Rochester City Council Chambers
Rochester, New York
May 14, 2009
James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large
Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large
Todd Gadd, Wyoming County
Paul Holahan, City of Rochester
Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)
Mitchell Rowe, Seneca County
William Sullivan, Rochester City Council
Chuck Thomas, Rochester City Planning Commission
Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA)
David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
Rochelle Bell, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Tom Goodwin
David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch
Tim Frelier, Monroe County, representing Terrence J. Rice
Don Higgins, Livingston County, representing Angela Ellis
Sharon Lilla, Wayne County, representing Kevin Rooney
Rob Slaver, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4,
representing Daniel Hallowell
Robert Colby, Monroe County
Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Timothy Hens, Genesee County
Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)
Gary Kent, Orleans County
Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation
Steve Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
(Vacant), Monroe County Supervisors Association
(Vacant), FTA
(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
(Vacant), Yates County
Geoff Benway, Town of Penfield
David Dunning, Monroe County Supervisors Association
Tom Kicior, G/FLRPC
Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4
James McIntosh, City of Rochester
Richard Perrin, GTC staff
James Stack, GTC staff
Robert Torzynski, GTC staff
Ed Welsh, NYSDOT Region 4
Lindsey Withrow, Ontario County
1. Call to Order & Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. Scott Leathersich welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.
2. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes
William Sullivan moved for approval of the minutes from the April 16, 2009 Planning Committee meeting; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
4. Reports and Action on Old Business
a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
Richard Perrin reported:
No progress to report on the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project.
As part of Strategic Planning, GTC staff is proposing a new UPWP task SAFETEA-LU Succession Program to be discussed under agenda item 5.c. Also, the draft agreement identifying responsibilities for carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region of New York State to fulfill the requirements of Title 23 Section 450.314 of the Code of Federal Regulations will be discussed under agenda item 5.a.
As part of the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Update/Implementation, GTC staff has been working to incorporate the Congestion Management Process into the LRTP. Related to this is the development of objective, performance-based system management and operations measures. Richard Perrin participated in the FHWA-sponsored peer exchange on Integrating Operations in Metropolitan Plans on May 4 and 5.
With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, GTC staff drafted comments on the State Energy Plan Interim Report on behalf of the New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations. GTC staff provided comments on the Draft Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) peer exchange to the Volpe Transportation Center. The ICG met May 13 and concurred on the air quality exemption classification of all new TIP projects to be considered under agenda item 5.g. except the Midtown Redevelopment Transportation Infrastructure Improvements project. GTC staff is working with the City of Rochester to gather additional information for the ICG to consider on May 20.
For the GTC Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program and SRTS Site Assessments, the consultant is finalizing the site assessment reports based on steering committee comments. The steering committees of four of the five selected schools have declined to have a presentation made to their respective school board. The fifth has not yet made a decision.
For the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan Update, interviews with stakeholders and a workshop to review alternatives and finalize the inventory are being scheduled.
The RFP for the Diversion Route Planning Initiative was advertised March 20. Four Proposals were received by the May 1 deadline. A consultant selection committee is being identified.
The 2007-2008 Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of three projects. The consultant will be providing draft reports for the I-590 Bicycle Pedestrian Bypass project, the Lehigh Valley (Honeoye Falls) project, and the Erie Canal Glenwood Lake Connector project to the respective steering committee in late-May or early-June. A final public meeting will be scheduled for each project following steering committee review of their respective draft report.
Proposals for the 2008-2009 Priority Trails Advancement Program were due April 24. New proposed projects will be discussed under agenda item 5.h.
The 2007 Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program consists of four projects. The Village of Perry, Village of Hilton, and Village of Macedon projects are complete. The next steering committee meeting for the Browns Square Neighborhood project is being scheduled.
The 2008 CAP Program consists of one project. The consultant for the Village of Fairport project is continuing the inventory of existing and planned conditions and a needs assessment.
The Congestion Management Process (CMP) has been a major part of activities for the next LRTP. Strategies in the CMP toolbox are being further developed for application as recommendations to specific sites and as overall programs in the Rochester Transportation Management Area.
Roadways and specific segments to be included in the next phase of the Travel Time Data Collection Program are being identified. The next phase will focus on Minor Arterial and Collector roads.
The Regional Goods Movement Strategy is expected to be restarted this summer with the RFP being issued in June.
David Zorn reported:
The scope of work for the Local Update of Census Addresses Appeals project will be presented later in the meeting.
G/FLRPC staff is continuing its research and analysis for the 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project.
G/FLRPC staff is finalizing the analysis and developing the draft report for the 2008 Regional Land Use Monitoring project.
A draft report for the Historic Transportation Gateway Inventory and Assessment task is being developed.
Monroe County
Rochelle Bell reported:
All data for the 2008 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring project has been received. A draft report is expected to be complete by the end of May.
Scott Leathersich reported:
A consultant has been selected for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study. Legislature approval of the contract is expected in June.
There is no progress to report on the Monroe County Overhead Traffic Sign Visibility Upgrade study.
A consultant has been selected for the Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study. Legislature approval of the contract is expected in June.
The scope of work for the Monroe County Sign Inventory Location Upgrade was approved at the April 16 meting. An RFP is being developed.
The Monroe County High Accident Location Program is 36 percent complete with analysis of eighteen locations conducted.
Richard Perrin suggested that Monroe County reach out to the County and City Council for People with Disabilities for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study steering committee. Scott Leathersich replied that the County is already trying to identify a representative of the visually-impaired community and that this may be the group they are working with to do so.
Ontario County
Lindsey Withrow reported:
The draft report for the State Routes 96/318 Rural Corridor Study has been received and is under internal review. A presentation is expected in July.
The CATS Route Analysis and Service Improvement Plan is progressing. Ridership surveys were distributed on April 28 and 29, a public meeting was held April 29, and focus group interviews were conducted May 8. Preliminary analysis is expected to be completed by the end of May. Ontario County is using social networking sites as part of the public participation component of the project.
City of Rochester
Erik Frisch reported:
The Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study has been reactivated and is expected to be complete soon.
Chuck Thomas reported:
Comments received from Monroe County on the final draft report for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study have been integrated and the report is being finalized. Project closeout is expected in the third quarter of this year.
An RFP for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study is under development.
An RFP for the Center City Circulator Study is expected to be issued in June.
The Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study project is progressing. Project closeout is expected in the third quarter of this year.
David Cook reported:
There is no progress to report for the Market Research for RGRTA Regional Services task.
A public meeting for the RGRTA Suburban Transportation Service Study was held March 27. The Study is complete and a presentation to the Planning Committee is anticipated to occur in the summer.
RGRTA is negotiating the contract with the preferred consultant for the RTS Signal Prioritization Study.
The Information Technology Assessment Study is approximately 95 percent complete.
A scope of work for the RGRTA Energy Study is expected to be presented to the Planning Committee in July.
There is no progress to report for the RGRTA Transit-Supportive Development Guidelines task.
The RGRTA Route Analysis project is on-going.
Seneca County
Mitchell Rowe reported:
The first public meeting for the NYS Routes 5&20/414 Corridor Study was rescheduled and held May 13. The consultant discussed and gathered input on existing conditions in the corridor.
Wayne County
Sharon Lilla reported:
The Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study is progressing.
Wyoming County
Todd Gadd reported:
The scope of work for the Wyoming County Safe Passing Zone Survey will be presented later in the meeting.
Other Agencies
Richard Perrin reported:
The Regional Traffic Count Collection Program is continuing. The extension of the contract covering Monroe County to include new funding programmed in the 2009-2010 UPWP for the 2009 count cycle has been approved.
NYSDOT is significantly expanding its count program to address new Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) requirements and will be expanding its counts on non-state federal aid and local roads. GTC staff compared the NYSDOT candidate locations to the Regional Traffic Count Collection Program locations and found general consistency between the two. GTC staff will share the findings with the respective County Highway Superintendent for review and comment.
A kickoff meeting for the Village of Arcade Main Street Study was held May 4.
There is no progress to report on the Village of Geneseo Circulation and Parking Study.
GTC staff provided comments on the initial components of the draft report for the Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study.
The consultant for the Spencerport Eastern Village Corridor Concept Study has developed the draft introduction, inventory, and needs assessment portions of the draft report and GTC staff provided comments. Draft alternatives have been developed.
The next steering committee meeting for the Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study is scheduled for May 28. GTC staff provided GIS files to the consultant.
There is no progress to report for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan.
There is no progress to report for the City of Geneva Lakefront/Downtown Connectivity Study.
There is no progress to report for the Victor Transportation Systems Plan.
A presentation on the Town of Penfield Bicycle Facilities Plan will be provided as agenda item 5.d.
b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
The City of Rochester Planning Commission has re-designated Chuck Thomas as a member of the Planning Committee and Doug Benson as Mr. Thomas alternate.
1. Update on the status of projects funded via The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Ed Welsh discussed the status of projects funded via The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Out of the approximately $74 million worth of projects programmed, $59 million worth have reached the Plans, Specification, and Estimates (PS&E) stage. However, there has been a bottleneck in Albany to get the funds obligated.
Tim Frelier expressed frustration that a lack of the Governors signature on the Section 1511 Certification is delaying projects from going out to bid. Project sponsors have worked hard to progress the projects in an effort to get work out on the street this construction season but cant do so because of delays in Albany.
Don Higgins concurred with this frustration.
Paul Holahan asked if the delay is affecting the obligation of ARRA funds. Ed replied that the region has already exceeded the 50 percent threshold for obligating funds. The remaining projects are expected to have signed PS&E packages within the 120-day deadline for ARRA projects set by GTC. Projects may be delayed but are still expected to be able to meet the requirements.
Paul Holahan asked if there is anything GTC members or project sponsors can do to accelerate the situation. Ed Welsh responded the he believes NYSDOT has already done everything that can be done. The delay is at the Governors office where they are dealing with many different issues.
Don Higgins asked where Tim Gilchrist (Senior Advisor to the Governor for Infrastructure and Transportation) stands on this issue. Richard Perrin noted that this is a statewide problem that the MPOs are discussing. He added that the Government Accounting Office has established an office in Albany to oversee ARRA compliance which may be contributing to the delays.
Don Higgins raised a concern about two Wayne County projects. Ed Welsh responded that the two projects are included in an Office of General Services (OGS) contract for maintenance projects. Since the projects were part of an OGS contract, there is no PS&E package developed. Ed expects the issue to be resolved and the contract to be awarded in July.
Don Higgins asked about concerns with specifying bid opening dates and locations for locally-sponsored ARRA-funded projects. Ed Welsh described a catch-22 situation. There is a new requirement to specify the bid opening date and location in the bid package. NYSDOT Region 4 cannot identify the bid opening date and location without knowing when the Governor will make the next Section 1511 Certification to establish the bid timeline. The Governors office has indicated they cannot complete the Section 1511 Certification without a specified bid opening date and location. Ed is hopeful that a solution to this issue will emerge soon.
2. Update on the development of the 2010-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Richard Perrin summarized the planned schedule for developing the 2010-2014 TIP. He noted that moving the adoption of the 2010-2014 TIP from December 2009 to March 2010 puts the region more in line with the planned update of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and is consistent with federal regulations. He added that a more detailed TIP development schedule will be provided to the TIP Development Committee for review and comment.
Richard stated that the pending successor surface transportation legislation to SAFETEA-LU (authorization) may affect the solicitation of TIP projects. However, any impact will not be known until Congress passes this next surface transportation legislation.
Richard discussed the current status of the pending authorization. At this time the primary difficulty is the inability of the Highway Trust Fund to serve as the primary funding source for surface transportation improvements.
Richard stated that the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee has established new rules for High Priority Project (HPP) earmarks to be considered in reauthorization. The rules require that the potential HPP earmarks be put out for public review and that the projects be eligible under Title 23 or Title 49.
The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee is also requiring a rescission of unobligated earmarks from ISTEA and TEA-21 (predecessors to SAFETEA-LU). GTC staff conducted an analysis of ISTEA and TEA-21 earmarks and did not find any projects in the region that would be affected by this rescission.
3. Update and discussion on upcoming authorization of surface transportation legislation
Richard discussed the current parameters for authorization and the current thoughts on financing transportation projects.
Richard stated that it is unlikely that an authorization bill would be complete by the September 30 expiration of SAFETEA-LU. This would require the development of at least one extension to SAFETEA-LU which affects the ability to finalize an authorization bill because of the effort needed to develop and move the extension(s) through the legislative process.
Don Higgins noted that there was discussion of rescission of FHWA funds on a recent conference call among County Highway Superintendents. A project sponsor, possibly in NYDOT Region 8, indicated that they may be forced to pull funding for construction of a project.
Richard Perrin responded that SAFETEA-LU requires that $8.5 billion of unobligated highway funds be rescinded at the end of the bill (September 30, 2009) and this means a nearly $400 million rescission for New York State. In addition, the amount required by region may be a function of how over-programmed that region is for a particular fund source. He is not sure what impact the rescission will have on this region.
Don Higgins asked if the funding for his projects is safe because he plans to go to construction in 2010. Richard stated that it would be best for project sponsors to get funding for their project obligated as soon as possible so it is not available for rescission.
5. Action Items
a. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning adopting an agreement identifying responsibilities for carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region of New York State to fulfill the requirements of Title 23 Section 450.314 of the Code of Federal Regulations / Proposed Council Resolution 09-14
Richard Perrin discussed the requirement for a cooperative agreement identifying responsibilities for carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process. He added that this agreement does not impact any existing agreements, policies, or procedures. The agreement focuses on what the responsibilities are as opposed to how the responsibilities will be carried out.
The agreement is proposed to be signed by agency management rather than officers since the officers are members of the Genesee Transportation Council who will be voting to authorize the agreement while agency staffs will be responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the agreement.
David Cook moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-14; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
b. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FY 2009-2010 UPWP budget to reflect the contribution of actual FY 2008-2009 rollover amounts / Proposed Council Resolution 09-15
Richard Perrin discussed the proposed budget amendment. He noted that the UPWP is developed using task balances as of the end of the third quarter of the fiscal year prior to the new UPWP becoming effective. This is the annual budget reconciliation that reflects activity from the fourth quarter of the previous fiscal year.
Richard noted that there is an adjustment to the budget for Task 1600 Program Reserve that will be fully discussed as part of agenda item 5.c.
David Zorn asked for clarification of what the various column values represent. Richard responded Column A is the task budget as adopted, Column B is the adjustment necessary to reflect fourth quarter activity, and Column C is the revised task budget.
Chuck Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-15; Rob Slaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
c. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FY 2009-2010 Unified Planning Work Program by adding Task 3105 SAFETEA-LU Succession Program / Proposed Council Resolution 09-16
Richard Perrin discussed a proposal for adding a new Task 3105 SAFETEA-LU Succession Program to the UPWP. The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) expires on September 30, 2009 and all indications are that successor federal surface transportation authorization legislation (the next authorization) will be forthcoming, but uncertainty remains.
If Congress is unable to pass the next authorization before SAFETEA-LU expires then extensions will be necessary. Such extensions may not include funding for metropolitan planning activities. The next authorization may also include new metropolitan planning requirements. There is the potential for large MPOs such as GTC to meet new requirements and/or transition to a new organizational structure. This new UPWP task would allow GTC staff to continue operating in the absence of funding via extensions and prepare for any necessary transition to new metropolitan planning requirements.
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) required any rescission of FFY 2008 and FFY 2009 funds be taken on a pro-rata basis from across funding programs. When the UPWP was being developed, GTC set-aside approximately $500,000 in Federal Highway Administration Planning (FHWA PL) funds in anticipation of a rescission of FFY 2009 funds. This amounted to approximately three times the amount of FHWA PL funds that was rescinded from GTC in April 2008. This was considered a worst case scenario.
ARRA removed the EISA requirement that forced FHWA PL funds to be rescinded and gave States more flexibility to satisfy the FFY 2009 rescission. Last week, the NYSDOT indicated that they will not use FHWA PL funds to satisfy the rescission of FFY 2009 funds. This makes approximately $500,000 available for the proposed new task.
Richard discussed the revenue sources for the balance of the proposed new task. If the funding is not needed for the transition to the next authorization it will be available for other activities.
Erik Frisch moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-16; Paul Holahan seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
d. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting the report, Town of Penfield Bicycle Facilities Master Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8750 / Proposed Council Resolution 09-17
Geoff Benway discussed the Town of Penfield Bicycle Facilities Master Plan with emphasis on the study process, findings, and recommendations. Geoff noted that the study advisory committee has transitioned into a standing committee focused on implementing the study recommendations.
Erik Frisch asked if the document is available online. Geoff responded that it is on the Town website.
Richard Perrin asked if the Plan includes specific treatments as part of the recommendations. Geoff responded that it does.
Scott Leathersich asked if the advisory committee will look at updating the Plan on a periodic basis. Geoff responded that the Plan will be a living document with updates as appropriate.
James Fletcher moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-17; Chuck Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
e. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning certifying that the selection of projects to benefit from funding provided via The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 wholly incorporates the prioritization criteria of said legislation / Proposed Council Resolution 09-18
Richard Perrin discussed a NYSDOT request to reevaluate the process that GTC used to select projects to benefit from funding provided via ARRA to ensure the process is consistent with the final legislation.
GTC staff conducted the reevaluation and discussed the results with the TIP Development Committee (TDC) at its April 30 meeting. Richard reviewed each of the criteria from ARRA and discussed how the GTC evaluation process addressed each.
Chuck Thomas moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-18; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
f. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the prioritized list of illustrative projects that will benefit from The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 should additional funding from said legislation become available to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) area / Proposed Council Resolution 09-19
Richard Perrin discussed the development of the prioritized list of illustrative projects that will benefit from ARRA. He noted that at the March 12, 2009 GTC Board meeting, the City of Rochester agreed to modify the priority for the Genesee Riverway Multi-Use Trail (Ford Street to Erie Canal) Rehabilitation project on the illustrative list in exchange for amending the scope of work for the East Henrietta Road (Mount Hope Avenue to South Avenue) Reconstruction project. This is significant because bid savings have already allowed several highway projects at the top of the illustrative list to progress.
Richard stated that RGRTA received a higher allocation of ARRA funds than originally anticipated which allowed them to progress the only illustrative transit project. RGRTA is proposing to add another illustrative transit project in the event more funds become available. David Cook added that having this additional illustrative project also provides a backup plan if RGRTA is not able to progress one of its funded projects within the time constraints of ARRA.
Richard also noted that NYSDOT, on behalf of the project sponsors, has submitted two railroad projects for consideration to be added to the illustrative project list. These projects were not submitted as part of the stimulus project solicitation and were not evaluated against the regional criteria. Since these projects did not compete with other proposed projects and issues have been raised with regard to providing funds to projects that would then charge the users, the TDC recommends that they be reviewed and evaluated along with any and all other candidate projects should additional ARRA funds be allocated to the region.
Rob Slaver moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-19; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
g. Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning amendments to the 2007-2012 TIP
Vice-Chairman Leathersich suggested considering items 1 through 4 under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
Scott Leathersich stated that subsequent to projects 1 and 2 being selected for ARRA funding it was realized that these roads are not federal-aid eligible.
1. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by deleting the Hamlin Parma Townline Road (NYS Route 18 to LOSP) Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-20
2. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by deleting the Colby Street (Sweden Ogden Townline Rd. to Washington St.) Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-21
Scott Leathersich stated that the cost estimates for projects 3 and 4 were revised prior to being selected for ARRA funding but the final costs were not reflected properly. These cost changes result in a net reduction in project cost with the difference being available for projects on the illustrative list. Richard Perrin noted that the revised cost estimates were included with data provided for the project evaluation process but GTC staff did not identify or incorporate these changes.
3. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Culver Road (E. Ridge Road to Irondequoit Bay Outlet Bridge) Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-22
4. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by decreasing the total cost of the Whalen Road (NYS Route 286 to Five Mile Line Road) Rehabilitation project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-23
Don Higgins moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 09-20 through 09-23; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Vice-Chairman Leathersich suggested considering items 5 and 6 under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
5. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the total cost of and adding a phase to the Route 390 @ I-490 Interchange Improvements project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-24
Rob Slaver discussed the need for additional engineering work on this project. The source of additional federal funds is unprogrammed Interstate Maintenance funds.
6. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by modifying the scope and changing the description of the Rt. 590 Rehabilitation (Norton St. to Titus Ave.) project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-25
Rob Slaver noted that during the design of this project, NYSDOT realized they can use a less costly treatment and still extend the life of the facility. The savings from the alternative treatment would allow NYSDOT to address bridge needs within the project limits without increasing the project budget.
David Cook moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 09-24 and 09-25; Erik Frisch seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Vice-Chairman Leathersich suggested considering items 7 through 11 under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
7. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by increasing the total cost of and adding phases to the University Avenue/ArtWalk II project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-26
8. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Lehigh Valley Trail Extension and Enhancement project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-27
9. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Village of Medina Downtown to School Sidewalk and Streetscape project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-28
10. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Town of Marion Hamlet Connectivity project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-29
11. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Erie Canalway Trail Development (Town of Arcadia) project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-30
Rob Slaver discussed the NYSDOT request to add projects from the Transportation Enhancements Program (TEP) to the TIP since the Transportation Enhancements Advisory Committee (TEAC) recently announced projects to receive funding.
GTC staff and NYSDOT Region 4 staff jointly evaluated the TEP applications and the GTC Board adopted a prioritized list of TEP projects at its September 11, 2008 meeting. The TEP funding was supplemented by ARRA funds set-aside specifically for TEP-eligible projects that are shovel-ready. This allowed more projects to be selected for funding.
It was noted that the TEAC skipped the fourth ranked project, Jackson Road/Stone Road Shoulder Construction, and selected the fifth and sixth ranked projects for funding. Rob Slaver stated that, since ARRA has a specific set-aside for TEP-eligible projects, Dan Hallowell has suggested considering the creation of a TEP illustrative project list. This would allow the Jackson Road/Stone Road Shoulder Construction to be listed as illustrative should any additional TEP or ARRA funds become available to the region.
Richard Perrin stated that, prior to ARRA, GTC has resisted including illustrative projects in the TIP. However, since this project was skipped in favor of projects with a lower priority it may be reasonable to include the project in the TIP as an illustrative project.
Erik Frisch suggested that if there is a separate illustrative list of TEP-eligible projects, then any TEP-eligible project that has been evaluated be included.
Richard Perrin responded that he would not want to see a separate list. Rather, he suggested a resolution be developed that adds the Jackson Road/Stone Road Shoulder Construction project in the event additional TEP or ARRA TEP set-aside funds become available to the region.
James Fletcher asked if GTC needs to send a message to the TEAC expressing displeasure with their selection of TEP projects. Richard Perrin responded that after all the selected projects are obligated he would rather send a letter expressing how much effort is involved in developing the prioritized list in this region.
Scott Leathersich asked if adding the Jackson Road/Stone Road Shoulder Construction project as an illustrative in the TIP requires an amendment. Richard responded that it would be best to have a separate resolution for this action. GTC staff can draft the resolution for TDC review prior to mailing the meeting materials for the June 19 GTC Board meeting.
James Fletcher moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 09-26 through 09-30 and 09-38 regarding the Jackson Road/Stone Road Shoulder Construction project, which GTC staff will develop for TDC review prior to mailing to the GTC Board; Don Higgins seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
12. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Campus Loop Road Extension for St. John Fisher College, NY project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-31
Rob Slaver discussed the proposed TIP amendment. He noted that this project is being funded via a Congressional earmark in the 2009 Appropriations Act and NYSDOT Region 4 is coordinating with St. John Fisher College to implement the project in accordance with federal-aid requirements.
Rob Slaver moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-31; Erik Frisch seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Vice-Chairman Leathersich suggested considering items 13 and 14 under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
13. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Jefferson Avenue Rehabilitation Project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-32
14. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Midtown Redevelopment Transportation Infrastructure Improvements project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-33
Erik Frisch discussed the proposed TIP amendments. He noted that these projects are being funded via a Congressional earmark in the 2009 Appropriations Act.
Erik Frisch moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 09-32 and 09-33; Rob Slaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
Vice-Chairman Leathersich suggested considering items 15, 16, and 18 under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
15. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by modifying the scope and reducing the total cost of the Replace 31 RTS Transit Buses project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-34
16. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by renaming and increasing the total cost of the RTS Site & Facility Improvements project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-35
David Cook discussed the proposed TIP amendments. RGRTA received more ARRA funds that originally anticipated. RGRTA also wishes to amend the TIP to more closely align with is annual capital plan.
The additional ARRA funding allows RGRTA to progress the Site & Facility Improvements project that was originally included as an illustrative project.
David noted that RGRTA proposed inclusion of a vehicle replacement project as an illustrative project in the event they are not able to progress Site & Facility Improvements project within the time constraints of ARRA. This was included in Resolution 09-19.
James Fletcher asked if there is a fallback plan if the Site & Facilities Improvements project is delayed. David Cook responded that the plan is to use ARRA funds for the vehicle replacements on the illustrative projects list which would free up Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 funds to progress the Site & Facilities Improvements project.
18. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the Satellite Transit Center Construction project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-37
David Cook discussed the need for the Satellite Transit Center Construction project. He noted that this project is being funded via a Congressional earmark in the 2009 Appropriations Act.
Rob Slaver moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 09-34, 09-35, and 09-37; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
17. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by adding the ARRA FTA Section 5311 Program Block project / Proposed Council Resolution 09-36
David Cook discussed the proposed TIP amendment. The funding for the project comes from ARRA funds set-aside for transit projects in rural and small urban areas.
Richard Perrin stated that there is still an outstanding issue in that GTC has not received any official notice from the NYSDOT Public Transportation Bureau that these funds are available to be programmed. He suggested that the Planning Committee make a conditional recommendation on the proposed Resolution so the GTC staff can adjust the particular project components and costs as necessary if the funding amounts deviate from what was included in the meeting package.
David Cook moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 09-36 conditioned on GTC staff making any necessary adjustments prior to the GTC Board taking action; Rob Slaver seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
h. Action concerning endorsing the Project Recommendations for FY 2008-2009 Priority Trails Advancement Funding
Richard Perrin discussed the Priority Trails Advancement solicitation and evaluation processes. The Regional Trails Initiative Steering Committee reviewed the project applications and recommends that both project be funded.
Sharon Lilla moved to endorse the Project Recommendations for FY 2008-2009 Priority Trails Advancement Funding; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
i. Action concerning UPWP Project Scopes of Work.
Scott Leathersich suggested considering the two scopes of work under a single motion; no member or alternate objected.
1. Task 4102 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Appeal
Tom Kicior discussed the proposed scope of work for the LUCA Appeal project.
2. Task 6222 Wyoming County Safe Passing Zone Survey
Todd Gadd discussed the proposed scope of work for the Wyoming County Safe Passing Zone Survey project.
Don Higgins moved to approve the Scopes of Work for Tasks 4102 and 6222 as presented; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.
6. New Business
Doug Tokarczyk stated that the New York State Thruway Authority will be letting several major projects totaling approximately $20 million in the region in the next few weeks.
7. Public Forum
No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.
8. Next Meeting
July 9, 2009 at the Wayne County Courthouse.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:09 p.m.