Ebenezer Watts Conference Center
Rochester, New York
January 8, 2009
Angela Ellis, Livingston County
James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large
Todd Gadd, Wyoming County
Tom Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board
Daniel Hallowell, NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4
Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)
Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County
Kevin Rooney, Wayne County
Chuck Thomas, Rochester City Planning Commission
Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA)
David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
Steve Hendershott and David Cook, Roch. Gen. Reg. Trans. Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch
John Thomas, representing Paul Holahan, City of Rochester
Steve Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Robert Colby, Monroe County
Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
Gary Kent, Orleans County
Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation
William Sullivan, Rochester City Council
(Vacant), Monroe County Supervisors Association
(Vacant), City of Rochester At Large
(Vacant), Federal Transit Aministration (FTA)
(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
(Vacant), Seneca County
(Vacant), Yates County
Dan Cornwall, Village of Macedon
George Ehresman, Town of Williamson
John Ferrante, Town of Williamson
Marcy Frey, Village of Macedon
Erik Frisch, City of Rochester
Julie Gotham, GTC Staff
Don Higgins, Livingston County
Hon. James Hoteling, Village of Macedon
Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4
Tom Pericak, NYSTA
Richard Perrin, GTC Staff
Mitch Rowe, Seneca County
Robert Slaver, NYSDOT Region 4
James Stack, GTC Staff
Kim Thompson, Village of Macedon
1. Call to Order & Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. Kristen Mark Hughes welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.
2. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes
James Fletcher moved for approval of the minutes from the November 13, 2008 Planning Committee meeting; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Richard Perrin reported:
GTC staff have conducted a preliminary review of the initial web-based interface for the TIP database that has been developed for the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project.
As part of Strategic Planning, GTC staff presented the results of the Peer Review to the GTC Executive Committee on November 25, 2008. In addition, a draft of the cooperative planning agreement between GTC, as the MPO, NYSDOT, and RGRTA (which is a requirement of SAFETEA-LU) is being developed.
LRTP Update/Implementation activities include the completion of the critical path schedule/Gantt chart for developing the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region: 2011-2031 (LRTP: 2011-2031), the development of an associated work plan and public involvement plan, and a review of recently completed LRTPs by other MPOs to identify new analysis and outreach techniques.
With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, GTC staff received concurrence from the Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) on December 9, 2008 for the TIP amendments that were adopted by the GTC Board on December 11, 2008 and GTC staff are preparing the documentation to have our enhanced travel demand model validated by the ICG.
For the GTC Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program and SRTS Site Assessments, the guidebook is being drafted. Draft Action Plans for the five selected schools were provided to GTC staff for comments on December 23, 2008 and staff provided comments on January 5, 2009.
For the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan Update, the kickoff meeting/workshop was held November 21, 2008, interviews with stakeholders are being conducted, and the second workshop is scheduled for January 28, 2009.
The RFP for the Diversion Route Planning Initiative is expected to be advertised later in January 2009.
All four of the 2006-2007 Priority Trails Advancement Program projects were accepted by the GTC Board at their December 11, 2008 meeting.
The 2007-2008 Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of three projects. The first public meeting for the I-590 Bicycle Pedestrian Bypass was held December 15, 2008 with approximately 25 individuals attending. For the Lehigh Valley (Honeoye Falls) project, the first public meeting is being scheduled for later this month. For the Erie Canal Glenwood Lake Connector project, the first public meeting was held November 19, 2008 and alternatives are being developed based on the comments received.
The 2007 Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program consists of four projects. The reports for the Village of Perry and Village of Hilton projects were accepted by the GTC Board at their December 11, 2008 meeting. The report for the Village of Macedon project will be presented later in the agenda. The Browns Square Neighborhood project Steering Committee met December 9, 2008 and a public meeting will be held later in the month.
The 2008 CAP Program consists of one project. Ten proposals for the Fairport CBD study were received by the December 12, 2008 deadline. Evaluations from the consultant selection team are due January 19, 2009.
The update and enhancement of the Congestion Management Process (CMP) is being undertaken as part of the development of the LRTP: 2011-2031. GTC staff participated in an interview regarding the CMP with an FHWA consultant.
For the Travel Time Data Collection Program, the final report for Principal Arterials was accepted by the GTC Board at their December 11, 2008 meeting. GTC staff will reconvene the project Steering Committee to identify Minor Arterials and Collectors for the next round of the program. An RFP for the next round will be issued in February or March 2009.
GTC staff are incorporating comments from NYSDOT Main Office into the draft Scope of Work for the Regional Goods Movement Strategy for a final review by NYSDOT. A concern is that the limited number of firms with experience in this type of planning are currently retained for similar studies in other areas and this may negatively impact the amount of time and effort that a consultant can spend on our project.
David Zorn reported:
The Local Update of Census Addresses Phases 1 and 2 projects are complete.
The 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project is progressing. Research and analysis of the variables used to delineate TAZs, along with associated mapping, is advancing.
G/FLRPC is preparing to begin data collection for the 2008 Regional Land Use Monitoring project.
Inventory forms are being revised for and sites are being added to the Historic Transportation Gateway Inventory and Assessment project.
The Preparing Village Main Streets for Planning project is complete.
The Optimizing Transportation Infrastructure through Effective Land Use project is complete.
Monroe County
Tom Goodwin reported:
Monroe County Planning and Development Department staff have completed compiling information from surveys for the Land Use Monitoring report and are preparing to send the results to municipalities for confirmation.
Terry Rice reported:
Monroe County DOT is evaluating the single proposal received in response to the RFP for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study.
The Monroe County Overhead Traffic Sign Visibility Upgrade study is nearly complete as 186 locations have been analyzed.
Monroe County DOT is evaluating the single proposal received in response to the RFP for the Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study.
Funding for the Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Study was relinquished by Monroe County and used to satisfy a portion of the FFY 2008 FHWA funding rescission.
There are fifty locations in the Monroe County High Accident Location Program this year. Analysis at eleven locations is complete and analysis at three additional locations is underway.
Ontario County
Kris Hughes reported:
The State Routes 96/318 Rural Corridor Study is in the final stages as the final report is under review.
An RFP for the CATS Route Analysis and Service Improvement Plan has been drafted and will be advertised next week.
City of Rochester
Chuck Thomas reported:
The Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study is progressing.
The final draft of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study is being reviewed by Monroe County.
A Scope of Work for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study is being developed for consideration in February.
The Center City Parking Development & Management project is complete.
The Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study is progressing.
David Cook reported:
There is no progress to report for the Market Research for RGRTA Regional Services project.
The final report for the RGRTA Suburban Transportation Service Study is expected to be complete within the next 45 days.
The RTS/Lift Line Operational Analysis & Facility Utilization study will be presented later in the agenda.
The Facility Asset Management Plan for RTS & Lift Line project is complete.
The RTS Operational Process Study was accepted by the GTC Board at their December 11, 2008 meeting.
The RFP for the RTS Signal Prioritization Study was advertised with proposals due January 23, 2009.
The draft report for the Information Technology Assessment Study is being reviewed by RGRTA staff.
The RGRTA Route Analysis program is an on-going activity. A presentation on recent activities and findings will be made later in 2009.
Genesee County
Richard Perrin reported:
The Genesee County Safe Passing Zone will be presented later in the agenda.
Seneca County
Mitch Rowe reported:
Four proposals were received for the NYS Routes 5&20/414 Corridor Study. Interviews will be held January 12, 2009 to select a preferred consultant.
Wayne County
Kevin Rooney reported:
The Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study has restarted.
The Palmyra Route 21 Truck Study is complete.
Wyoming County
Richard Perrin reported:
Funding for the Transportation Elements of Scenic/Historic Resources in Wyoming County project was relinquished by Wyoming County and used to satisfy a portion of the FFY 2008 FHWA funding rescission.
Other Agencies
Richard Perrin reported:
The Regional Traffic Count Collection Program consists of three contracts to conduct traffic counts in eight counties. The consultant has conducted 100 percent of the counts in all but Monroe County and has delivered the data for those counties. Additional counts will be conducted in Monroe County in the spring.
Fourteen proposals for the Village of Arcade Main Street Study were received by the December 5, 2008 deadline and evaluations from the consultant selection committee have been tabulated.
A Steering Committee meeting for the Village of Geneseo Circulation and Parking Study is scheduled for January 27, 2009.
The consultant for the Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study has completed the initial pedestrian level of service analysis and a Steering Committee meeting was held December 5, 2008.
Current and projected traffic count data was provided to the consultant for the Spencerport Eastern Village Corridor Concept Study.
The final report for the Route 250 Corridor Study was accepted by the GTC Board at their December 11, 2008 meeting.
There is no progress to report for the Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study.
There is no progress to report for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan.
The Williamson Route 104 & Route 21 Gateway Concepts project will be presented later in the agenda.
The Victor Transportation Systems Plan is progressing as part of the Town Comprehensive Plan update process. The Steering Committee continues to meet.
The draft report for the Town of Penfield Bicycle Facilities Plan has been developed.
Terry Rice requested that a copy of the draft plan be provided to MCDOT. Dan Hallowell requested that a copy of the draft plan be provided to NYSDOT.
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
1. Update on the development of the 2010-2014 Transportation Improvement Program
Richard Perrin reported that the initial scenario to fund and schedule existing projects was revised based on TIP Development Committee (TDC) input. In the latest scenario, existing projects are receiving approximately $97.5 million in additional federal funding. This latest scenario maintains the highest level of fiscal constraint (i.e., by federal fund source by year). GTC staff will conduct a solicitation for new bridge and air quality improvement projects to be programmed in federal fiscal years 2013 and 2014 on a condensed schedule in January and February 2009. Targeted solicitations for new Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System, and FTA Section 5307 projects will be conducted on this schedule as well. An omnibus resolution to reprogram FFY 2009 will be presented to the Planning Committee in February 2009 based on TDC consideration and recommendation.
Terry Rice asked how the remaining balances in Surface Transportation Program fund sources would be programmed. Richard responded that the remaining balances are limited and the TDC needs to discuss whether to fund ongoing programs for operations and/or Construction and Construction Inspection phases for the several projects that have been programmed federal funds for the Scoping, Preliminary Engineering, and Detailed Design phases.
2. Update on the FHWA/FTA Quadrennial Certification Review
Richard Perrin provided a overview of the field visit component of the review, which was conducted December 2, 2008 through December 4, 2008. He thanked Dan Hallowell and David Cook for their participation in the field visit. Based on initial feedback, FHWA and FTA found no significant deficiencies in the GTC metropolitan planning process and identified several noteworthy practices along with some corrective actions.
Richard reviewed the corrective actions and GTC efforts to address them, which included:
Providing schedules for projects in the UPWP (GTC will incorporate these in the upcoming FY 2009-2010 UPWP).
Including programmed amounts of federal funds by project in the annual obligations list (GTC will begin doing so with the publication of the FFY 2008 list).
Presenting fiscal constraint by FFY in the TIP list (GTC will begin doing so in the upcoming 2010-2014 TIP).
Amending the TIP Procedures Manual to specifically address administrative modifications (GTC will amend the TIP Procedures Manual for this change as well as others deemed necessary by the TDC, Planning Committee, and Board).
Enhancing the CMP with additional implementation and evaluation measures (GTC will do this as part of the development of the LRTP:2011-2031).
Developing a cooperative agreement(s) between GTC and NYSDOT and RGRTA to guide the LRTP and TIP development processes, including revenue projections (GTC will do this for consideration and recommendation to the GTC Board by the Planning Committee in the next three-to-six months).
Providing greater detail in the LRTP financial plan (GTC will do this as part of the development of the LRTP: 2011-2031).
Richard informed the Planning Committee of the following appointments:
Acting Monroe County Planning Board Chairperson, Linda Faubel, has appointed Tom Goodwin as the Boards Planning Committee member and Rochelle Bell as his alternate.
Wayne County Board of Supervisors Chairman, James Hoffman, has appointed Kevin Rooney as the Boards Planning Committee member.
Terry Rice requested an up-to-date list of Monroe County Board and Planning Committee members and alternates.
5. Action Items
Planning Committee Chairman, Kris Hughes, requested that agenda item 5.b.4. be moved up in the agenda followed by items 5.b.1 through 5.b.3. The Planning Committee agreed to the modification to the agenda.
b. Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning accepting the submission of reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks.
4. Accepting the report, RTS/Lift Line Operational Analysis and Facility Utilization Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8420 / Proposed Council Resolution 09-4
Steve Hendershott discussed the study. In summary, Steve informed the Planning Committee that the current Lift Line campus does not meet current needs with respect to space and location. Moving Lift Line to the RGRTA campus is not feasible and analysis shows that the Lift Line campus should be located more centrally than the current Trabold Road facility.
Erik Frisch suggested that RGRTA work with the City of Rochesters Economic Development Department to identify potential locations for the relocation of the Lift Line campus that are suitable to RGRTA.
Terry Rice asked what would happen to the current Lift Line campus if it is abandoned. Steve responded that one consideration in the study was using that facility as a western depot but that this option would not result in savings, and RGRTA would look to sell the site and use any proceeds for the purchase of a new campus and facility(ies).
Terry asked if the data collected to assess the origins and destinations of Lift Line trips was sufficient to determine the location for a new campus. Steve responded that the data was sufficient and that this was verified based on reviews of data collected at other times.
Kris Hughes asked if Lift Line customers are required to ride the paratransit service. Steve responded that RGRTA encourages Lift Line customers to use RTS whenever possible by offering free rides on that service given the extremely low cost recovery for Lift Line (which is typical for paratransit services in all areas).
Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-4; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
1. Accepting the report, Genesee County Safe Passing Zone Survey, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6221 / Proposed Council Resolution 09-1
Richard Perrin discussed the project. Richard noted that Wyoming County has proposed a similar project for inclusion in the FY 2009-2010 UPWP and that Monroe County recently completed a similar project. Given the emphasis that GTC places on ensuring the safety of the transportation system, other counties may want to consider similar projects for their highway and bridge networks.
Terry Rice noted that he had some minor questions on the study that he would discuss with the Genesee County Highway Superintendent, Tim Hens, at another time.
Chuck Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-1; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
2. Accepting the report, Village of Macedon New York State Route 31 Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Study, as evidence of completion of a component of UPWP Task 6800 / Proposed Council Resolution 09-2
Village of Macedon Planning Board Chairperson Kim Thompson introduced herself and the other representatives from the Village that were in attendance. Kim stated that the Village has already begun advancing the recommendations of the study and that it will be useful for pursuing grants and revising local policies and regulations.
Marcy Frey discussed the not-for-profit partnership that the Village has formed, which she is heading up, and asked Planning Committee members for their advice and counsel on how to advance the implementation of the capital recommendations of the study. Richard Perrin offered to discuss specific opportunities and issues with Marcy and other Village representatives at their convenience. He also suggested that the Village approach and work with NYSDOT as the owner of the primary facility in the study area, NYS Route 31.
Dan Hallowell stated that it is the policy of NYSDOT to get the maximum useful life from its facilities. As such, NYSDOT will manage its assets to the fullest via preventive maintenance and reconstruct roads and bridges only when it is the most cost-effective treatment.
Mayor James Hoteling stated that the study has the full backing of the Village Board and they are eager to implement the recommendations.
Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-2; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
3. Accepting the report, Town of Williamson Route 21 & 104 Gateway Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7600 / Proposed Council Resolution 09-3
Julie Gotham discussed the study. Julie introduced George Ehresman and John Ferrante of the Steering Committee. She highlighted the process and recommendations of the study. George noted that this study grew out of the charette that was conducted in 2005. The Town has received a main street revitalization grant and will use these funds to strengthen the connection between the Towns main street and NYS Routes 104 and 21.
Angela Ellis asked how the market study portion of the project was conducted. George responded that it was primarily an inventory of the types of uses by structure along main street and NYS Routes 104 and 21 along with an analysis of demand within a ten-mile radius of the study area to provide direction in determining what types of businesses would likely be successful in the Town.
Dan Hallowell reiterated that, as in the case of the Macedon study, it is the policy of NYSDOT to get the maximum useful life from its facilities. As such, NYSDOT will manage its assets to the fullest via preventive maintenance and reconstruct roads and bridges only when it is the most cost-effective treatment.
Jim Fletcher moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-3; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
a. Action concerning approving the Draft FY 2009-2010 Unified Planning Work Program Project List for public review
Richard Perrin discussed the Draft FY 2009-2010 UPWP Project List for public review, noting the reduction of the GTC staff budget portion of the program in light of the likely rescission of FHWA PL funds and the work of the UPWP Development Committee in developing the public review document. Richard compared the available amount of funding to previous years and how this may have influenced the number of proposals submitted for consideration.
Terry Rice asked why the G/FLRPC proposal for Local Update of Census Appeals received funding in excess of the amount requested. David Zorn responded that, during the development of the draft list, G/FLRPC recognized that additional funds would likely be required to effectively execute the program.
Dan Hallowell moved to approve the Draft FY 2009-2010 Unified Planning Work Program Project List for public review; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
c. Action concerning approving the Draft 2009 Economic Stimulus Project List for the GTC Transportation Improvement Program Area
Richard Perrin discussed the proposed economic stimulus legislation. Richard distributed a revised project list that included NYSDOT and RGRTA projects and was formatted similar to draft TIP public review project lists. He stated that GTC did not request public transportation projects at the same time as projects eligible for FHWA funding but that GTC staff felt it imperative to do so prior to providing a list of candidate projects for public review. Richard noted that the City of Rochesters Jefferson Avenue project was not included as requested because the City had stated that the project does not meet the current definition of ready to go but could be added back in once more information on the legislations requirements are available.
Dan Hallowell stated that it was important that projects be truly ready to go as the proposed legislation includes use it or lose it provisions that will likely be included in the final legislation when it is enacted.
Dan also asked about the need for public review of projects on the current TIP that could utilize economic stimulus funds. Richard responded that these projects had already been vetted publicly as part of the TIP development process.
John Thomas stated that he wanted to ensure that existing TIP projects could be considered for economic stimulus funds. Richard responded that the intent is and has always been to use any additional funds to the maximum extent practical and this includes consideration of programming economic stimulus funds to existing projects to allow federal formula funds to be available to new projects.
Terry Rice stated that many of the projects are preventive maintenance and rehabilitation in nature and should not require the same level of permitting as reconstruction projects. Dan Hallowell responded that FHWA has given no indication that any permitting requirements will be waived or even relaxed.
Don Higgins stated that putting State and Local Agreements in place will take a significant amount of time and could endanger agencies abilities to utilize economic stimulus funds. Dan responded that efforts are underway by NYSDOT Main Office to streamline that process to ensure that funds can be utilized for all projects selected to receive economic stimulus funds, provided they are truly ready to go.
David Cook moved to recommend approval of the Draft 2009 Economic Stimulus Project List for the GTC Transportation Improvement Program Area as revised and provided at the meeting; Chuck Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
6. New Business
a. Presentation on the New York State Thruway Mobility and Modernization Study Report
Tom Pericak of the New York State Thruway Authority made a presentation regarding the New York State Thruway Mobility and Modernization Study Report. Erik Frisch expressed concern that the interurban free zones would encourage sprawl by removing the tolls within the metropolitan area. Not withstanding Eriks comments, Richard Perrin requested that the phasing of the modernization component be reevaluated during implementation to assess whether the Rochester metropolitan area portion can be advanced earlier than presented in the study.
7. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
8. Next Meeting
February 12, 2009 at the Livingston County Government Center.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.