Genesee Transportation Council
Planning Committee Meeting
February 12, 2009
10:00 a.m.
Livingston County Government Center
6 Court Street, Geneseo
1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Public Forum
3. Approval of Minutes: January 8, 2009 Planning Committee
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
1. Update on the development of the 2010-2014 Transportation Improvement Program
2. Update on the proposed economic stimulus legislation and project selection for the GTC Transportation Improvement Program Area
5. Action Items
a. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning adopting the FY 2009-2010 Unified Planning Work Program / Proposed Council Resolution 09-5 (GTC staff)
b. Action and Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning amendments to the 2007-2012 TIP
1. Action concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Highland Park / Canalway Connector Trail project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 09-1 (Town of Brighton)
2. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the New York State Scenic Byways Program (2009) project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-6 (NYSDOT)
3. Action concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by modifying the Notes portion of the Project Detail Sheet for the At-grade Railroad Crossing Improvements Block Program project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 09-2 (NYSDOT)
4. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the I-390/Calkins Fencing Encroachment project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-7 (NYSDOT)
5. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the total cost and changing the obligation dates of the I-590 Interchange at Winton Road project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-8 (NYSDOT)
c. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by changing the FFY 2009 phase costs and schedules of select TIP Projects / Proposed Council Resolution 09-9 (GTC staff)
d. Approval of UPWP Project Scope of Work
1. Task 6311 Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study (City of Rochester)
6. New Business
7. Public Forum
8. Next Meeting: April 16, 2009 at the Ontario County Municipal Building
9. Adjournment