transportation Operations and Management Organization Feasibility Study
GTC staff have begun classifying rights-of-way by potential future uses as part of the Regional Rights-Of-Way Preservation Study. Findings and recommendations will be finalized following the classification by potential uses
The Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study is nearing completion. Two roundtable discussions were conducted on February 26 and a public meeting was held on March 30. Project close-out is anticipated at the May 20 Planning Committee meeting
Priority Trails Advancement (PTA) has three sub-projects: The Steering Committee for the Canandaigua Rail-with-Trail project is reviewing the draft report from the consultant with comments due on April 15. The development of a draft report for the Auburn Corridor Trail is continuing. The City of Rochester is reviewing a draft final report for the Neighborhood Connectors project. The Regional Trails Initiative Steering Committee is meeting April 15 to discuss the FY 2004-05 PTA call for projects
The On-Street Bicycle Facilities Opportunities Review work plan has been finalized and a review of accepted accommodations and treatments has been initiated
GTC Staff will be meeting on the Congestion Management System prior to the May 20 Planning Committee meeting with an update to be given at that time
The TIP Management Enhancement Study Steering Committee had its first meeting on March 24. The consultant has conducted individual interviews with staff from several agencies. The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for May 6
David Zorn reported:
Data collection for Regional Land Use Monitoring is 90% complete
A draft methodology for the Regional Development Projections was reviewed by the G/FLRPC Planning Coordination Committee at its February 6 meeting. G/FLRPC is progressing on data retrieval and review
The scope of work for the Preparing Village Main Streets for Planning project will be presented for Committee consideration later in the meeting
The scope of work for the Optimizing Transportation Infrastructure through Effective Land Use project will be developed
Livingston County
Don Higgins reported:
The scope of work for the Horizontal Alignment Safety Study will be developed by the Livingston County Highway Department
Monroe County
Terrence Rice reported:
There will be a presentation on the GIS Database Integration for Monroe County DOT project later in the meeting. Project close-out is anticipated at the May 20 Planning Committee meeting
Legislative approval of the consultant contract for the Pedestrian Activity Safety Study was obtained in March. A kick-off meeting with the consultant is being scheduled
Legislative approval of the consultant contract for the Ballantyne Road Corridor Study will be sought the week of April 19
Ontario County
Kris Hughes reported:
The scope of work for Phase 2 of the Route 332 Corridor Management Study has been finalized
The final report for the Routes 5 & 20 Corridor Study will be presented later in the meeting
A focus group on Land Use and Utilities was held March 17 as part of the Canandaigua Regional Transportation Study. The County is in the process of scheduling a Tourism focus group
City of Rochester
John Thomas reported:
The final report for the Street Condition Rating Update Study will be presented later in the meeting
The scope of work for the Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study will be developed
A draft final report for the Highland Park/Canalway Neighborhood Connector Trail Study is being reviewed. Monroe County DOT will provide comments on issues and opportunities related to signalization and crosswalks
David Cook reported:
An RFP for the Security and Safety Plan for Public Transportation will be issued the week of April 19
The scope of work for the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation Service to Universities and Colleges will be developed. RGRTA met with the University of Rochester to discuss transportation needs
The final report for the Route Analysis Information System will be presented later in the meeting
Wyoming County
Richard Perrin reported:
A revised draft of the Transportation Elements of Scenic and Historic Resources in Wyoming County report has been received from the consultant
Yates County
Richard Perrin reported:
GTC staff is working with the consultant on revisions to the draft recommendations for the Route 14A Corridor Study
Other Agencies
Richard Perrin reported:
The Conesus Transportation and Safety Management Plan document has been distributed. A How To Guidebook is under development
The final report for the Monroe Avenue/I-590 Interchange Study will be presented later in the meeting
A scope of work for the Regional Traffic Count Collection is being developed by Monroe County DOT in consultation with Livingston, Ontario, and Wayne counties
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
Since the last Planning Committee meeting, GTC has received the following appointments and designations:
Monroe County At-large Scott Leathersich appointed to the Committee
Monroe County At-large James Pond designated as Alternate to Scott Leathersich
Monroe County At-large Michael Garland appointed to the Committee
Monroe County At-large James Fletcher designated as Alternate to Michael Garland
Wyoming County Fred Humphrey appointed to the Committee
In order to better accommodate a presentation on the GIS Database Integration for Monroe County DOT, item 6.a. was moved up on the agenda.
6.a. GIS Database Integration for Monroe County DOT
Steve Schwartzmeier, from Monroe County Department of Environmental Services gave a presentation on and demonstration of the capabilities developed with the GIS Database Integration for Monroe County DOT project. There was discussion about the level of access allowed to different classes of users.
Richard Perrin noted that this presentation was informational and Monroe County DOT expects to present an Executive Summary and resolution at the May 20 Planning Committee meeting for project close-out.
5. Planning Committee Action Items
a. Recommendations to GTC Board concerning accepting final project reports and executive summaries as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks
1. Accepting the executive summary, Street Information Management System, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 4340/Proposed Council Resolution 04-12
Darrin Earl, City of Rochester, provided an overview of the Street Information Management System.
William Sullivan moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 04-12; Michael Garland seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
2. Accepting the report, NYS Routes 5 & 20 Corridor Study Lima to Canandaigua, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7540/Proposed Council Resolution 04-13
Maria Rudzinski, Ontario County Planning Department, provided an overview of the NYS Routes 5 & 20 Corridor Study Lima to Canandaigua.
Larry Stid moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution
04-13; Terrence Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
3. Accepting the report, Multimodal Study for Monroe Avenue/I-590 Interchange, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7610/Proposed Council Resolution of
Tom Low, Town of Brighton, provided an overview of the Multimodal Study for Monroe AvenueI-590 Interchange.
Richard Garrabrant moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 04-14; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
4. Accepting the executive summary, UPWP 8537: RTS Route Analysis Information System, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8537/Proposed Council Resolution 04-15
Ryan Gallivan, RGRTA, provided an overview of the RTS Route Analysis Information System.
David Cook moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 04-15; Rob Slaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
b. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Cartersville Waste Weir Rehabilitation project/Proposed Council Resolution 04-16
Richard Garrabrant gave a brief overview of the TIP amendment request. Because of the immediate need for the funds a mail ballot to the GTC Board for action on the proposed amendment was requested.
Richard Garrabrant moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 04-16; Charles Nesbitt seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
In accordance with this motion, GTC staff will prepare a mail ballot for GTC Board consideration.
c. Planning Committee concurrence concerning the Classification of FY 2004-05 UPWP Tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Policy
Richard Perrin discussed the need to classify UPWP projects in accordance with the recently adopted GTC Public Participation Policy. Projects that are either altogether new to the FY 2004-05 UPWP or received new funding in FY 2004-05 need to be classified for purposes of defining public participation and input requirements.
GTC staff reviewed the projects and made recommendations which were included in the meeting package.
Richard Garrabrant moved to approve the recommended Classification of FY 2004-05 UPWP Tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Policy; William Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
d. Planning Committee concurrence concerning the Approval of UPWP Project Scopes of work
1. Task 5360 Preparing Village Main Streets for Planning
David Zorn distributed a revised scope of work from the one included in the meeting package that includes a broader range of transportation agencies.
James Brady moved to approve the revised UPWP Project Scope of Work for Task 5360. Terrence Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
2. Task 5610 RGRTA/City of Rochester ITS Implementation Plan City of Rochester component
John Thomas discussed the scope of work for the Citys component of the RGRTA/City of Rochester ITS Implementation Plan. The original scope was approved in July 2003.
Terrence Rice suggested contacting the Monroe County Water Authority about their AVL system.
Richard Garrabrant moved to approve the UPWP Project Scope of Work for the City of Rochester component of Task 5610. David Zorn seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
6. Planning Committee Information Items
b. Long Range Transportation Plan Update
Richard Perrin updated the Committee on progress made in the development of the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). GTC staff has begun to identify transportation alternatives that will ultimately come before the Committee for review and comment.
The preferred alternatives, as determined by the Committee, will become the recommendations that are included in the LRTP that will be sent to the Board for their consideration. A series of six public meetings will be held in May to solicit proposed alternatives from interested parties including, but not limited to, member agencies, the general public, and community organizations.
GTC staff had originally expected to complete the LRTP for Committee consideration at its August 19 meeting, and (if recommended) subsequent GTC Board consideration at their September 9 meeting. However, the recent nonattainment designation and associated conformity requirements mean it is no longer feasible to expect that the LRTP will be completed earlier than required.
GTC staff requested that the $7,500 of LRTP contractual services included in the FY 2004-05 UPWP for a facilitator at the second and third series of public meetings be reallocated to Task 1600 Program Reserve. GTC staff feels that they can facilitate the meetings and that the funds would be better used elsewhere.
c. Air Quality Update
Richard Perrin updated the Committee on issues related to the EPAs pending designations for ground-level ozone which were due that morning. As of the time the meeting began, EPA had not announced the designations.
A conference call was conducted on April 7 with EPA regional officials to discuss their intentions to designate the Rochester MSA as nonattainment given the issues raised about the quality of data produced by the monitors. EPA regional officials stated that they felt the data from the monitors was valid and that they remained intent on designating the Rochester MSA as nonattainment.
GTC staff was informed that the States Congressional delegation was drafting a letter to EPA Administrator Leavitt and that the letter would include the recommendation that the Rochester MSA be designated as unclassifiable.
GTC staff is continuing to move forward with UPWP Task 5290 Air Quality Planning and Outreach. The consultant was making revisions to the data needs technical memo based on GTC staff comments.
7. New Business
David Zorn informed the Committee of the G/FLRPC Spring 2004 Regional Local Government Workshop on May 14. David had registration forms for those interested in attending.
Richard Perrin informed the Committee of the Creating Walkable Communities Conference to be held in Rochester on June 16 and 17, 2004. Postcards and agendas will be mailed to lead elected officials and community groups in the region.
8. Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held May 20, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. at the Livingston County Government Center.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.