GTC Board - Minutes

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Radisson Inn

Henrietta, NY

March 7, 2002


Marvin Decker, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (Chairman)

James Fabino, Wayne County

Lois Giess, Rochester City Council

Ed Marianetti, Monroe County At-Large Member

William Nojay, RGRTA

Dennis Pelletier, Monroe County Legislature

Channing Philbrick, Monroe County Association of Town Supervisors


Ed Doherty, City of Rochester, representing William Johnson

Joan Dupont, NYSDOT, representing Charles E. Moynihan (Secretary)

Wayne Houseman, Ontario County, representing Donald Ninestine

Alicia Nolan, Federal Highway Administration, representing Robert Arnold

Terrence Rice, Monroe County, representing John Doyle

David Woods, Livingston County, representing James Merrick


Rick Armon, Democrat & Chronicle

Jonathan Artmann

Leslie Bamann, Local Development, Victor

Steve Beauvais, NYSDOT

Kristin Bennett, GTC Staff

Debra Bogstie, Channel 10

Stuart Brown, Stuart Brown Associates

Richard Burke, Mayor, Avon

David Coleman, Victor Hiking Trails

Frank Dolan, Bergmann Associates

Kathleen Duel, Town of South Bristol

Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Angela Ellis, Ontario County Planning

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Steve Gleason, GTC Staff

Paul Howard, GFLRPC

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT-Region 4

Brian Lakeman, GTC Staff

Gerald Lederthiel

Daniel Marshall, Town of South Bristol

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Jack Richter, Supervisor, Town of Victor

Rob Slaver, NYSDOT

Lisa Smith, GTC Staff

James Stack, GTC Staff

Phil Swanson, Avon Village Trustee

Dave Thielman, NYS Thruway Authority

John Thomas, City of Rochester

Pat Gottry Tobin


A. Douglas Berwanger

Philip Brito, Federal Aviation Administration

Bonnie Coles, Monroe County Planning Board

Erin M. Crotty, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Charles Gargano, Empire State Development

Mary Pat Hancock, Genesee County

Robert Hayssen, Seneca County

Robert Multer, Yates County

James Patrick, Rochester City Planning Commission

John Platt, NYS Thruway Authority

Letitia Thompson, Federal Transit Administration

Marcia Tuohey, Orleans County

Rochester At Large (vacant)

1. Call to Order

Chairman Decker called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.

2. Roll Call

James Stack, GTC Staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

3. Public Forum

Chairman Decker offered an opportunity for members of the public to address the council.

Pat Tobin, resident from Penfield commented on two projects (the Linear Park in Penfield and the City of Rochesters Aqueduct project) proposed for the Transportation Enhancements Program (TEP).

Jack Richter, Supervisor of the Town of Victor, spoke in favor of the TEP scoring system, noting its integrity and objectivity

Dan Marshall, Supervisor of the Town of South Bristol, spoke in support of the TEP project proposed for his town.

David Pullman, representing the Chairman of the Victor Hiking Trails group, read a letter in appreciation for support of the Auburn Line Trail TEP project in Victor.

Richard Burke, Mayor of the Village of Avon, offered his appreciation for the evaluation of his towns TEP proposal and spoke in favor of the TEP scoring process.

Leslie Bamann, with the Victor Development Corporation spoke about the positive aspects of the TEP project proposed for the town.

Philip Swanson, from the Village of Avon, spoke in favor of the ranking process for the TEP projects. He noted that the Villages project was a reworking of a project that had been submitted previously and had not received funding.

4. Approval of Minutes

Mr. Pelletier made a motion for approval of the minutes from the December 13, 2001 GTC Quarterly Board meeting; Mr. Fabino seconded the motion.

The minutes were approved as submitted.

5. Communications and Announcements

James Stack announced the following appointments to the GTC Board: John T. Auberger as representative and Channing Philbrick as alternate representing the Monroe County Association of Town Supervisors, John Czamanske as alternate representing Yates County, Wayne Houseman as alternate representing Ontario County, and David Woods as alternate representing Livingston County.

Mr. Nojay made a motion to accept the announcement ; Mr. Fabino seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Planning Committee Report

Paul Howard provided the following report:

The Planning Committee held a meeting on February 21, 2002 in Lyons, Wayne County and recommended adoption of Proposed Council Resolutions 02-1, 02-2, 02-3, 02-4, 02-5, 02-6, 02-7, 02-8, 02-9, 02-10, and 02-11.

He noted that there was a discussion on the Transportation Enhancements Program evaluation process at this meeting. The Planning Committee complimented Steve Beauvais and Kristin Bennett on their work and saw no substantial reasons to change the rankings.

b. GTC Executive Directors Report

Steve Gleason provided the following report:

The GTC staff is advancing various projects throughout the nine county region

Twenty-two requests have been received for the Route 14A Study Request For Proposals

A consultant has been selected for the Route 14 Truck Study in Geneva and project is underway

The transportation strategic plans for Orleans and Seneca Counties are nearing completion

The Regional Trails Initiative committee has completed a needs assessment and developed draft recommendations. Six more public meetings will take place this month

James Stack has been promoted to Assistant Director and Richard Perrin was hired as Program Manager, Regional Development

c. Old Business

Accepting the report, Stone Street Station Design Objectives & Community Needs, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8410 Action on Resolution 02-12

Ms. Giess made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-12; Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

7. New Business

a. Triennial Federal Certification Review of GTC

Alicia Nolan from the Federal Highway Administration summarized the results of the Federal Certification Review of GTC. She noted that a review is conducted every three years. An on-site visit was made in October, 2001. She distributed a summary that highlights GTCs noteworthy practices and summarizes recommendations to enhance GTCs processes. Ms. Nolan stated that GTC has been recertified.

b. Endorsing the Regional Project Priorities List for the 2001-2002 Round of the Federal Transportation Enhancements Program Action on Resolution 02-1

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed Resolution. He noted that the TEP is administered by NYSDOT and that they advance the process collaboratively with GTC. The scoring criteria are laid out by NYSDOT Main Office (Albany). The Transportation Enhancements Advisory Committee (a state level committee) will make the final selection of projects. He concluded by stating that the Board is being asked to endorse the Project Priorities List.

Ed Doherty expressed his disappointment with the Citys project not ranking high on the list and his dissatisfaction with the TEP program and the scoring process. He noted that throughout the years the city has presented many TEP proposals (requesting a total of $23 million) and has received only $232,000 (a low per capita share compared to the rest of the region). He stated that the TEP program has obtained a rural image, which has resulted in an us vs. them mentality. He proposed that a committee be appointed to oversee the program. This committee would derive strategic goals for the program, review selection criteria (with a focus on economic impact), would include a more diverse rating team, and would include an appeals process. He noted that he will present this proposal as a Resolution at a later date.

David Woods noted that the project priorities list reflects the projects that best fit the selection criteria. He commented on the Village of Avon project, noting how it was not funded when it was initially submitted and was then reworked by the Village, and offering this as an example that the selection process works well. He stated that the TEP must be considered in the context of GTCs Long Range Plan and that he would not object to a reexamination of the TEP selection process.

Mr. Nojay made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-1; Mr. Woods seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c. Adopting the FY 2002-2003 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Action on Resolution 02-2

Steve Gleason reviewed the UPWP and the project selection process (including, for the first time, a 30-day public review period). He noted that the region received approximately $1.2 million from USDOT for transportation planning activities in the region. He noted that two public comments were received: a letter from Sandra Frankel in support of the I-590/Monroe Avenue Interchange project, and a letter from Tom Skoglund requesting reconsideration of the Wyoming County Transportation and Scenic/Historic Resources proposal. He noted that, when they concurred with the Draft UPWP at their January meeting, the Planning Committee added a modified Wyoming County project.

Mr. Rice made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-2; Mr. Woods seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

d. Accepting the report, Livonia Gateway Park Road Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5310 Action on Resolution 02-3

Steve Gleason reviewed the purpose of the study and noted that representatives of the Town and the Village of Livonia presented a summary of the study at the February Planning Committee meeting.

Mr. Woods made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-3; Mr. Houseman seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

e. Accepting the report, Rochester Amtrak Station Revitalization Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6700 Action on Resolution 02-4

Steve Gleason reviewed the purpose of the study and the process (including the makeup of the steering committee and the study team, and the key assumptions of the study). He noted that if any of the key assumptions change, the recommendations will need to be revisited. He also noted that the Planning Committee recommended acceptance of the report at its February meeting.

Mr. Rice made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-4; Mr. Fabino seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

f. Accepting the report, Suburban Circulator Route Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8310 Action on Resolution 02-5

Steve Gleason reviewed the study purpose and noted that a presentation was made by a representative from RGRTA at the February Planning Committee meeting. He noted that the Planning Committee recommended acceptance of the report at their February meeting.

Mr. Nojay made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-5; Mr. Philbrick seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

g. Accepting the report, Fare Structure Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8530 Action on Resolution 02-6

Steve Gleason reviewed the study purpose and noted a presentation was made by a representative from RGRTA at the February Planning Committee meeting. He noted that the Planning Committee recommended acceptance of the report at their February meeting.

Mr. Nojay made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-6; Mr. Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Mr. Doherty requested and Chairman Decker called a recess at 9:25. The meeting was reconvened at 9:45.

h. Adoption of Amendments to the 2001-2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Steve Gleason noted the TIP Development Committee reviewed the proposed TIP Amendments at its February 7 meeting and recommended Planning Committee approval. At its February 21 meeting, the Planning Committee recommended Board approval of the TIP Amendments.

Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding the Historic Erie Canal Aqueduct Development project Action on Resolution 02-7

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment and noted the $1.1 million in federal funding as an earmark from the Transportation and Community and Systems Preservation program.

Ms. Giess made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-7; Mr. Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding a Right-of-Way Acquisition phase to the Port of Rochester Access Improvements project Action on Resolution 02-8

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment and noted this is a funding rollover (the funds were not obligated prior to the end of the last fiscal year).

Mr. Fabino made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-8; Mr. Philbrick seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding the City of Rochester Harbor & Ferry Terminal Improvement Projects to the current Port of Rochester Access Improvements project Action on Resolution 02-9

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment and noted that the $4.5 million in federal funding is an earmark from the Ferryboat Discretionary Funds program.

Mr. Nojay made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-9; Mr. Doherty seconded the motion.

Mr. Nojay proposed an amendment to the Resolution. Mr. Doherty argued that proper procedure was not being followed.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Nojay withdrew his motion.

Mr. Nojay then made a motion for approval of a substitute for Resolution 02-9 which was distributed earlier in the meeting; Mr. Pelletier seconded the motion.

Mr. Nojay explained that the substitute resolution acknowledges the requirements laid out by the federal government for using this money. Mr. Pelletier stated that he intended to ask for a tabling of this motion. Mr. Doherty concurred with Mr. Pelletier, noting that such spelling out of conditions is unprecedented and that the Board had not had sufficient time to consider the proposal. Mr. Woods noted that the proposal appears to put a greater degree of specificity in a GTC resolution than has appeared in the past.

Mr. Pelletier made a motion to table the pending Resolution; Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Adding the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program project Action on Resolution 02-10

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment and noted that the $400,000 in federal funding is an earmark from the Job Access and Reverse Commute program.

Mr. Nojay made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-10; Mr. Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Amending the 2001-2006 TIP by Advancing the Scoping & Preliminary Engineering phase of the Jackson Road / Atlantic Avenue Intersection project Action on Resolution 02-11

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed TIP amendment and noted that the amendment would advance the preliminary engineering phase of the project by one year in response to the Town of Penfields request letter.

Mr. Philbrick made a motion for approval of Resolution 02-4; Mr. Marianetti seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

i. Election of GTC Officers

Mr. Decker turned the meeting over to Wayne Houseman, representing Don Ninestine. Mr. Houseman noted that the Nominating Committee (Ed Doherty, Terry Rice, and Don Ninestine) nominated Marvin Decker for the position of Chairman and Jack Doyle for the position of Vice Chairman of the GTC Board. Mr. Houseman asked for additional nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were made.

Mr. Pelletier made a motion to close the nominations for the GTC Board; Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

The nominees were unanimously approved for office.

j. Any Other New Business

No new business

8. Next Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 8:30 a.m. at the Radisson Inn in Henrietta.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.