GTC Board Meeting Materials

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GTC Board Meeting Materials

March 10, 2011

If you are unable to access the meeting materials below, please contact GTC by telephone at (585) 232-6240 or via email at to make alternative arrangements.

●  Agenda

●  Meeting Location Map

●  Draft December 9, 2010 GTC Board Meeting Minutes; January 6, 2011 & Draft

February 10, 2011 Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

●  Action Items (refer to the agenda for page numbers of specific resolutions)

  1. Adopting the FY 2011-2012 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

  2. Accepting the submission of reports and an executive summary as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks

    Executive Summaries 1 - 3

  3. Adopting amendments to the 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

    Resolutions 11-5 through 11-22

    Resolutions 11-23 through 11-46

  4. Amending the 2011-2014 TIP by adding new bridge preventive maintenance projects