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Rochester City Council Chambers

Rochester, New York

May 13, 2010



Angela Ellis, Livingston County

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large

Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large

Tom Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board

Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4

Paul Holahan, City of Rochester

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

Chuck Thomas, Rochester City Planning Commission

Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA)

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)


David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch


Robert Colby, Monroe County

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Peter McCann, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

C. Mitchell Rowe, Seneca County

Henry Smith, Jr., Orleans County

Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

(Vacant), Yates County


Don Higgins, Livingston County

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Tom Lichtenthal, Town of Batavia

Ken Moore, Village of Fairport

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Jody Pollot, GTC staff

James Stack, GTC staff

Pat Waterman, FRA Engineering

Ed Welsh, NYSDOT Region 4

1. Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Kris Hughes welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Chuck Thomas moved for approval of the minutes from the April 8, 2010 Planning Committee meeting; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

Regarding the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project, the test version of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) database has been completed and is being used to develop the 2011-2014 TIP document. Modifications to the database will be made as necessary to improve the functionality for developing and managing the 2011-2014 TIP.

As part of Strategic Planning, GTC staff are moving forward with scheduling the first meeting of regional stakeholders to discuss the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Program. GTC staff are also taking the lead in revising the Associaton of MPOs position statement on Authorization to reflect changes since it was developed in 2008.

GTC staff is continuing the preparation of the memo that discusses the process for developing the next Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP); existing conditions; future conditions for two plausible scenarios; identification of needs; development of alternatives and selection of recommendations; financial plan; and system performance monitoring and measurement for LRTP Development Committee review and discussion.

With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, GTC staff have spent a significant amount of time preparing the draft conformity statement for the recommended TIP that the Planning Committee will consider as agenda item 5.b. This has included gaining concurrence on the exempt/non-exempt status of projects, building future year networks for the model, conducting the regional emissions analyses, and preparing the draft document for public review.

The GTC Household Travel Survey Phase 1 is a new task and a scope of work will be developed.

The draft report for the ITS Strategic Plan was provided for Steering Committee review and comments are due May 21. The second phase of the project includes updating the ITS architecture.

There is no progress to report for the Diversion Route Planning Initiative.

The Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of two projects. With regard to the Pultneyville to Marion Trail, the first steering committee meeting was held May 6 and the consultant is developing the inventory of existing and planned conditions. The consultant contract for the Route 104 Ontario to Sodus Trail has been executed and a steering committee is being formed.

The Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program consists of two projects. The final public meeting for the Browns Square Neighborhood project is scheduled for May 18. The Village of Fairport Central Business District project has been completed and will be presented for Planning Committee consideration later in the meeting as agenda item 5.d.

With regard to the Congestion Management Process (CMP), GTC staff have included a discussion of the CMP in the memo being developed for review by the LRTP Development Committee and are now beginning development of specific components, including identification of congested links using travel time data and sources of congestion using the regional travel demand model.

With regard to the Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program, a draft RFP was provided to interested parties for review and revised based on their comments. The RFP was advertised in the May 10 edition of the New York State Contract Reporter.

With regard to the Travel Time Data Collection Program, data collection is complete on the select Minor Arterials and Collectors and will be formatted and analyzed to develop the final report. The RFP for the next round of data collection on Principal Arterials will be advertised in the May 17 edition of the New York State Contract Reporter.

The scope of work for the update of the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation Plan was approved at the April 8 meeting. A draft RFP was provided to interested parties for their review and will be revised based on their comments.

The consultant selection team interviewed three firms on April 15 for the Regional Goods Movement Strategy. The preferred consultant was approved by the GTCS, Inc. Board of Commissioners on May 6. The contract is currently being developed.

Kris Hughes asked which team was selected as the preferred consultant.

Richard responded that all teams were highly qualified and the Cambridge Systematics, Inc. team with Halcrow, Inc. and Bergmann Associates was chosen. Bergman Associates, as the local firm, will take the lead in developing alternatives.

Chuck Thomas added that comments from the Steering Committee on the draft report have been received for the Browns Square Neighborhood CAP project.

Scott Leathersich noted that MCDOT was not included in the initial distribution of the draft report and that MCDOT would like additional time to provide comments. Chuck Thomas responded that the City will accept comments from MCDOT when they are prepared.

Terry Rice asked why the RFP for the Travel Time Data Collection Program was being issued if the report is not yet complete from the last round. Richard responded that the report that is being developed is for select Minor Arterials and Collectors and the RFP is for the second round of data collection on Principal Arterials.


Dave Zorn reported:

There is no progress to report on the 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project.

Surveys for the 2009 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report continue to be returned. G/FLRPC staff is following up with municipalities that have not yet responded. The data input and the development of the draft report have begun.

Surveys for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Inventory of Culturally Significant Areas have been sent to the local counties and are due back to G/FLRPC on May 14. A database and GIS attribute table and coverage will be developed as part of the project.

Livingston County

Don Higgins reported:

The scope of work for the Livingston County Safe Passing Zone Survey was approved at the April Planning Committee meeting. The RFP is being developed.

Monroe County

Tom Goodwin reported:

Surveys for the 2009 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring Report have been received from all of the municipalities. Monroe County staff is finalizing a draft report.

Terry Rice reported:

MCDOT reviewed the candidate locations and scoring methodology for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study and will meet with the consultant to revise the scoring methodology.

The consultant for the Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study is evaluating locations.

A consultant has been selected for the Monroe County Sign Inventory Location Upgrade and fee negotiation is underway.

Three additional locations have been assessed as part of the Monroe County High Accident Location Program for a total of five complete assessments.

City of Rochester

Chuck Thomas reported:

The final reviews of the draft RFP for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study have been completed. The RFP is expected to be advertised May 21. The study will take approximately nine months to complete upon execution of the contract.

With regard to the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study, delays due to the NYS budget are diverting the focus of City staff dedicated to the project. Project completion is expected within three months of this meeting.

Erik Frisch reported:

With regard to the Center City Circulator Study, a draft interim report was received last week and is being reviewed internally with distribution to the Steering Committee expected next week. Phase two, which involves determining the feasibility of a circulator service, is underway and a best practices report is being developed.

The St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study scope of work will be presented later in the meeting.


David Cook reported:

The scope of work for the RGRTA Suburban Transit Station Study has been approved.

The consultant for the RTS Signal Prioritization Study provided a draft Concept of Operations report that is being reviewed. The Steering Committee will meet on May 17.

The RGRTA Energy Study is complete and the report will be presented to the Planning Committee in July.

The scope of work for the RGRTA Transit-Supportive Development Guidelines has been approved.

The RGRTA Route Analysis project is ongoing.

Seneca County

Richard Perrin reported:

The Planning Committee previously recommended accepting the Seneca County Routes 5&20 / 414 Corridors Management Plan report for approval by the GTC Board at its June 17 meeting.

Wayne County

Kevin Rooney reported:

The final report for the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study is near completion.

The scope of work for the Wayne County Safe Passing Zone Survey has been approved and will be advertised in the New York State Contract Reporter.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

The 2008-2009 component of the Regional Traffic Count Collection program is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at their March 11, 2010 meeting. GTC will work with Monroe County on retaining a consultant to conduct additional counts using funds included in the current UPWP.

Draft recommendations for the Village of Arcade Main Street Study are being reviewed by the Steering Committee.

The final public meeting for the Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study was held April 26 and the draft report and executive summary have been provided to the steering committee for review.

Erik Frisch added that the meeting was well attended. Scott Leathersich stated that he was surprised by the negative reaction of some attendees to the proposed concepts.

The final public meeting for the Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study was held April 22 and the draft report was provided on April 30 with comments due back on May 14.

Tom Lichtenthal reported:

The draft report for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan will be provided to the Steering Committee in June with completion expected in the fall.

Richard Perrin reported:

The Steering Committee for the City of Geneva Lakefront/Downtown Connectivity Study met on May 5 to discuss potential alternatives. The draft report on existing and future conditions and needs and opportunities was provided April 26 with comments due May 14.

With regard to the Victor Transportation Systems Plan, the next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for June 2 to discuss transportation system components.

Terry Rice asked if the current contract for the Regional Traffic Count Collection program could be extended as opposed to issuing a new RFP, and if there was anything that MCDOT could do to expedite the process. Richard responded that GTC staff will look into options for retaining professional services and there is nothing more for MCDOT to do short of administering the contract itself.

b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements

1. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Program

Richard Perrin stated that, at the April 8 meeting, GTC staff informed the Committee of this program to gauge the interest of the region in considering submitting an application to the program to develop a regional plan for sustainable development (one of the three activities proposed to be included in the program). Based on the feedback received at that meeting, GTC staff prepared an e-mail to planning directors (or their equivalent) of member agencies and representatives from the Greater Rochester Enterprise's (GRE) planning/architecture/engineering firm members and the Rochester Area Community Foundation (RACF) that provided background on the program and some key factors that would need to be considered in determining whether or not to submit an application.

Responses to that initial communication indicate that member agencies feel there needs to be additional discussions regarding the specific content of the proposal before determining whether or not to submit an application. Additional stakeholders should be included in those discussions, including representatives from the University of Rochester and the Rochester Institute of Technology as both major employers and because of their research activities that have the potential to result in significant job growth in the region. GTC staff polled member agencies, GRE, and RACF to identify a preferred date and time to meet to further discuss the program and its applicability to this region.

Chuck Thomas noted his response to the email and that there are many issues to be addressed. Chuck asked if there has been any clarification of the match requirements and the use of FHWA Planning funds.

Richard responded that the advance notice of funding availability for the program does not specify. However, given that the grant is funded through HUD, is it unlikely that federal funds will be allowed to be used for the match component.

Dan Hallowell stated that it is a fairly universal requirement that non-federal funds are the only eligible match.

Chuck responded that without the ability to use federal funds it will be difficult to obtain the required match.

Richard noted that the region will be competing nationally with other regions who will be willing and able to provide the required 20 percent cash match.

2. TIP development and management processes review and TIP Procedures Manual update

At the April 8 meeting, Terry Rice stated that the region should consider increasing the review and tracking of projects included in the TIP. GTC staff prepared a memo to the TIP Development Committee (TDC) outlining a proposed approach to accomplish this along with the necessary revisions to the TIP Procedures Manual that could be made to accomplish this.

Per the relevant portion of the TIP Procedures Manual for amending the manual, the GTC staff discussed revising Section 4.2 Amending Existing TIP Projects to formally incorporate Administrative Modifications, as defined in the federal metropolitan planning regulations, in the GTC TIP management processes. Per GTC Resolution 78-4, minor changes consistent with the definition of Administrative Modification have been made via Planning Committee action and are stated as such in the enabling resolutions. Rich asked the Planning Committee if there were any comments.

Rich stated that the Yates County Legislature has designated Donald House as an alternate to the GTC Board.

5. Action Items

a. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning certifying that all Federal planning requirements are met / Proposed Council Resolution 10-39

Richard Perrin explained that every four years FHWA and FTA conduct a joint certification review of GTC Planning activities that includes a desk review of prepared materials and a site visit. The last joint FHWA/FTA quadrennial certification review was completed in April 2009. In interim years, GTC is required to self-certify that all planning and associated administrative processes as required by Title 23, Section 450.334 of the Code of Federal Regulations are being met. The format and content of the document that accomplishes this is specified by NYSDOT.

As part of the last joint FHWA/FTA quadrennial certification review, several commendations along with three corrective actions were identified. The two corrective actions that could be addressed at this time have been adopting a cooperative agreement between GTC, NYSDOT, and RGRTA for carrying out the metropolitan planning process and including programmed amounts in the annual listing of federal obligations and the third, which is to present fiscal constraint by year in the TIP, will be done in the 2011-2014 TIP. The completion of the first two and the progress on the third are discussed in the self certification document.

Chuck Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-39; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning adopting the Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region: 2007-2027 Update and the 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Council Resolution 10-40

Richard Perrin stated that at its April meeting, the Planning Committee approved the development of the draft conformity statement for 30-day public review. Since that meeting, GTC staff have worked with the Interagency Consultation Group to develop the various components of the draft conformity statement and conduct the most important part of the conformity process: the regional emissions analysis. As in previous years, GTC is choosing to use the Build less than 2002 emission test (i.e., the emissions resulting from implementing the LRTP: 2007-2027 Update and 2011-2014 TIP are not greater than the emissions resulting from on-road transportation in 2002).

As presented on page 15 of the conformity statement, emissions of ozone precursors will be reduced significantly through the period covered by the current LRTP: Volatile Organic Compounds will be reduced by approximately 32,000 kilograms per day (nearly 80 percent) and Oxides of Nitrogen will be reduced by approximately 53,000 kilograms per day (nearly 87 percent). The reductions will be the result of improved engine efficiency and pollution control technologies in cars and trucks. Accordingly, the proposed 2011-2014 TIP will not need to be modified to meet Clean Air Act requirements, and the public review period will provide an opportunity for the public to gain an understanding of how their transportation decisions impact air quality both locally and downwind.

The public review period for the draft conformity statement begins today and will end on June 11 with a public meeting to be held in Rochester City Council Chambers on the evening of Wednesday, May 26. The document is available for public review at the county planning offices in the nonattainment area, the NYSDOT-Region 4 office, and the GTC office, as well as on the GTC website. A legal notice was published in today's Democrat and Chronicle and a media release will be issued to media outlets throughout the region this afternoon.

This committee will be recommending that the GTC Board adopt the conformity statement at its June 17 meeting pending the completion of the public review period.

Kris Hughes asked if the Kerry-Lieberman Climate Change bill will create a need to redo conformity.

Richard responded that the portions of the legislation that pertain to emissions deal primarily with greenhouse gases (GHG) and it includes provisions for MPOs with Transportation Management Areas and state DOTs to address GHG emissions through a separate process.

Erik Frisch moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-40; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FY 2010-2011 UPWP to reflect the contribution of actual FY 2009-2010 rollover amounts and add new projects / Proposed Council Resolution 10-41

Richard Perrin explained that the FY 2010-2011 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) was adopted with rollover amounts based on expenditures through the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009-2010. The actual rollover amounts as of March 31, 2010 (the end of the fiscal year) are provided to GTC in mid- to late-April via fourth quarter reports from agencies using FHWA and FTA Metropolitan Planning funds. Accordingly, it is necessary to reconcile the third quarter expenditures with the expenditures through the end of the fiscal year.

Richard informed the committee that there were two changes to the table provided with respect to actual rollover amounts. The first was the result of RGRTA inadvertently omitting expenditures for Task 8535 Route Analysis, which had $67,197 in additional expenses in FY 2009-2010, from their fourth quarter report. The other change was a reduction in the rollover amount to Task 1600 Program Reserve of $25,561 in FTA funds that were discovered by GTC and NYSDOT in their review of available balances. Richard provided a revised version of Exhibit 1 to the subject resolution.

In addition, GTC staff took a conservative approach to estimating the available amount of FHWA funds when programming the FY 2010-2011 UPWP given the uncertainty resulting from operating under continuing resolutions at the post-rescission Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2009 levels of funding. With the passage of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act, which restored funding levels to pre-rescission FFY 2009 levels, GTC has additional FHWA funds to program to projects proposed for the FY 2010-2011 UPWP that were not able to be funded under the more conservative estimates of available funding.

GTC staff worked with the UPWP Development Committee (UDC) to identify the projects to be programmed in the current UPWP with these funds. Based on the evaluation of proposals by GTC staff and the discussion of the UDC during the development of the FY 2010-2011 UPWP, the following projects are recommended to be added to the UPWP:

Monroe County Accident Rate Database GIS Conversion Project - $70,000

Urban Trail Linkages (City of Rochester) - $75,000

Auburn Trail Connection to Ontario Pathways Trail (Town of Farmington) - $74,000

Irondequoit Seneca Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study (Town of Irondequoit) - $32,000

GTC staff has confirmed with each of the project sponsors that they are still willing to advance these projects per the scopes and budgets (including local match) that were included in their original UPWP applications submitted last fall. Overall, these are high-quality proposals that will allow the region to conduct safety-related and trail feasibility projects, which are regional transportation priorities.

Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-41; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

d. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting the report, Village of Fairport Circulation, Accessibility, & Parking Final Report, as evidence of completion of a component of UPWP Task 6800 / Proposed Council Resolution 10-42 (Village of Fairport)

Ken Moore expressed the Village of Fairports appreciation for GTCs support during the study and the formation of the CAP Program under which the study was funded.

Jim Fletcher moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-42; Andrea Guzzetta seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

e. Action and Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning modifications and amendments to the 2007-2012 TIP

Kris Hughes suggested that proposed Council Resolution 10-49 be moved up on the agenda to allow Ken Moore to present the project; no Member or Alternate objected.

11. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the High Street Reconstruction project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-49

Ken Moore discussed the proposed project.

Dan Hallowell moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-49; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Kris Hughes suggested that proposed Council Resolutions 10-43 through 10-48 and proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 10-3 through 10-6 be considered as a single action; no Member or Alternate objected. Dan Hallowell discussed the proposed Council Resolutions and proposed Planning Committee Resolutions as requested by NYSDOT.

1. Action concerning modifying the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the cost of a phase of the Inner Loop Bridge over Browns Raceway project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-3

2. Action concerning modifying the 2007-2012 TIP by decreasing the costs of phases of the I-490 from I-590 to the Genesee River MbC project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-4

3. Action concerning modifying the 2007-2012 TIP by advancing a portion of a phase of the I-390 Concrete Pavement Restoration in Rush and Henrietta project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-5

4. Action concerning modifying the 2007-2012 TIP by deferring a portion of a phase of the I-390 Rest Areas project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-6

5. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding a phase to the Edgemere Drive Bridge over Round Pond Outlet project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-43

6. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding a phase to the Union Street Bridge over Black Creek project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-44

7. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding a phase to the John Street Extension, Bailey Road to Lehigh Station Road project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-45

8. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding a phase to the Erie Canal Warehouse Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-46

9. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP adding a phase to the Transportation Enhancements to Support Development of Erie Canal project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-47

10. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Road Improvements project / Proposed Council Resolution 10-48

Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of proposed Council Resolutions 10-43 through 10-48 and approve proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 10-3 through 10-6; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Richard Perrin reported that, in addition to the administrative modifications and amendments included in the package that was mailed to the committee, an additional administrative modification and change to the Planning Committee-recommended 2011-2014 TIP is necessary to ensure that Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) funds are not lost to the region.

NYSDOT-Region 4 was informed that $1 million in CMAQ funds programmed and obligated to the Genesee Region Clean Communities Outreach and Implementation project would be withdrawn on May 27 if no activity was reported. Given that no activity is expected to take place before then, GTC staff proposed and the TIP Development Committee recommends that the funds be programmed to the RGRTA Technology Initiatives Driving Excellence project in the current FFY and that an equal amount of CMAQ funds be removed from that project in FFY 2011 in the proposed FY 2011-2014 TIP and be programmed to the Genesee Region Clean Communities Outreach and Implementation project in FFY 2011.

This is a dollar-for-dollar swap between two projects that preserves the CMAQ allocations to the region in FFYs 2010 and 2011 with minimal impact to project sponsors.

12. Action concerning modifying the 2007-2012 TIP by advancing a portion of the phase of the FFY 2010 TIDE project and adjusting the recommended FY 2011-2014 TIP to preserve the regional allocations of CMAQ funds in FFYs 2010 and 2011 / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-7

David Cook moved to approve proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-7; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

f. Action concerning consideration of a UPWP Project Scope of Work

1. Task 7211 St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study

Erik Frisch discussed the scope of work for Task 7211 St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study.

Paul Holahan added that there is an increased demand for residential development in downtown Rochester. One-way streets are perceived as an impediment to development by business owners and other interested parties. This study will help identify feasible alternatives to address these concerns.

Terry Rice noted that the scope of work for this task and the traffic assessment for the downtown transit center have overlapping data elements. Terry stated it was important for the City of Rochester to communicate with MCDOT throughout the study. The scope should clearly outline a specific task to assess capacity and traffic operations to ensure that proposed alternatives will allow for acceptable conditions.

Scott Leathersich suggested that it may be worthwhile to analyze the impacts of closing the left hand entrance ramp from South Avenue to I-490.

Erik noted this was done as part of the Inner Loop Study.

Kris Hughes noted that St. Paul and North Clinton are major arterials in Rochesters CBD and the results of this study will impact the potential for mass transit to operate through the corridors, including potentially fixed-guideway modes in the future.

Chuck Thomas moved to approve the scope of work for Task 7211 St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study; Andrea Guzzetta seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. New Business

Terry Rice asked that the Committee discuss the Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) II Discretionary Grant Program that is making $600 million available nationally. Terry suggested that the region support a single proposal for the program and that the proposed construction of an interchange at Kendrick Road for I-390 to serve the University of Rochester be considered. This project has been supported as the top transportation infrastructure investment in the region by the both the public and private sectors. Terry stated that, if the region unifies its support for the Kendrick Road Interchange project, NYSDOT and the State should provide their support as well to improve its competitiveness against the significant number of other projects that will likely be proposed for the program.

Dan Hallowell responded there have been discussions between NYSDOT-Region 4 and NYSDOT-Main Office on this topic. NYSDOT-Region 4 will develop the materials necessary for NYSDOT-Main Office to consider this project but the ultimate decision on which project(s) will be supported by the State lies with NYSDOT-Main Office and the Governor.

Erik Frisch stated that he was concerned that the project may not compete well with other proposals that will incorporate livability more than an interchange project. The City would be interested in submitting the Inner Loop Project but Erik agrees that the region should support one project and that project should be supported by NYSDOT-Main Office.

Paul Holahan recognized that the city is supportive of submitting the Kendrick Road Interchange project if there is an assurance that NYSDOT-Main Office will submit the project.

Erik noted the need to emphasize any livability or sustainability benefits of the Kendrick Road Interchange project to strengthen the application.

Angela Ellis noted the need to have a project that can be delivered within the TIGER II Discretionary Grant Program deadlines for obligation of funds and completion of work. If the project is selected and cannot be delivered within the required timeframe, it reflects poorly on all entities in the region.

Rich noted his concern about the precedent Congress was setting with the TIGER II Program as resources are being diverted from formula funds to discretionary programs when there are significant existing needs that wont be addressed since most of the discretionary programs fund altogether new projects.

There was general agreement among the Committee that the region should support the submission of the Kendrick Road Interchange project for the TIGER II Program.

Andrea Guzzetta stated that if there is already a request for appropriations in place for the Kendrick Road Interchange project then it would make more sense to support the Inner Loop project that best matches the intent of the TIGER II Discretionary Grant Program. Dan responded that Kendrick Road Interchange project is not fully funded and will likely not receive funding through the FFY 2011 Appropriations bill.

7. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the public forum.

8. Next Meeting

July 8, 2010 at the Wayne County Courthouse

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.