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Ontario County Municipal Building

Canandaigua, New York

April 14, 2011



Angela Ellis, Livingston County

Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Tom Goodwin, Monroe County

Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA)

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)


David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch


Robert Colby, Monroe County

Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Paul Holahan, City of Rochester

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)

Peter McCann, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

C. Mitchell Rowe, Seneca County

Henry Smith, Jr., Orleans County

Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

(Vacant), Rochester City Planning Commission

(Vacant), Yates County


Joseph Bovenzi, GTC staff

Mike Guyon, Town of Brighton

Don Higgins, Livingston County

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Jody Pollot, GTC staff

James Stack, GTC staff


1. Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m. Scott Leathersich welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

Scott asked if anyone had additions to the agenda. Kevin Rooney asked that an item be added to discuss phase authorization of federal funds for TIP projects.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Terry Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the February 10, 2011 Planning Committee meeting; Erik Frisch seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.

Scott Leathersich suggested that the agenda be revised to move item 5.d., action concerning consideration of Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) scopes of work, forward in order to accommodate the Committees guests. No member or alternate objected.

5. Action Items

d.      Action concerning consideration of UPWP Project Scopes of Work

1.      Task 6225 Monroe County Horizontal Curve Sign Study.

Terry Rice discussed the scope of work for the Monroe County Horizontal Curve Sign Study. He explained that this project will involve reviewing the locations of advisory signs along horizontal road curves and assessing whether or not the signs need to be changed to meet current standards.

Richard Perrin asked if a GIS database showing the location of each sign would be useful. Scott Leathersich replied that the Monroe County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) could look further into doing so subject to current budget.

Jim Fletcher asked if MCDOT is only looking at signed curves. Terry replied in the affirmative and noted that he expects that the vast majority of the curves that need signage are already signed. He noted that the project budget is not enough to investigate all of the potential sign locations in the county and that he can use in-house staff to investigate potential locations on an as-needed basis.

2.      Task 8160 Livingston County Transportation Connectivity Plan

Angela Ellis reviewed the scope of work for the Livingston County Transportation Connectivity Plan. This project will result in a multi-modal transportation plan and include a sub-plan for Geneseo. This project is in-line with the guiding principles of the draft Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2035 (LRTP 2035). It will involve broad participation from stakeholders throughout the county and will be incorporated with a buy local campaign. It will consider trail, sidewalk, and street networks, public transportation services, and emphasize the importance of connectivity in improving mobility.

Dan Hallowell asked if there was a time horizon for the plan. Angela responded that the recommendations would likely look out over five to ten years but some recommendations could be for a longer term.

3.      Task 8301 RGRTA Suburban Transit Station Study

David Cook discussed the scope of work for the RGRTA Suburban Transit Station Study, noting that this scope was originally developed in 2010 but RGRTA realized it did not have enough funding to complete the study as initially scoped. RGRTA solicited and received additional funding via the 2011-2012 UPWP. Additionally, RGRTA has budgeted $75,000 of its own funds for this study. The budget for contractual service has gone from the original $75,000 to $225,000. The study will look at transit mobility and connections with and among suburban destinations.

Angela Ellis noted that that the Livingston County Transportation Connectivity Plan would also look at the connections between LATS and RTS.

Dan Hallowell asked if the Park and Ride assessment will consider potential new lots and identify potential partnerships with developers. David Cook replied in the affirmative, and noted that the study would look at potential joint development opportunities for on-going maintenance and operation of the lots.

Terry Rice asked how suburban transit stations would be different from Park and Ride lots. David Cook replied that the study will look at the potential for stations to offer a variety of services and be more of a destination, including associated residential development. The study would also look at connections and services between stations.

Terry Rice requested that MCDOT and municipalities be involved in the study in order to consider potential traffic impacts. He noted that a retail destination will have different traffic needs than a typical Park and Ride lot.

Jim Fletcher asked if suburb-to-suburb connections would be assessed as part of this study. David Cook replied in the affirmative and noted that, due to the low density of suburban development and the dispersion of origin and destination points, these types of connections require dedicated analysis which is one of the purposes of this study.

4.      Task 8760 Brighton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

Mike Guyon, Town Engineer for the Town of Brighton, discussed the scope of work for the Brighton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. He explained that the Town is looking to develop a master plan that will guide the development of a well-connected bicycle/pedestrian network and enhance safety. The Plan will incorporate existing on- and off-street trails. It will recommend trail links with adjacent communities, university campuses, parks, and the Erie Canal trail. The Plan will provide some guidance for the Monroe Avenue study and for the Town when it revises its comprehensive plan. The target completion date is September 2012. An RFP will be developed shortly.

Jim Fletcher noted that the town of Penfield recently conducted a similar effort and can share the information collected (as one of Brightons neighboring towns) and their insights into the process.

Dan Hallowell noted that the Monroe Avenue Design Charette did not include sufficient design analysis to reduce the roadway from a four-lane to a three-lane design. He requested that the study consider incorporating a maintenance plan for the recommendations.

Scott suggested that the Steering Committee include MCDOT and NYSDOT. Mike responded that both agencies would be invited to participate on the project Steering Committee.

Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of items 5.d.1 through 5.d.4.; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities



Richard Perrin reported:

         The remaining elements of the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project are being finalized and it will be presented to the Committee for its consideration at the May meeting.

         The NYSMPOs Association conducted a strategic planning session in Syracuse on February 11 to determine future goals and activities for the organization. One outcome is to improve collaboration and coordination between the MPOs and with NYSDOT in data collection and planning activities. A red-lined version of the federal transportation planning regulations with proposed revisions was provided to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee at the request of Chairman Mica as follow-up to the roundtable held on March 24.

         As part of Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Update/Implementation, the draft LRTP 2035 document was made available for public review on March 16, incorporating Planning Committee comments from the March 1 Special Meeting and those received through March 12. Four public meetings have been held with a total of 12 attendees. Comments can be submitted through April 29 by e-mail, fax, and regular mail. Proposed revisions based on the comments received to date will be discussed as agenda item 4.b.2.

         With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, the draft conformity statement for the LRTP 2035 was developed and submitted to the Interagency Consultation Group for their review and will be discussed as agenda item 5.b. GTC staff is assessing capabilities and needs related to transitioning to MOVES, the new EPA-required emissions model that will need to be used in conformity analyses beginning in March 2012.

         Resource Systems Group with C&S Engineers and Corey, Canapary & Galanis Research has been selected as the preferred consultant for the GTC Household Travel Survey. The contract is being finalized and a kickoff meeting has been scheduled for May 2.

         The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan Update will be presented for committee consideration as agenda item 5.c.1.

         The contract scope of work for the Diversion Route Planning Initiative is expected to be provided to the preferred consultant by mid-May.

         The Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of two projects. The Pultneyville to Marion Trail project is restarting with revised consultant personnel due to the departure of a key staff member. A Steering Committee meeting was held March 24 for the Route 104 Ontario to Sodus Trail and the consultant is scheduling a meeting with RG&E to discuss right-of-way issues.

         All five projects funded under the Circulation, Parking, Accessibility, and Parking Program are complete.

         The update of the Congestion Management Process (CMP) is included in the draft LRTP 2035 with recommendations that directly address delay noted as such in the associated document. GTC staff is beginning to scope extended CMP activities to identify causes of congestion by affected link to target LRTP recommendations.

         With regard to the Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program, the consultant has drafted the program capabilities assessment and emissions methodology memos. They were provided to GTC staff last week and earlier this week and staff has provided feedback on both.

         With regard to the Travel Time Data Collection Program, data collection is complete for the second phase on Principal Arterials and will be presented for committee consideration as agenda item 5.c.3. GTC staff is conducting an assessment of methodologies to determine if the current approach should remain as the preferred approach for future phases.

         With regard to the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation Plan Update, the Steering Committee met February 16 to review the draft inventory of conditions and needs assessment report prior to the public meetings held March 31. The committee met on April 1 to review comments received at these meetings. Alternatives are being developed based on the public comments and Steering Committee feedback.

         With regard to the Regional Goods Movement Strategy, the regional economic and freight profile has been finalized. The first Steering Committee meeting has been scheduled for April 26 to gather input on the draft regional profile and discuss associated needs. GTC staff is working with the consultant to identify performance measures.



Dave Zorn reported:

         With regard to the 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project, 2010 Census data has been released and G/FLRPC has restarted the TAZ update in the Census Bureaus required format.

         Follow-up for the 2010 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report is underway with data collection nearly complete.

         The Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Inventory of Culturally Significant Areas project is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its March 10, 2011 meeting.

Erik Frisch noted that the LUCA effort seems to have been successful and congratulated G/FLRPC and other agencies involved in the LUCA effort for their accomplishments.

Scott Leathersich asked if the Census Bureau has established an error rate.

Dave Zorn responded that the data has been released for redistricting but the full short form data has not been released yet. He added that municipalities still have an opportunity to review data and challenge the count via a rigorous process.

Jim Fletcher asked what the census blocks were based on. Dave Zorn explained that they are based on population thresholds and similarities in socioeconomic characteristics.

Livingston County

Don Higgins reported:

        The Contract Reporter Ad for the Safe Passing Zone study will be released soon. The consultant is expected to be selected by June and the project completed in the fall.

Monroe County

Tom Goodwin reported:

          Data for the Monroe County Land Use Monitoring Report is being compiled. Only three municipalities have not yet responded.

Terry Rice reported:

        The Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study is being wrapped up and the closeout presentation is expected at the May meeting.

        The Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study is being wrapped up and the closeout presentation is expected at the May meeting.

        The consultant for the Monroe County Sign Inventory Location Upgrade has collected the necessary data and is integrating it into the project database.

          As part of the Monroe County High Accident Location Program, one additional site has been analyzed. The project is 30 percent complete.

         A consultant for the Monroe County Accident Rate Database GIS Conversion project will be selected in late April.

City of Rochester

Erik Frisch reported:

      The consultant for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study is completing the inventory and analysis. The next Project Advisory Committee meeting will be held on April 14 to discuss preliminary findings.

      The final public meeting for the Center City Circulator Study was held on March 24. A meeting with the business community was held on March 25. There has been a positive reaction so far. The Project Advisory Committee is reviewing the draft report and project closeout is expected in May.

      The RFP for the City of Rochester Urban Trail Linkages Feasibility Study has been released with proposals due April 25.

      The draft final report for the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study is complete. The Project Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on May 11 to discuss it. The final public meeting has not been scheduled yet.

      The contract for the St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study has been executed and a kick-off meeting was held April 12. Data collection is underway. Project completion is expected by May 2012.


David Cook reported:

       The scope of work for the Suburban Transit Station Study was approved and the contract will be executed shortly.

       There is no progress to report on the RTS Signal Prioritization Study.

       The RGRTA Energy Study is complete.

       There is no progress to report on the RGRTA Transit-Supportive Development Guidelines project; however, the project should be underway by the next meeting.

       The RGRTA Route Analysis project is ongoing. This project was critical for preparing for potential state budget cuts. Even though the budget cuts were not as severe as they could have been, the analysis undertaken in preparation for them has resulted in some refinements to bus routes that took effect on April 4. Service to many splinters into developments along bus routes has been pulled back to the roadway to improve overall performance, although splinters with significant ridership were left intact.


Seneca County

Richard Perrin reported:

        The NYS Routes 5 & 20/414 Corridor Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 17 meeting.

Wayne County

Kevin Rooney reported:

        There is no progress to report on the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility study.

         The Wayne County Safe Passing Zone Survey will be presented for committee consideration as agenda item 5.c.2.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

         The most recent component of the Regional Traffic Count Collection project is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its March 10, 2011 meeting.

         The preferred consultant for the Auburn Trail/Ontario Pathways Trail Connection Feasibility Study was selected on March 22 and a draft contract was provided for GTC review on April 8.

         There is no progress to report on the Irondequoit Seneca Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study.

         The Village of Arcade Main Street Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its December 9, 2010 meeting.

         The Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its December 9, 2010 meeting.

         The Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 8, 2010 meeting.

         The final steering committee meeting for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan was held on March 7 and the second public meeting was held on March 22. The closeout presentation to the Committee is expected in either May or July.

         The City of Geneva Lakefront/Downtown Connectivity Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its March 10, 2011 meeting.

         With regard to the Victor Transportation Systems Plan, the steering committee for the Town of Victor Comprehensive Plan has begun meeting regularly again and the UPWP-funded transportation component is nearly finalized.

b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements

Richard Perrin announced the following:

        On March 4 Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks re-designated Daniel DeLaus, Jr. and Daniel Hogan as the Monroe County At-Large members of the GTC Board. Scott Leathersich and Chris Bollin will serve as Mr. DeLaus and Mr. Hogans alternates, respectively.

        By his election as Mayor of Rochester, Thomas Richards is now a member of the GTC Board.

        By their confirmations, NYSDOT Commissioner Joan McDonald, NYSDEC Commissioner Joseph Martens, and New York State Department of Economic Development Commissioner Kenneth Adams are now GTC Board members.

1. Proposed federal legislation update and discussion

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

The House and the Senate have been unable to reach agreement on funding for the remainder of FFY 2011. After maintaining federal activities via multiple Continuing Resolutions (CR), agreement between the House of Representatives and Senate for the remainder of FFY 2011 has been reached. The House is expected to act on HR 1473, which would finalize appropriations for FFY 2011, on April 14. Senate action is expected on April 15 so that the President can sign the legislation prior to midnight when the current CR expires. The legislation would cut federal spending by nearly $40 billion compared to FFY 2010, not including reductions in previous CRs. With respect to funding levels, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) net appropriations (after rescissions and offsets) would be reduced 9.5 percent compared to FFY 2010 levels (from $42.8 billion to $38.7 billion) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) net appropriations would be reduced 6.8 percent (from $10.7 billion to $10 billion). Select cuts include:

         The final legislation eliminates all new funding in fiscal year 2011 for the high-speed intercity passenger rail program. The final bill also reaches back and rescinds $400 million of the funding appropriated for the program in FY 2010.

         Amtraks capital and debt service grants are cut by $80 million below the FY 2010 level.

         $2.5 billion in unobligated balances of highway formula contract authority held by states will be rescinded.

         $630 million is rescinded from old highway earmarks from the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century and earlier authorization laws for which at least 90 percent of the amount provided remains unobligated.

         The FTA Capital Improvement Grants program (i.e., New Starts and Small Starts) was cut to $1.6 billion, 20 percent less than FY 2010's $2.0 billion.

         TIGER grants were reduced to $527 million from $600 million in 2010.

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was extended through the remainder of FFY 2011 on March 4. Work continues on the development of a successor multi-year authorization bill. The timeline is for the introduction of a bill by the House in April for consideration by the Senate. However, if the House and Senate are unable to agree on proposed legislation for the President to consider prior to September, it is unlikely that it will be passed before 2013 due to the Presidential election cycle. The Presidents FFY 2012 USDOT budget request did contain a number of details on the Administrations position for the reauthorization including policy positions (consolidation of federal programs, a significant increase for transit, continuation of high speed passenger rail development, and a national infrastructure bank) and the funding level ($556 billion over three years) but no indication of how to pay for it.

How to pay for the bill is the primary concern with the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in question the highway account is expected to be negative in 2013 and the transit account negative in 2014. House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee Chairman John Mica along with Congressman Tom Reed held one of 16 public meetings on the next authorization in Rochester on March 24 (this listening session was originally scheduled for February 18). Several representatives from GTC participated, including Donald House, Mark Aesch, Terry Rice, Bill Wright, and Richard Perrin. Comments from participants seemed to be well-received by Chairman Mica based on feedback about other meetings.

House T&I Committee staff have begun drafting the bill. Funding levels are expected to match current projections of receipts to the HTF, which, based on the Congressional Budget Office, would total approximately $232 billion over the next six years. This would be significantly less than what most professional organizations and others have called for but is consistent with the House Republican majority's intent to restore the solvency of the HTF without raising the gas tax.

Terry Rice asked if the rescission would impact the existing TIP by reducing available funds. Richard responded that he was not sure yet because he would need to see how it would impact New York State and the allocations to the region. However, even if minor reductions occurred, the impacts would likely be less severe than in 2009 when the regional allocations were reduced significantly.

Erik Frisch asked if Richard had any sense of the impact of Congressman Ryans 2012 budget proposal and President Obamas April 13 speech. Richard responded that initial indications are that the transportation program would be reduced approximately 30 percent from the Federal Fiscal year 2010 level.

Terry Rice noted that he had heard from good sources that of all the reauthorization roundtables Chairman Mica held around the country, he had received the best feedback from the Rochester session.

2. LRTP Update and Discussion

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

Based on GTC staff review and comments received to-date, the document can be improved by emphasizing that the recommendations of the LRTP 2035 are fiscally-constrained and making a stronger connection between the recommendations and the identified transportation needs and emerging issues and opportunities. The LRTP is likely the only plan in the region that is fiscally-constrained and, absent emphasis on the need for it to be per federal regulations, appears to not be assertive enough in addressing the identified needs compared to other plans (e.g., comprehensive plans, vision plans, etc). By further describing how the recommendations address the needs, it will, hopefully, provide policymakers and the public with an understanding of the issues being faced due to lack of funding and an appreciation for the recommendations that are included.

5.                 Action Items

a. Action concerning classifying 2011-2012 Unified Planning Work Program in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan

Richard Perrin discussed the proposed UPWP classifications. The GTC Public Participation Plan requires UPWP-funded projects to establish public input opportunities. GTC staff must recommend to the GTC Planning Committee one of three classifications that determines the extent of public input opportunities. The classifications are Administrative, Technical/Data Collection, and Planning/Policy. Only Planning/Policy projects are required to have a public input component consisting mainly of a Steering Committee, at least two public meetings that are advertised appropriately, and the use of a website for project information. A summary matrix of the recommended classifications is provided on page 28 of the meeting package.

Richard noted that the project scopes of work that were considered earlier in the meeting were developed consistent with the GTC staff recommendation for project classification.

Jim Fletcher moved to approve classifying FY 2011-2012 Unified Planning Work Program tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan; Tom Goodwin seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b.     Action concerning approving the Draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2035 and 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program for 30-day public review pending Interagency Consultation Group concurrence

Richard Perrin discussed the draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2035 and 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (Conformity Statement). He noted that the Rochester Metropolitan Statistical Area was designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as being in nonattainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground-level ozone on April 15, 2004. Accordingly, the current long range transportation plan and transportation improvement program must receive a positive conformity determination from FHWA and FTA.

NYSDOT and GTC staffs completed the technical analysis and associated documentation in the required format for the draft Conformity Statement. GTC staff completed the TMA portion of the analysis April 4. However, NYSDOT Main Office staff did not complete the non-TMA portion of the analysis until April 12. The draft conformity statement was submitted to the New York State Air Quality Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) for consideration at their April 13, 2011 meeting. The ICG has requested additional time to review the draft conformity statement and will provide comments by April 22.

The 30-day public review period would be held from April 25 through May 24 and include a public meeting.

The conformity statement is a compliance document to satisfy federal requirements and does not establish any new policy or investment decisions. Accordingly, public comments received during the public review period for the draft conformity statement will not impact the recommendations of the LRTP 2035 nor the projects and programs included in the 2011-2014 TIP. The 30-day public review period will offer an opportunity for the public to gain an understanding of the conformity process and how transportation decisions impact air quality.

The analysis indicates an 80 percent reduction in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and a 90 percent reduction in Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) through 2035. Further, the emissions of VOC and NOx in the 2035 Build scenario are less than the 2035 No-Build scenario. Given the significant reduction in ground-level ozone precursors, GTC staff anticipates requesting Planning Committee recommendation to the GTC Board to adopt the conformity statement at the May 12 meeting.

Dan Hallowell moved to approve the Draft Transportation Conformity Statement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2035 and 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program for 30-day public review pending Interagency Consultation Group concurrence; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c.      Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning accepting submission of reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks

Scott Leathersich suggested that proposed Council Resolutions 11-48 through 11-50 be considered as a single action; no Member or Alternate objected.

1.      Action concerning recommending the acceptance of the report, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan for Greater Rochester, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5601 / Proposed Council Resolution 11-48

Joseph Bovenzi presented the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan for Greater Rochester. He noted that this plan is an update of the 1996 IMAGE Plan and was developed to further enable Transportation Systems Management and Operations practices as cost-effective measures to improve the safety, reliability, and efficiency of the regional transportation system.

The Plan was developed with extensive stakeholder participation. The Plan includes nine categories of recommendations, identifies the geographic areas where ITS instrumentation will be deployed, recommends establishing one or more Regional Concepts of Transportation Operations to coordinate interagency operation of ITS elements, and discusses ways to mainstream ITS planning efforts into existing transportation planning processes.

Joe informed the Committee that a full update of the Regional ITS Architecture was completed as part of this project.

2.      Action concerning recommending the acceptance of the report, Wayne County No Passing Zone Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6224 / Proposed Council Resolution 11-49

Kevin Rooney presented the Wayne County No Passing Zone Study. The study was completed by Mastermind Systems, Inc. and focused on existing no passing zones. Many of the recommendations are already being implemented by the Wayne County Highway Department as they lay new pavement markings.

Terry Rice asked if there are instances where a passing zone could be allowed but the County has elected not to allow them.

Kevin responded that the County has elected not to allow passing in 30 mph zones within hamlets due to the dangers posed by people backing out of driveways.

David Cook asked if any striping changes will result from the study.

Kevin replied that about 50 miles of roads that are posted for between 30 and 40 miles per hour will be changed to double yellow lines.

3.      Action concerning recommending the acceptance of the report, Travel Time Data Collection Program: Principal Arterials - Phase 2, as evidence of completion of a component of UPWP Task 7121 / Proposed Council Resolution 11-50

Jody Pollot presented the Travel Time Data Collection Program: Principal Arterials - Phase 2 project. She noted the purpose of this program is to measure mobility by tracking speeds and average travel time along principal arterials in the Rochester TMA, resulting in the Travel Time Index (TTI).

Compared to the first phase of the program the Rochester TMA saw a slight overall decrease in the TTI from 2007. The overall TTI in 2007 was 1.10 compared to an overall TTI of 1.08 in 2010. The TTI for the a.m. peak period held steady for both years at 1.07. While the p.m. peak period TTI saw the greatest decline 1.14 TTI in 2007 compared to 1.09 TTI in 2010.

The report highlights several possibilities for the decrease in overall TTI, including a higher unemployment rate in 2010, road construction projects, and variations in the time of day the data were collected.

Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 11-48 through 11-50; Tom Goodwin seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.


6.                 New Business

        Richard Perrin discussed the upcoming TIP Project Delivery Review. In conjunction with NYSDOT-Region 4 and consistent with the TIP Procedures Manual, GTC staff is conducting a review of transportation projects scheduled to be let between now and May 2012 to determine the current status of the project in relation to the programmed schedule. This review is being conducted in an effort to ensure the region maximizes its use of federal funds in the current Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) and to ensure that project sponsors are advancing their projects in a timely manner. This review will occur at the April 28 GTC TIP Development Committee (TDC) meeting.

It is important that GTC know the status of projects so that, if needed, schedule adjustments can be made and funding offsets can be identified. While it is recognized project schedules dont always proceed as expected, it is critical that project sponsors make every effort to adhere to the programmed schedule. The four-year program is so tight that there generally is not capacity in the next FFY for projects that slip and any delay impacts other projects (i.e., could have a domino effect on the program). On the other hand, projects that can be progressed more quickly than programmed may be in a position to be accelerated if capacity opens up in an earlier FFY.

Part of this review will try to identify common issues that are beyond a project sponsors control so they can be remedied or better accommodated in future project schedules. In advance of the meeting, NYSDOT-Region 4 will be sending lists of projects to be reviewed and the basic questions being asked of all project sponsors.

          Kevin Rooney said that he was informed this week of a new Federal requirement for a resolution from the project sponsor before allowing phase authorization. This creates a conflict because it means that the local government has to pass a resolution to expend funds on a project without knowing how much that project will cost.

Dan Hallowell explained that this requirement is not new, but that the process by which the State has to implement the requirement has changed. A Federal project delivery audit questioned the reasons why projects are not advancing. This is an issue from the Federal point of view because funds could be used for other projects instead of being tied up in projects that are not progressing.

Richard Perrin asked how requiring a resolution improves project delivery.

Terry Rice noted that Monroe County has a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with bonding authority authorized via a resolution so all projects meet the requirement as it is currently being interpreted. If a bid comes in high then he has to go to the County Legislature to amend the bond resolution.

Don Higgins noted that Livingston County is becoming increasingly reluctant to authorize funding for projects without federal authorization.

Dan Hallowell noted that Region 4 sees the State-Local Agreement as the commitment to constructing a project. The federal auditors did not realize the implications of this requirement on local governments. NYSDOT is holding a conference call to discuss this issue later in the day and will follow up with Committee members after this call.

          David Cook updated the Committee on the status of four RGRTA projects. He reported that RGRTA had recently completed the retrofit of all RTS buses to meet the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) requirements. This was paid for in part by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds obtained through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Subsequent to the retrofit of buses, the DERA requirements were rescinded. Construction of the RGRTA campus improvements will start in four to six weeks. The Renaissance Square Transit Center project will utilize a Design-Build contract and the RFP will be issued soon. The University of Rochester has engaged a developer, Fairmount Properties, to begin work on the College Town project. Design and construction of the Mount Hope Station facility as part of the over project is being supported by federal transportation funds.

7.                 Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the public forum.

8.                 Next Meeting

Next Meeting: May 12, 2011 at the Rochester Bureau of Water

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.