GTC Board - Minutes

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Radisson Hotel

Henrietta, NY

June 15, 2006


Maggie Brooks, Monroe County (GTC Chairperson)

Lois Giess, Rochester City Council

Paul E. Haney, Rochester At-Large

James Hoffman, Wayne County

Daniel Hogan, Monroe County At-Large

Edward Marianetti, Monroe County At-Large

Robert Shipley, Seneca County (GTC Vice Chairperson)

David L. Watson, Rochester City Planning Commission

Wayne Zyra, Monroe County


Mark Aesch, RGRTA, representing John G. Doyle, Jr.

Leslie Bamann, Ontario County, representing Theodore Fafinski

E. Joseph Gozelski, Wyoming County, representing A. Douglas Berwanger

Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Bonnie Pedrick-Coles

William Leslie, NYS Thruway Authority, representing Michael Fleischer

Edward G. Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation, representing Charles Gargano

Kevin OBuckley, NYSDOT Region 4, representing Thomas Madison

Chris Wilson, Yates County, representing Robert Multer

David Woods, Livingston County, representing James Merrick


Robert Arnold, Federal Highway Administration

George Bower, Orleans County

Philip Brito, Federal Aviation Administration

Robert Duffy, City of Rochester

Mary Pat Hancock, Genesee County

Esther Leadley, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council

Tracy Logel, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Denise M. Sheehan, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Letitia Thompson, Federal Transit Administration


Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Ron Hayes, NYSDOT

Dan Hallowell, NYSDOT Region 4

Paul Holahan, City of Rochester

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County

Thomas Pericak, NYS Thruway Authority

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Jeff Shipley, Clough Harbour Associates

Robert Slaver, NYSDOT Region 4

James Stack, GTC Staff

John Thomas, City of Rochester

Robert Torzynski, GTC Staff

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairperson Brooks called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.

James Stack, GTC staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Edward Marianetti moved for approval of the minutes from the March 9, 2006 GTC Quarterly Board meeting; Wayne Zyra seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.

4. Communications and Announcements

Chairperson Brooks noted that David Woods has agreed to continue as Planning Committee Chairman and commended him for his excellent work and continuing commitment to GTC.

         Richard Perrin announced the following appointments to the GTC Board:

      Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Executive, reappointed Edward Marianetti and Daniel Hogan as the Monroe County At-Large Members, and designated Scott Leathersich and Chris Bollin as their respective Alternates to the GTC Board

      Robert Duffy, City of Rochester Mayor, designated Patricia Malgieri as his Alternate to the GTC Board and reappointed Paul Haney as the Rochester At-Large Member to the GTC Board

      Thomas Madison, NYSDOT Commissioner, designated Kevin OBuckley and Daniel Hallowell as his Alternates to the GTC Board

5. Reports and Action on Old Business

a.      Planning Committee Report David Woods, Chairman

David Woods provided the following report:

The Planning Committee met April 20 and May 18, 2006 and recommends that the GTC Board:

         Amend the FY 2006-2007 UPWP Budget to reflect the contribution of audited FY 2005-2006 rollover amounts

         Adopt the Transportation Improvement Program Procedures Manual

         Accept the following final project reports as evidence of completion of their respective UPWP Tasks:

      Greater Rochester Transportation Operations & Management Organization Feasibility Study (Task 5620)

      Genesee Riverway Trail (Downtown to Lower Falls Park) Feasibility Study, Lakeville-Livonia Trail Feasibility Study, and Oatka Creek Trail Feasibility Study (Task 6510)

      RGRTA Fare Study Phase I Report (Task 8531)

         Adopt 30 amendments to the 2005-2010 Transportation Improvement Program as requested by:

      Monroe County

      The New York State Department of Transportation

      The City of Rochester

      Ontario County

      Wayne County

Additionally, the Planning Committee took the following actions:

         Concurred on the classification of FY 2006-07 UPWP Tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Policy

         Approved projects for FY 2006-07 Priority Trails Advancement funding

         Amended the 2005-2010 TIP by changing the name of the Inner Loop Scoping Determination project

         Approved scopes of work for the following UPWP Tasks:

      GTC Travel Demand Model Enhancement (Task 5410)

      NY Route 96 Traffic Signal Coordination Study (Task 5630)

      Monroe County High Accident Location Program (Task 6230)

      Pedestrian Facilities Inventory (Task 6531)

      Meridian Centre Boulevard Extension Study (Task 6631)

      Williamson Route 104 & Route 21 Gateway Concepts (Task 7600)

      RGRTA Route Analysis (Task 8535)

      City of Rochester Vehicle Fleet Alternative Fuels Systems Study (Task 8551)

b.      GTC Staff Report Richard Perrin, Executive Director

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

         Staff are continuing to advance activities necessary to obtain a positive air quality conformity determination for several proposed amendments to the 2005-2010 Transportation Improvement Program. This has included consulting with the Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) on April 25, May 4, and June 8 on project classifications for SAFETEA-LU and FFY 2006 USDOT Appropriations Act earmarks and validation of the GTC Travel Demand Model including preparation of a model validation document and project classification document. On June 9, the ICG concurred with the validity of the GTC Travel Demand Model for use in preparing a regional emissions analysis. Staff are preparing a conformity determination document, including the regional emissions analysis, that will be provided for public review. Staff expects to bring the conformity determination document to this Board for consideration in September with a recommendation by the Planning Committee.

         Staff are also continuing to provide technical assistance via travel demand modeling for alternatives analyses on planning and design projects including the Route 250 Corridor Study, Mount Hope Avenue and East Henrietta Road Reconstruction, and the Route 531 Extension projects.

         A number of planning projects in the Unified Planning Work Program that was adopted by the Board in March are being advanced by GTC staff in coordination with member agency staff. These include Transportation and Industrial Access Phase 2, Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Yates County, Travel Demand Model Enhancement, and 2006-07 Priority Trails Advancement to name a few for which GTC staff are the lead agency.

         The development of the 2007-2012 TIP will begin later this summer with TIP Development Committee concurrence on the Call for Projects which will be issued the last week of August and applications due the first week of October. GTC staff will work with NYSDOT staff to develop estimates of available funding in July and August. A draft will be developed for Board consideration in June 2007.

         Richard Perrin has accepted a 3-year appointment to the Transportation Research Board (TRB)s Metropolitan Policy, Planning, and Processes Committee. TRB is administered by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.

c. Old Business

There was no old business.

6. New Business

a.      Amending the FY 2006-2007 UPWP Budget to reflect the contribution of audited FY 2005-2006 rollover amounts Action on Proposed Resolution 06-21

Richard Perrin reviewed the FY 2006-2007 UPWP Budget amendment. The FY 2006-2007 UPWP was adopted on March 9 with estimated rollover amounts for FY 2005-2006 which ended March 31. Actual rollover amounts are determined by GTC staff in mid-April. The current 2006-2007 UPWP Budget must be amended to include these actual rollover amounts which are provided in the table on page 38 of the meeting package. The difference between estimated and actual rollover is $69,519 which represents a 2.4% adjustment to the estimated $2,876,000 federal program in the FY 2006-2007 UPWP.

Richard noted that the proposed Resolution was reviewed and recommended for approval at the May 18, 2006 Planning Committee meeting.

GTC received notification on June 6 from NYSDOT Main Office that $3,127 of FTA Metropolitan Planning Program (MPP) funds are being rescinded from the FY 2006-2007 UPWP. This rescission will not affect any UPWP projects because there is $7,565 in FTA MPP funds available in the Program Reserve task of the UPWP. However, this will necessitate a budget amendment at the September 14 meeting.

Paul Haney moved to approve Resolution 06-21; Edward Marianetti seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

b. Adopting the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Procedures Manual Action on Proposed Resolution 06-22

Richard Perrin apologized for omitting a copy of the Proposed Resolution 06-22 from the mailing and James Stack distributed a copy to Board members. Richard explained that the purpose of the TIP Procedures Manual is to document the processes used to develop and manage the TIP. The impetus for creating this manual was the TIP Management Enhancement Study that the GTC Board adopted at its December 8, 2005 meeting. This manual codifies the elements of our existing TIP process that the consultant for that study found to be adequate, and in some instances noteworthy, and incorporates all applicable recommendations of that study. It also provides flexibility to address changing priorities and emphasis areas. Recommendations of the TIP Management Enhancement Study will be used in developing the 2007-2012 TIP. The TIP Development Committee served as the projects Steering Committee and recommended it to the Planning Committee who reviewed it and recommended it for Board approval at its May 18 meeting.

Daniel Hogan moved to approve Resolution 06-22; E. Joseph Gozelski seconded.

Daniel Hogan expressed concern with section 3.1.5 discouraging project sponsors from applying for additional TIP funds for existing projects. He noted the impact of escalating materials costs across the country.

Richard stated that particular section responds to the need for better cost estimating. He recognized that the current situation is unique and that additional funding for current projects will need to be evaluated in light of these extreme cost increases. Richard explained that we need to address this issue on new projects and establish uniform cost escalation factors. Our funding estimates are in absolute dollars several years out. Inflation and escalation are eroding the purchasing power of those funds. He noted that this was an attempt to balance the formalized process with TDC flexibility.

Kevin OBuckley agreed that escalating costs are a tremendous problem statewide. Project bids are coming in over budget and, as a result, projects are being delayed six to eight weeks to review each budget item. Richard noted that the Manual states that sponsors are discouraged from asking for more TIP funds, not forbidden.

Daniel Hogan asked if new projects could get bumped back given the increasing costs of existing projects. Richard responded that it is possible that new projects may have to be deferred, but we will need to wait and see what is proposed during the upcoming TIP update.

The motion passed unopposed.

c. Accepting the final project reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks

Chairperson Brooks suggested that proposed Resolutions 06-18 through 06-20 be considered under one motion. The Board concurred.

(1) Accepting the report, Greater Rochester Transportation Operations & Management Organization Feasibility Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5620 Action on Proposed Resolution 06-18

Richard Perrin explained that the purpose of this study was to develop and identify a preferred organizational structure to manage the existing and planned transportation system to optimize safety, security, and efficiency.

Richard noted that the proposed Resolution was reviewed and recommended for approval at the April 20, 2006 Planning Committee meeting.

(2) Accepting the reports, Genesee Riverway Trail (Downtown to Lower Falls Park) Feasibility Study, Lakeville-Livonia Trail Feasibility Study, and Oatka Creek Trail Feasibility Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6510 Action on Proposed Resolution 06-19

Richard Perrin explained that for each study the issues and opportunities associated with physical (topographical and environmental), traffic, regulatory, and other considerations were assessed. Trail alignment options were developed and a preferred alignment was recommended. Costs and an implementation schedule were created. Richard noted that the Priority Trails Advancement (PTA) program is an ongoing planning activity funded in the UPWP to advance trail projects identified in the Regional Trails Initiative.

Richard noted that the proposed Resolution was reviewed and recommended for approval at the April 20, 2006 Planning Committee meeting.

(3) Accepting the report, RGRTA Fare Study Phase I Report, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8531 project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-20

Richard Perrin explained that the RTS and Lift Line fare structures were reviewed in the context of fare structures of similar public transportation systems and ridership trends for the purpose of simplifying the current structure and assessing associated impacts on RGRTA finances. The study identified three options: one that simplified the structure with no impact on revenues, one that simplified the structure with an increase in revenues, and the last which retained the current fare structure with an increased base fare and continued transfer fees. A comparative analysis of the three options was conducted to determine how each affected simplification of the fare structure, could utilize technologically advanced fare media, impacted ridership, and provided for improved interaction between customers (riders) and operators (drivers).

Richard noted that the proposed Resolution was reviewed and recommended for approval at the April 20, 2006 Planning Committee meeting.

Wayne Zyra moved to approve Resolution 06-18, 06-19, and 06-20; Robert Shipley seconded.

Paul Haney asked if the Genesee Riverway Trail study considered continuing the trail northward on the west side of the river and crossing the river on the existing railroad trestle.

John Thomas responded that the Executive Summary map only shows the primary plan. The full report identifies future options including using the railroad trestle to cross the river, but the City does not yet own that property. The City has secured funds for rehabilitation of the Smith Street Bridge which will include accommodations for the trail.

Regarding the RGRTA Fare Study, Paul Haney asked for clarification on the April 20, 2006 Planning Committee minutes regarding the timing of that Committees consideration of this study versus the RGRTA Board enacting the fare changes.

Richard Perrin stated that the fare changes were made prior to Planning Committee consideration of the report. Richard stated that the role of the MPO is to ensure that a quality planning process is followed, not to take action on the internal operating decisions of member agencies. Paul Haney stated that the wording of the first sentence implied that RGRTA made their decision to modify fares before the study was completed. Richard agreed that the minutes could be misleading and responded that RGRTA had completed the study, but it had not yet come to GTC for closeout.

Regarding the trail extension that Mr. Haney was inquiring about, Joseph Gozelski asked about its distance from the proposed river crossing. Paul Haney responded that it is probably less than a mile, but would likely involve significant costs. John Thomas noted that it is about .8 mile and there would be significant work to make the bridge safe for trail use.

Joseph Gozelski expressed concern with funding trail projects while there are many pressing highway needs. Richard Perrin reminded members that this is just a planning study and that no funds have been allocated for construction.

The motion passed unopposed.

d. Adopting amendments to the 2005-2010 Transportation Improvement Program

Chairperson Brooks suggested that proposed resolutions be grouped by jurisdiction and be considered under individual motions. The Board concurred.

(1) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Lyell Avenue Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-23

(2) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Long Pond Road Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-24

(3) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Erie Station Road Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-25

(4) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Portland Avenue Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-26

(5) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Intelligent Transportation Systems project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-27

(6) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the federal share of the Big Ridge Road Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-28

(7) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the federal share of the Mill Road II project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-29

(8) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and federal share of the Lincoln Road Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-30

Richard Perrin discussed proposed Resolutions 06-23 through 06-30 which were requested by Monroe County. The eight resolutions represent SAFETEA-LU and FFY 2006 USDOT Appropriations Act earmarks that will result in an additional $10 million in federal funds to the region. Seven of the eight amendments are for road reconstruction and the remaining amendment is for the purchase and deployment of Intelligent Transportation System components along county-owned and operated roads.

Daniel Hogan moved to approve Resolutions 06-23 through 06-30; James Hoffman seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(9) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the funding to the FTA Section 5310 Blocked Program project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-31

(10) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the R&S Hwy-Rail Grade Crossing Bypass project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-32

(11) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Farm to Fork Study (Rochester Area) project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-33

(12) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and the federal share of the Route 98 (Walnut Street) Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-34

(13) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Middle Reservation Road Improvements project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-35

(14) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Transportation Enhancements to Support Development of Erie Canal project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-36

(15) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Overhead Sign Structure Inspection project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-37

(16) Authorizing NYSDOT to take the actions necessary to avoid the lapse of Attributable Federal Aid Urban System funds available to the Rochester Urbanized Area Action on Proposed Resolution 06-38

(17) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the Route 65 (Clover Street) project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-39

(18) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Jackson Road / Atlantic Avenue Intersection project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-40

(19) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the Janes Road project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-41

(20) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the White Bridge Road Bridge project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-42

(21) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the West Sweden Road Bridge project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-43

Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Resolutions 06-31 through 06-43 which were requested by NYSDOT. Proposed Resolution 06-31 is for the FTA Section 5310 program which provides funding for vehicle purchases for agencies servicing the elderly and disabled. This is a statewide program for which allocations are decided by NYSDOT Main Office in consultation with MPOs, including GTC.

Proposed Resolutions 06-32 and 06-33 are projects for which funds are earmarked in SAFETEA-LU to provide a bypass for the Rochester and Southern Railroad in Wyoming County and the Farm-to-Fork Study to establish a regional distribution network to improve the marketability of agricultural goods produced in the region.

Proposed Resolutions 06-34 and 06-35 are FFY 2006 USDOT Appropriations Act earmarks to increase the federal funding to the NYS Route 98 reconstruction project in Batavia and add the Middle Reservation Road project in Castile.

Proposed Resolution 06-36 is a SAFETEA-LU earmark to upgrade the Erie Canal in the Village of Medina, Orleans County by constructing multi-use trails that will connect the Central Business District with the Canal.

Proposed Resolution 06-37 is providing funds from a statewide set-aside of STP-Flex monies to inspect large overhead signs in the region.

Proposed Resolution 06-38 is an amendment to transfer $15,088 from the now defunct Federal Aid Urban System Program to the current STP-Flex category so that the region will not lose the funds.

Proposed Resolutions 06-39 through 06-43 adjust the schedules of five projects by transferring funds programmed in previous years into the current 2005-2010 TIP so that project phases that were not obligated prior to the end of the most recent federal fiscal year can be advanced.

Edward Marianetti moved to approve Resolutions 06-31 through 06-43; Leslie Bamann seconded.

Paul Haney asked for clarification on the Farm to Fork Study, Proposed Resolution 06-33. He noted that all the expenses are in the first year but revenues are spread across four years. He asked if the project sponsor would have to borrow before getting reimbursed.

Richard explained the purpose of the project as an import substitution study to link agricultural products and foodstuffs grown in the region with consumer markets elsewhere in New York State, primarily the New York City area. He noted that this is a SAFETEA-LU High Priority Project and as such the sponsor assumes the risk for reimbursement and the potential for obligation limits per the associated authorization and appropriation directives in the bill.

The motion passed unopposed.

(22) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost of the CATS Maintenance Facility project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-44

(23) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the total cost of the Reconstruction of Route 14, South City Line to Geneva-on-the-Lake project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-45

Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Resolutions 06-44 and 06-45 which were requested by Ontario County. Proposed Resolution 06-44 increases the cost of the County Area Transportation System Maintenance Facility with additional funds from Proposed Resolution 06-45, the Route 14 Reconstruction, South Geneva City line to Geneva on-the-Lake project. The proposal is to reduce the Route 14 project by $1.2 million and allocate those funds to the CATS Project. The City of Geneva has provided formal notice that they agree to this reduction in funds with the understanding that they will need to reapply and compete for the funds in the 2007-2012 TIP.

Leslie Bamann moved to approve Resolutions 06-44 and 06-45; Paul Haney seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(24) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Inner Loop Scoping Determination project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-46

(25) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the Broad Street Tunnel project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-47

(26) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the Broad Street Tunnel East Approach/Aqueduct project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-48

(27) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the schedule of the Smith Street Bridge project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-49

Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Resolutions 06-46 through 06-49 which were requested by the City of Rochester.

Proposed Resolution 06-46 is requested to increase the cost of the Inner Loop East project by adding a SAFETEA-LU earmark to conduct scoping of alternatives for the eastern portion of the Inner Loop.

Proposed Resolution 06-47 decreases the cost of the Broad Street Tunnel project by $4.7 million in Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation funds to make $167,000 of those funds available for the Aqueduct Project, Proposed Resolution 06-48, and $4.57 million available for the Rehabilitation of the Smith Street Bridge, Proposed Resolution 06-49.

The City has stated that they anticipate having sufficient monies to implement the Broad Street Tunnel project, from which funding is reduced, without coming back to the TIP.

Paul Haney moved to approve Resolutions 06-46 through 06-49; Lois Giess seconded.

Paul Holahan thanked NYSDOT staff for helping formulate the plan.

Ed Marianetti asked if the Broad Street East amendment was a change in scope and if it will be impacted by escalation. He noted that the project has had cost increases in the past.

Richard Perrin responded that the Broad Street Tunnel project has been on the TIP for several years. Paul Holahan added that it would not be a change in scope but rather will re-examine potential uses for the section of tunnel adjacent to the aqueduct.

The motion passed unopposed.

(28) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Maxwell Creek Bridge Replacement project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-50

(29 Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Wayne County & Town Signage Program project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-51

(30) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Creager Island Bridge Replacement project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-52

(31) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Erie Canal Warehouse Rehabilitation project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-53

Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Resolutions 06-50 through 06-53 which were requested by Wayne County.

Proposed Resolutions 06-50 through 06-53 are requested to incorporate SAFETEA-LU and FFY 2006 USDOT Appropriations Act earmarks into the TIP.

James Hoffman moved to approve Resolutions 06-50 through 06-53; Chris Wilson seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

7. Any Other New Business

a. Impacts of SAFETEA-LU Guidance and Rulemaking on GTC

Richard Perrin noted that SAFETEA-LU includes provisions to expand the scope of the Metropolitan Planning Process and alter update cycles for LRTPs and TIPs. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was published in the Federal Register on June 9. In anticipation of this, GTC staff have advanced the development of a critical path schedule to ensure that GTC products and planning processes meet these new requirements. Further detail will be provided at the September 14 Board meeting.

8. Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel in Henrietta.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.