GTC Board - Agenda

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Genesee Transportation Council

Quarterly Board Meeting

September 12, 2002

8:30 a.m.

Radisson Inn

175 Jefferson Road, Henrietta


1.                  Call to Order

2.                  Roll Call

3.                  Public Forum

4.                  Approval of Minutes: June 20, 2002 meeting

5.                  Communications and Announcements

6.                  Reports and Action on Old Business

a.                   Planning Committee Report Mr. Woods

b.                  GTC Staff Directors Report Mr. Gleason

c.                   Old Business

7.                  New Business

a.       Accepting the report, Routes 5 & 20 Access Management Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 7430 Action on Resolution 02-21


b.      Adoption of Amendments to the 2001-2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by increasing the Right-of-Way Acquisition cost and advancing a portion of the Construction phase of the Route 104 Rochester project (TIP # H99-06-MN1, PIN 410422) Action on Resolution 02-22

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by increasing the funding to the Rochester Central Station project (TIP # T99-02-MN1, PIN 482073) Action on Resolution 02-23

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by adding the RGRTA Emergency Response Exercises and Drills project (TIP # T02-02-MN1, PIN 482123) Action on Resolution 02-24

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by reducing the cost of the Lift Line Bus Replacement project and by adding the RTS Fleet Expansion project (TIP # T97-06-MN1, PIN 482063 and TIP #T02-03-MN1, PIN 482124) Action on Resolution 02-25

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by adding the RGRTA Facility Improvements project (TIP # T02-04-MN1, PIN 482125) Action on Resolution 02-26

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by reducing the Construction & Inspection cost of the Route 31F at Baird Road Intersection project (TIP # H99-03-MN1, PIN 403135) Action on Resolution 02-27

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by reducing the Right-of-Way Acquisition cost of the Route 252 (Jefferson Road) Stage 1 project (TIP # H99-07AMN1, PIN 425202) Action on Resolution 02-28

          Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by reducing the Construction & Inspection and Right-of-Way Acquisition costs of the Mount Read Boulevard and English Road Intersection project (TIP # H93-39-MN1, PIN 475220) Action on Resolution 02-29

c.       Any Other New Business

8.                  Next Meeting

9.                  Adjournment